CH 74: After climbing over the mountain, the road will be better.

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Xiao Jue trotted his horse. Unconsciously, Heyan fell asleep. After a while, someone patted him on the shoulder and called her name: "Heyan!"

She opened her eyes and saw Liang Jiaotou standing in front of her eyes. She was still dozing against Xiao Jue. There was a trace of moistening on the inside of Xiao Jue's sleeve. I don't know if it was her saliva.

He Yan wiped his mouth and apologized and said, "right

The words have not finished, this person has been crisp off the horse, almost hurt her head back in the past. Xiao Jue said to Liang Ping, "I'll give it to you." Without looking at Heyan, he walked away.

He Yan said:

Look, she's not even given a chance to say thanks. He Yan shrugged, Liang Ping helped her down from the horse, and green ear was also aware of it. After he Yan left, the little hoof climbed up and went to the master.

He Yan's whole body is full of blood, even if Liang Ping has a stomach of questions, he can't ask at the moment, and only says, "can you move?"

"Coach Liang looks down on me too much," she said with a smile. "There's no problem."

"Well," Liang Ping sighed, "forget it. I'll send you back first and bandage the wound first. Then I'll talk about it later."

He Yan agreed immediately.

In the room, they all wait for wheat and stone. As soon as Heyan goes in, "Hula" sounds, a group of people gather around and ask.

"How about it? Are you okay? Are you all right? "

"Why did you bleed so much? Is someone dead? "

He Yan even saw Wang Ba, sitting on the box at the corner of the wall, and when he saw her, he seemed to want to move forward. Finally, he was patient and said, "it's not dead."

"Thank you, little brother." Heyan already knew from Liang Ping that it was Shen Han who Wang Ba went to find. He blinked at him and said happily, "I miss me so much. The boss is very moved."

"You Wang Ba, like a cat with hair blown up, jumped up from the box, glared at her, and left in a rage. Before leaving, he almost broke the door.

He Yan was helped to his bed and sat down. The stone handed him a bowl of water. He drank it in one breath and felt a little more comfortable in his throat.

Wheat said: "a he Ge, your hand has been bleeding, hurry to change clothes?"

He Yan light cough: "actually also not so serious."

"Isn't that serious?" Hongshan frowned, "if it wasn't for governor Xiao who went up the mountain to find you, would you still have your life tomorrow morning?"

"You shouldn't be a hero," Jiang Jiao also came, "for that kind of person, it's not worth it."

"Not bad." Huang Xiong held the Buddha beads on his neck. "They should be allowed to feed the wolves themselves."

He Yan said: She looked at a room full of people, and for the first time found her popularity so good? However, so many people, it is really a brain ache. 

Chirping, and someone pushed the door in, voice if oriole, "you all go out, I'll send medicine."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

He Yan curiously looked at the past, saw the crowd automatically out of a road, into a young woman. The woman was dressed in a palace Satin snow silk dress, her long hair was tied up in a snow-white ribbon, and a lotus hairpin was on her head, which was simple and beautiful. Jade face light brush, moon eyebrow star eye, very graceful and moving.

Even mosquitoes are public in Liangzhou Wei Suo. When have you seen such elegant and refined beauties? For a time, these men were silent for fear of disturbing the lovely fairy.

He Yan was confused and asked, "are you..."

"I'm the medical girl of liangzhouwei," the girl whispered, "Shen muxue."

He Yan felt that the name was familiar, but he could not remember where he had heard it. Shen muxue has put the medicine bowl in his hand gently on the head of the bed and turned to other people: "can you please go out first?"

Hongshan immediately blushed and said, "good, good." He yelled out the others and gave him an envious look when he left.

He Yan said:

He Yan asked, "is this medicine for me?"

Shen muxue nods, and Heyan takes the bowl and drinks it. Shen muxue was stunned and said, "in fact, you don't have to drink so fast..."

"Ah?" He Yan scratched his head, "anyway, I want to drink."

It seems to be amused by her. Shen muxue smiles and says, "that little brother, take off your clothes first. I'll take the medicine for you."

Beside the hot water, Heyan hesitated for a moment and said, "well, Miss Shen, you can put the medicine here. I'll serve it myself."

"You?" Shen muxue shook his head. "I'll do it."

"You're young, or a girl's home," He Yan Yu advised her. "I'm a man in the end. You can see how bad it is."

"There is no man or woman in front of the doctor." Shen Evening snow answer.

He Yan thought for a while, "you don't care, I have a problem."

Shen muxue raised his head. Heyan looked back fearlessly and said, "I have a fiancee, Miss Shen. My body can only be shown to my fiancee alone. You should be responsible for my pure and pure body. Do you know? " She wrapped herself in her clothes with a look of death rather than surrender.Shen muxue has not seen such a person who does not have a face. For a while, her movements stopped and she didn't know how to react.

"Just leave the medicine here." He Yan said, "I'll take medicine by myself. I'll defend myself for my sweetheart. Don't hurt me." She has a serious face.

Shen muxue was speechless for a moment, and finally was defeated by Heyan's shameless. She said, "the medicine and hot water are here. I'll go out and call me when you're good."

He Yan nodded happily: "thank you for your understanding."

Shen muxue retreats, Heyan breathes a sigh of relief. He takes off his clothes covered with blood, wipes his body with hot water, and changes into a clean dress. She pulled up her sleeve, and the elbow was bitten by the wolf. It was so bloody that he Yan took a deep breath and changed a handkerchief to clean the blood from the wound.

At this time, the door was pushed open again. He Yan was busy wiping his head. He said, "I didn't need to come in. Did I apply the medicine myself?"

A cold voice sounded, "your chastity to your fiancee is really moving."

He Yan raised his head, Xiao Jue stood a few steps away from her, holding his chest and looking at her.

He Yan was very dangerous. Fortunately, she just moved quickly and changed her clothes. So he squeezed out a smile, "how did the governor come? Don't come to me to settle accounts after autumn? As I said, I didn't mean to touch your waist when I was on the mountain

Xiao Jue's expression was stiff, and her eyes were about to get angry. She only raised her hand, and a round object was thrown into Heyan's arms.

He Yan picked it up and saw it was a delicate porcelain vase. It looked like a mandarin duck pot. She pulled out the plug and smelled it. It was bitter and astringent.

"This is Medicine? " She asked hesitantly.

The man didn't have a good airway: "treat your own injury first."

This scene is inexplicably familiar. He Yan is stunned and looks at him again. He must have just changed his clothes. He is as clean as new. Standing here, the moon is flowing down from the outside, reflecting his joyful figure. In an instant, it seems that he was back in his old days.

So it is.

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