CH 67: Rabbits can't be hunted, foxes can't be hunted, and birds can't be hunted

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If you can't hunt anything, you can only "patrol the mountains" honestly.

The mountain road of Baiyue mountain is rugged, but the scenery is excellent. The mountain stream rises the misty white fog, looks at the past, the emerald color encircles. Spring light and cloud, winding around the train, the peaks, towering up, as if fairyland.

He was very clever. He took some yellow paper with him. When he got to a place, he sketched a few steps on the yellow paper with charcoal, which was a way to remember. Every other way, people should make a mark on the tree, so as not to get lost and not know how to go back down the mountain.

Because everyone didn't have a bow and crossbow, they walked very quietly all the way. They set out in the morning and climbed to the top after noon.

We all tied their horses to the trees. There was a stream nearby, so we could have a rest by the stream. After eating dry food and enough physical strength, you can go down the mountain and go back to the guard station before the sun sets.

The new soldier who said hello to Heyan was not very strong. When he climbed to the top, he collapsed on the ground. Can't wait to take out from the arms of dry food to fill the stomach, while muttering: "can calculate to the top, go again I can't walk."

He Yan washed the handle by the stream, sat down under the stone beside him, and took out the dry food.

The dry food is dry cake sent in the morning. It is dry and hard. The new soldier comes over and takes out a handful of pine nuts from his pocket and hands it to Heyan and says, "here you are."

He Yan was surprised, "where did this come from?"

"Before I came to Liangzhou Wei, my mother installed it for me. I couldn't bear to eat it at one breath and save it." He was not willing to give up, but also pretended to be generous, "try it!"

He Yan picked up a grain from his palm, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth, saying, "it's very fragrant."

"Is that right?" The child was a little happy. "My name is Shen Hong. I know you, Heyan. You were so good in the martial arts arena before. Everyone couldn't beat you."

"Luck, luck." He Yan said with a smile.

Shen Hong looked at the distance and felt rather sorry, "it's a pity that I didn't bring a crossbow. I didn't know you went with us. If I know, I'll definitely bring one. You're so good at archery. If you hit a few rabbits with a crossbow, we can eat roast rabbits. "

He and Mai Mai are not half brothers? He Yan thought, casually asked, "what weapons do you bring?"

Shen Hong was embarrassed to grab the back of the head, "me? I'm not good at archery. It's no use carrying a bow and crossbow. The skill of knife is not so bad, and the skill of spear is also I didn't think I could be of any use, so I took one... " He pulled out a long stick from behind. "A handful of this."

He Yan was speechless.

He actually brought a stick, not an iron headed stick, but a long stick cut from bamboo. Is there such a weapon on the weapon rack in the arena? He Yan doubted that Shen Hong's stick would not be of any use. Oh, unless there is a jujube tree here, he can beat dates with this stick.

As if to see he Yan's speechless, Shen Hong hastened to remedy, "in any case, will not start with people."

He Yan nodded: "you are right."

She and Shen Hong are here. Diaoyuan and the other two are sitting on the other side slightly away from them. After eating, Heyan rests against the tree for a while. Shen Hong carefully asks her, "that, Heyan, can I borrow your knife?"

"What's the matter?"

"Did you see that one?" Shen Hong pointed to a green leaf beside the stream. The leaves were long and thin, and could not see what grass it was. He said: "our family has a medicine shop. This one is called shudaicao. It looks like" Xiebao "but not" Xiebao ". It can be eye-catching and soothing. I want to pick some back. We are here all day. Maybe we can use it. However, the book with grass is extremely tough, and it is not easy to pick. They bring either long knives or guns. It is not as easy to use as your knife. "

She used her knife as a sickle.

He Yan said All right She took out the mandarin duck knife from her waist and handed it to Shen Hong, saying, "be careful."

Shen Hong put down the stick in his hand and happily took the knife. He said to Heyan, "thank you. I'll cut more. I'll give you one."

He Yan wanted to say no, but he thought about it. He thought that maybe he could use it. Hong Shan said that he was hot and restless, and he couldn't sleep well. Besides, Shen Hong was so intent that he would not have to swallow two words back into his stomach.

She leans under the tree to see Shen Hong busy.

Looking at it, I suddenly heard something behind me. He Yan was stunned and asked, "is this going to go? Don't take a little more rest? "

All in all, they have been here for less than half an hour. It's still early, and there's more time to go down the mountain.

Diaoziao seems not to like Heyan, and he is impatient to talk to her, "if you don't go down the mountain, let's go to the front for a walk."

He Yan took a look at the front. Now it is the top of the mountain. To go to the front, he is to turn over the mountain. She frowned, "the coach said you can't cross the mountain."

"Just take two more steps and don't turn over," he said. "You didn't follow me. You stayed here. We'll come back later."

"I think," He Yan stood up, "it's better to listen to the instructor's words, maybe there is any danger.""Zheng Xuan, are you going or not?" Another person has already untied the horse rope, turned on the horse, urged.

"If you are afraid of danger, you don't go. Besides, heaven knows the earth, you know me. As long as you don't say it, who will know? Don't worry about it. Mow the grass with that fool! Let's go first. " After saying that, he did not care about Heyan. He turned himself on his horse and walked with the other two people to the deep forest.

He Yan wanted to catch up with him, but he couldn't let Shen Hong go here. As he thought about it, the three men had gone far away. She sighed and sat down again under the tree, but they didn't find anything wrong all the way up the mountain. There were no people in the mountain, nor any big beasts. At most, a few civet badgers and wild cats, when they saw people, ran away from them.

After a cup of tea, Shen Hong came from the stream with a bundle of grass in his hands. It is really shaped like a book belt, long and soft, close to smell there is a fragrance. Shen Hong found the longest one, tied the two piles of books with straw, and handed it to Heyan. "This is it. Go back and dry it in the sun. Find a cloth bag and put it under the pillow to keep the sleeping incense."

He Yan said, "thank you very much."

"It doesn't matter" Shen Hong waved his hand, which found that several other people were missing. He said strangely, "where are they?"

"Go for a walk." He Yan shrugged, "just wait for them to come back here."

Shen Hong didn't understand. She was about to ask. Suddenly, she heard a scream from the depths of the jungle. She was one of the recruits who had just joined them.

He Yan a Zheng, eyebrows frown, the next moment, then untie the rope on the horse, straight to the voice and go.

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