CH 78: For four or five days in a row

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For four or five days in a row, he Yan did not go to the martial arts arena to practice.

In fact, she didn't care about her leg injury, but Shen muxue, the medical girl of Liangzhou Wei, came to give her medicine every day and repeatedly told her not to take strenuous activities. Hong Shan was also in the side of coax: "you listen to the doctor's daughter, if you are upset again, until the flag day, you can't take the first, can't enter the Qianfeng camp, then don't cry."

He Yan thought about it and gave it up. He was not in a hurry for a day or two.

But these days, as long as she gets off the arena, her room is basically full of people who come to see her. People often come to visit the doctor. Today, Jiang Jiao sent some sour and astringent plums. Tomorrow, Huang Xiong brought a bunch of roasted quails. The most speechless thing was Wang ba. He could not make himself down. He asked his new soldiers to send half a dried steamed bun, which was looted from other people's hands. He really regarded the barracks as his own mountain.

Liang Jiaotou came twice, and twice he saw Heyan, who was surrounded by the crowd. He took a look at the food that was pushed like a mountain on her table. He threw down a sour sentence: "Oh, my little life is good." and he Yan was helpless.

When he Yan's elbow was so noisy and scabby, and his legs could jump on the ground, seven or eight days had passed, and the day of fighting for the flag was getting closer and closer.

On this day, before the sun set, Hongshan returned. He Yan was surprised and asked, "Why are you scattered before the next martial arts performance?"

"Today is July 14, the mid Yuan Festival," wheat replied first. "The chief instructor asked us to go down to the martial arts field earlier, have dinner, and go to the river to put water lamps to worship our ancestors."

"This Liangzhou Wei is not bad. It still gives people time to worship their ancestors and relatives." Hong Shan sighed.

He Yan laughs and says that this is the tradition in the barracks. When she was in Fuyue army, every year on the mid Yuan Festival, the local government in her garrison would teach people to set up Daochang to worship the soldiers who died in the war. Now Liangzhou Weibei mountain is close to the river, which is very convenient to put water lamps.

"My elder brother and I are going to set the water lamp for my father and mother," wheat said of the dead father and mother, but there is no sadness, only a little bit of melancholy. Maybe his father and mother left too early, and his memory has been very weak. He asked Hongshan, "is brother Shan going to worship?"

"Go, my mother left early. I'll put one for my mother."

Several people agreed to look at Heyan: "ahe brother to go or not?"

Here, he Yan's identity is probably the most mysterious. She doesn't like to talk about family matters with wheat. Hongshan only knows that he Yan came to join the army because of his family's downfall. However, judging from her confident appearance in the martial arts arena before, he Yan is not a child of ordinary people.

"Me? I'll go too. " He Yan droops eyes, the voice goes down, "I also have to worship people."

Wheat, they realized that the atmosphere was not right, and they did not dare to ask. When they were about to turn the corner and talk about something more relaxed.

After dinner, the sun set completely, and the moonlight came out from the dark clouds, almost all the recruits of Liangzhou Wei came out.

The water lamp has to be folded by itself, and the paper is stacked in several big baskets in the arena. Heyan also went to get one. She was not very good at doing these handwork things. When she saw it, she folded it into the shape of a lotus lamp. She dropped a short white candle in the center of the lotus lamp and handed it to Heyan: "it's done!"

Thank you very much He Yan praises a way, "your hand is really clever."

Wheat embarrassed smile: "in the past, when the Chinese New Year's day, and big brother folded a lot of lanterns to sell, fold used to. If the paper is bigger, I can make it more beautiful and bigger! "

The stone knocked on his head and said in disapproval, "this is not the time for you to show off."

The wheat spat out his tongue and ran to the five deer river with the water lamp in his hand: "I'll put the lamp first, aho brother, hurry up!"

After the beginning of autumn, the weather in Liangzhou became cooler at night. In the morning, there was a rain, and the cool air did not disperse. The dense forest on the mountain gave birth to cool frost and dew. The moon and stars were rare, which made the river water bright and white.

The riverside was already full of people who came to worship their ancestors, and the candle fire swayed, like ten thousand silver flowers shining all over the river, reflecting the beating flames. Red lotus carrying the thoughts of worshippers drifted to the distance, where the water and the sky meet and become a bright light, gradually disappeared.

"Just here, brother ahoe..." Wheat turned around, a Leng, "where is ahoe?"

Hongshan and Shi Shi looked at each other, "I don't know. I was just here."

He Yan is sitting on a stone, which is not the most open place, so few people put lamps here. He Yan looks at the lotus lamp in his hand silently, and his heart is sour and sour.

All of a sudden, he Wanru drowned her in the water, and said to her, "you are pregnant."

At that moment, she was more happy than at a loss.

But this joy did not last for a moment, and she, her unborn child, sank together in the Xu family's pond.

He Yan always felt that she had never felt sorry for anyone in her last life. She had done everything she could to his family, to he Rufei, to Xu Zhiheng, but the only thing she felt guilty about was her flesh and blood. She gave him life, and before she brought him into the world, she killed the possibility for her own reasons. Maybe it was when she was a military general, too many people died under her, and countless evils were created. God would punish her like this. You should punish yourself. Why punish innocent children? She didn't even know whether it was a little girl or a little boy, so she died.He Yan took out the torch, the spark of the torch splashed on the candle, and lit the candle in an instant. The water lamp bloomed slowly in her hand, and the fire reflected in her eyes, forming a small flame. It seemed that tears were about to fall down and were quickly blurred.

"I'm sorry," she said in a low voice and sad voice, "you and my mother have no fate in this life. If there is an afterlife, you must be born into a good family. You will be happy all your life. Don't meet me again."

"Me too..." She put the water lamp into the river, "I will avenge you."

The river rippling, gently wrapped in the small water lamp, went forward, he Yan staring at it, has been swaying with countless light spots in the same place, can no longer tell who is who, just take back his eyes, rub his eyes.

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