CH 66: Heyan originally thought that if it was ma Damei

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Heyan originally thought that if it was ma Damei, who was called by Xiao Jue, they would compete with themselves in riding and shooting. After the competition, they would also see that they were outstanding and should always make some representations. But more than ten days have passed, and the days are still ordinary. Nothing happened except for the recruits who occasionally came to compete with themselves. He didn't even give the army more than one cup a day.

Maybe Just a chance? He Yan thought that maybe it was the boredom of a few coaches in Liangzhou. He wanted to try his own skills.

She left the matter behind for a while.

After a few rains, the heat seems to be reduced a little bit. Sometimes when I get up and run in the morning, there is no sun and cool wind. Before long, the summer of liangzhouwei will be over.

It is also because the weather gradually has a cool momentum, a few days ago, recruits can enter the mountains.

Baiyue mountain is very big. It takes at least a day and a night to cross the mountain. Therefore, the recruits were strictly forbidden to climb over the mountain, at most to the top of the mountain. Every day, five people in a team go up the mountain to patrol.

Hongshan did not understand, "what kind of logic do five people patrol? If there is a real danger, are five people enough?"

He Yan thought, of course, is not enough, because it is not for you to patrol.

The new recruits stationed in Liangzhou garrison have trained here for a whole summer. Before long, they will fight for the flag.

To fight for the flag is to plant more than a dozen flags on the top of the whole mountain, and select the recruits with good qualifications and excellent achievements to be divided into teams and fight for the flag on their own. There may be fights among the squadrons. When the team goes down the mountain at last, the team with the most flags will win. And the final winner will become the most promising recruits and will most likely enter the vanguard camp.

He Yan's goal is not today's front camp, but nine flag camp.

At present, let the recruits go to the mountains every day. In fact, it means that they can familiarize themselves with the terrain of Baiyue mountain in advance and remember the location, so that they will not be unfamiliar with the road when fighting for the flag. But the recruits didn't know, and he Yan, as a person who had been in the army, knew it.

The last time she was fighting for the flag in the desert County, the desert county was connected with the desert. Once the wind blew in the desert, the landmarks disappeared and the sand dunes changed. When they fought for the flag, the situation was very dangerous. If it was not for one of the big brothers in the team who found a small river, no one could walk out of the desert.

"Fighting for the flag" not only tests the individual skills of the recruits, but also depends on the unity and cooperation among the teams. It's not good to be good at one thing. The test for everyone is high. Although the so-called flag fight is said to be a period of time later, in fact, in a certain way, competition has started from now on. Smart people can remember the way when patrolling, while those who are not aware of it should just turn around casually and will not pay attention to it. They will not help the future "flag fight".

"Well, it's your turn to go up the mountain today. Can you hunt some rabbits with bows and arrows? Let's sneak back and roast them. I haven't tasted meat for half a month." The wheat licked his lips.

"I don't take a crossbow," He Yan laughed. "The crossbow is too heavy. I'll take a knife." The most important thing is that the crossbow is not suitable for close combat. If there is any problem, it will not work well. In addition, there will always be people with bows and crossbows in a team, so just borrow them.

Seeing wheat's face regretful, she comforted again: "it's OK. In a few days, we can go up the mountain together, and hunt rabbits as much as they want."

Wheat is skeptical.

He Yan couldn't tell him that when fighting for the flag, everyone was on the mountain, and the coach was not there. He could not even spend the night on the mountain. Naturally, he wanted to eat as much as he wanted.

She tied up her belt tightly and heard Hongshan say, "you go down the mountain early, and we'll celebrate the festival together tonight."

"What festival?" He Yan is at a loss.

"Qixi Festival!" said wheat

He Yan said:

Almost forget, today is the seventh day of July, daughter's day. However, they had a group of men who had a Chinese Valentine's day. Heyan jokingly said, "it seems that we should spend time with the girl I like? Do you have any girls you like? "

Hongshan immediately said, "don't look down on people. There are many girls who like your brother Shan. If you want to think about Tanabata, girls will be happy."

"I I didn't, "wheat said quickly," but my brother has! My brother likes sister Xiaolan in the noodle shop opened by Uncle sun in the east of the city! "

Stone:.... "

He Yan looks at the stone, the stone's ear is red to the root of the ear. Wheat asked again, "aho, do you have a girl you like? What kind of girl do you like

He Yan casually said: "good looking, smart brain, excellent skills, rich money, by the way, temperament should be gentle and considerate, lively and interesting. You'd better be good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It's better to be able to cook. "

After he Yan left, the wheat still chewed on his words and murmured: "ah ho brother's demands on his sweetheart are really high..."

"Listen to his nonsense," Hongshan nodded his head, "he wants to Shang princess, wheat, don't learn from him!"

Wheat nodded solemnly.......

He Yan first took a mandarin duck sword on the weapon rack of the martial arts arena. Since she defeated Huang Xiong's golden back dagger with Yuanyang Dao, some people practiced it every day. However, they were not as flexible as Heyan in practicing mandarin duck swords. After practicing for several times, they felt that they were not suitable for themselves, so they gave up. Therefore, yuan he was almost used in the martial arts.

When she went up the mountain today, she took the knife easily. If she wanted to make a fire on the mountain and roast two fish temporarily, it would be easy to kill fish.

She took the knife and went to the end of the track. The other four were ready.

He Yan, the four men, did not know each other. When he saw him, one of them pointed to him with a smile, "go pick the horse and we'll go."

He Yan nods, she goes to the stable to pick a horse, five people go up to the white moon mountain together.

The mountains are densely covered with forests, shading the sun. It is much cooler and more comfortable to walk than at the foot of the mountain. On both sides there were rabbits skipping by. Some people asked, "how about hunting some rabbits?"

"Good, good," the new soldier who said hello to Heyan said, "who brought a bow and crossbow?"

The crowd looked at each other.

It was about that the crossbow was too heavy, and he had to stay on the mountain for more than half a day. No one wanted to bring it, so no one took it.

"Well, I didn't take it," a new soldier with a hanging tip eye shrugged, his tone was not very good, but his eyes were looking at Heyan. "That's all we can do."

Everyone knows that he Yan's archery is superior to others. He probably thought he would take it.

He Yan looks back at him calmly.

Let general Feihong hunt rabbits for you. Do you have any brains? It's a big face. She thought.

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