CH 60: In front of the weapon rack

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In front of the weapon rack beside the high stage of the performance arena, Heyan is seriously thinking about it.

She didn't use many knives in the past. It's really inconvenient. Most of the knives on the weapon rack are willow blades and large ring knives, which are not easy for her. She thought and thought, reaching for a knife at the bottom.

Staring at her action, the recruits were stunned.

Those who did not understand asked, "why is this knife so small? It's not as long as a man's arm. "

Jiang Jiao saw the situation and said, "this is a mandarin duck sword, not a pair, but a pair."

Yuanyang Dao is not big indeed. It is only the same length as a person's forearm. The two knives are sealed in the same scabbard and can be hidden in sleeves or boots. The blade is wide and thick, only a few inches in front of the blade tip, which is convenient for backhand knife and grid block.

He Yan slowly drew the sword out of the scabbard. One was a little longer and the other was a little short. It was about that few people used mandarin duck Dao in peacetime. The knife was still quite new.

Yes, she praised in her heart. She played around in her hand and thought it was OK.

Wang Ba also came to the stage and saw the mandarin duck sword in Heyan's hand. For a moment, he said, "he actually used the mandarin duck sword?"

Huang Xiong on the stage was also puzzled. He saw that he Yan picked and picked. After picking the knife, he looked at him differently and asked, "double swords?"

He Yan nodded: "double swords."

"I didn't expect that you were young enough to be able to double swords?" Huang Xiong said, "sure enough, it's omnipotent."

He Yan modestly replied, "it's all forced by life."

The people at the bottom didn't feel good. Du Mao reached out and touched Liang Ping, "what does this Heyan family do? Life forced him to master all kinds of martial arts? Has he been abducted from the streets since he was a child

"You ask me, I ask who to go?" Liang Ping is not angry. He can even use mandarin duck Dao. Who can use mandarin duck Dao? Most of them are used by Greenwood people!

Who the hell is this!

No more words, Huang Xiong slowly took out the long sword in the sheath, and nodded slightly to Heyan, "please give me your advice."

He Yan thought, how to be "brother", even if she was 19 years old in her previous life, she should also call Huang Xiong "Uncle". Now Cheng Lishu calls himself big brother. If he follows Cheng Lishu, he should call him uncle Xiao Jue. Now he is called Uncle Xiao Jue, but he is called brother Huang Xiong?

Huang Xiong's age can be Xiao Jue's father, which is still a big round!

She thought so, the wheat under the stage exclaimed, "aho brother, be careful", but saw that Huang Xiong had already rushed over with a knife.

The big sword with golden back is popular with the tiger and tiger dancing by the big man. He tilts the knife to the left, moves his right foot slightly, turns around, and cuts it towards Heyan.

He Yan is bluffed, crouches down to avoid it. His backhand pushes the other side's blade tip with the back of his knife. The kite knife is in front of him, and the duck knife is behind him. He also approaches Huang Xiong.

Huang xiongren is so powerful that he just waves his knife away. He Yan has already thrown it at him. Huang Xiong is leaning away from him. Heyan turns up and takes back the throwing knife. The two stepped back in a standoff, staring at each other.

Huang Xiong is not Jiang Jiao. Jiang Jiao is still young. Huang Xiong's Dao has been with him for 30 years, and people and Dao have already formed a perfect tacit understanding. At the time of the fight, Heyan had already learned that this man's skill was above her.

We must make a quick decision, otherwise we will have to fight in the face. Heyan thought.

Huang Xiong's heart is also full of trouble. Over the years, thousands of people have fought with him, both good and bad. But how old was this young man? Just then he threw his knife and took it, which made him run smoothly and smoothly. How did he do it? He started using knives when he was three?

He Yan thought that Huang Xiong was a big man with a fierce but clumsy sword. He was not flexible enough. In this way, it is just right to choose Yuanyang Dao. In this way, it can be broken from "fast".

Her eyes moved and she said, "go on!" He went forward.

Huang Xiong holds the knife in his right hand, and takes a left step obliquely, stabbing at Heyan with a single knife.

He Yan Yuan Dao stabs in and joins him. Although she looks small, her strength is not weak. The two knives are glued together, but he Yan still has a knife. She took a flower with her other knife, bent her elbow, padded the back of the knife, went over her head, and waved a thorn at Huang Xiong.

Huang Xiong couldn't escape, and a corner of his clothes was cut off. Under the stage of the martial arts arena, there was a burst of screams.

From this moment on, people found that he Yan's movement began to become faster.

Her footwork is extremely flexible. One knife is wrapped around Huang Xiong's golden back sword, and the other is like a snake waiting for an opportunity. Although Huang Xiong has not been stabbed by her, he can never get a bargain. The single Sabre is fierce, and the two sabres are dexterous. It overcomes the strong with softness and overcomes the strong with weakness.

"You just asked me to teach you. I remember that we have a song formula for double swords," she had time to speak. "I'll read it to you."

Huang Xiong is stunned. She throws a sharp knife at every point.

"Shuofeng has two arms in June, and it is still intended to be used as one." She held a long sword on her left and right, and her posture was rustling.

"Before my eyes, my two arms curled around each other, and then I got a sword in Yuyang." It's hard to see the young man's manner when he is dancing with long swords. Only his smiling voice can be heard.

"One hand alone, as fast as electricity, only through the beat position has been introduced." Step by step, but not disorderly."It is known that the sabres in the past were not used at all, and they were used together, so they were trivial." The knife sweeps towards Huang Xiong's neck, and is narrowly avoided by Huang Xiong.

"Now I use the right sword in sword technique, but I use the left one to get the beat position." One left and one right, she used it skillfully and freely. She felt that the knife was her hand and her hand was like a blade.

In the martial arts arena, she read and dance. Corresponding to the slow sound, it is the action as fast as lightning.

The sound of the clash of knives and knives only makes people's hearts clench into a group.

Cheng Lishu several people came to see this scene.

"Uncle, you see, I said that my elder brother will win He exclaimed excitedly.

When someone recognized Xiao Jue, he cried out excitedly: "it's the governor, commander Xiao, general Fengyun coming to the arena!"

General Feng Yun?

So, the eyes of the recruits were immediately attracted by Xiao Jue. The noise spread to the martial arts arena, he Yan's ears moved, Xiao Jue?

She looked sideways and saw that Xiao Jue was standing next to Shen Han and Cheng Lishu not far from the stage.

The young man was dressed in blue and dark gauze with a crane's deep clothes. His demeanor was beautiful and his eyes were picturesque. He didn't look like a picture of the recruits in the martial arts field. This box is rough and deep, and his room is bright and clear. Separated too far, he Yan can not see his expression clearly, think is also a pair of indifferent kaolin flower appearance.

I didn't expect that Xiao Jue would come to see her in person. Does this mean that her good performance of setting up a local arena yesterday has finally reached the ears of those who should be passed on. Did Xiao Jue notice that she was such an outstanding talent?

"Big brother, be careful!" As she pondered, Cheng Lisu's exclamation sounded in her ear. Looking up, she saw the golden back sword in front of her.

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