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The wind threatened to blow the veil covering her face, making He Yan lower her head. She could hear He Yun Sheng gasping and whispering 'Chief Commander Xiao!' beside her.

The sight of the hero he had always worshipped prompted He Yun Sheng to make such a yearning exclamation.

"Chief Commander Xiao, what are you doing in the drill fields?" Zhao gongzi, who had acted so high and mighty in front of He Sui and the others, was merely a dog wagging its tail in front of Chief Commander Xiao. Everyone present could not help but shake in alarm.

"How much does this steed cost?" The young man on the horse asked calmly.

"Ah?" Zhao gongzi was at a loss for words, but he replied honestly: "Thirty taels of silver."

Chief Commander Xiao raised his chin and peered at Zhao gongzi. The next moment, two pieces of silver ingots flew out of the dark green sachet in his hand and landed on the grass. One of the pieces even bounced off Zhao gongzi's wrist before landing.

"I'll buy your horse," Chief Commander Xiao said, still indifferent.

Zhao gongzi's lips trembled. He could not utter a word.

Zhao gongzi had originally wanted to save his face and reprimand the real culprit, but he could not do so in front of Xiao Huai Jin, the second son of the Xiao family. Since he could not afford to provoke him, Zhao gongzi swallowed his evil intentions and smiled: "If you want this horse, I'll give it to you. You need not pay me."

"No," Xiao Jue countered. "Nothing in the world is free."

He Yan sighed in relief. Xiao Jue and He Yan were both generals. Therefore, they could not bear the sight of such fine steeds being killed in the streets.

Fortunately, the horse had escaped this plight due to Xiao Jue's timely intervention.

As He Yan was pondering this, He Yun Sheng stepped forward and looked at Xiao Jue with admiration.

He said: "Thank you, General Feng Yun, for saving this horse. I sincerely believe that saving lives is worth more than building a pagoda with seven storeys! You are truly amazing!"

If He Yun Sheng was that eager to talk to his hero, the least he could do was to select the right words.

His words were embarrassing, yet he didn't look like he would apologize. He instead looked like he would promise to study hard any time soon. He Yan could swear that Xiao Jue was sneering at Yun Sheng in his heart that moment.

Contrary to He Yan's expectations, Xiao Jue didn't make any sarcastic remark. Instead, he turned to He Yun Sheng, who was gazing at him with eyes as clear and brilliant as stars. He lightly asked: "Do you like this horse?"

He Yun Sheng took a look at the steed and answered honestly, "I like it."

"It's yours now," He said.

"Thank you... wait!" Needless to say, He Yun Sheng was dumbfounded. He wanted to express his gratitude, but Xiao Jue and the yellow-clad youth beside him had already urged their horses to move forward, obviously not willing to spend any more time there. He chased after them for a while, but returned back, still gazing at their distant backs.

He Yan walked up to him, stretched out her hand, and shook it in front of his eyes. "Are you in your right sense now, dear brother?"

He Yun Sheng withdrew his gaze, turned and said, "Where's Zhao gongzi?"

"He already left," He Sui rolled his eyes, seemingly not pleased at the way He Yun Sheng had acted. "While you were busy worshiping Chief Commander Xiao."

Rebirth of a Star GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now