CH 80: Seven days

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Seven days, enough time for Heyan's leg wound to heal, although the hand injury is not complete, as long as the bow and crossbow training gun or something, it will not hinder his daily work.

In the seven days of waiting, the flag day finally came.

Liang Ping came to see Heyan the night before the flag fight and asked him how he was. He Yan was afraid that he would not allow himself to participate in the flag fight. He said in a hurry: "very good, excellent, very good. Do you want to fight with me

Liang Ping couldn't hold his face when he thought of riding and shooting with He Yan before. He coughed softly: "no, you can do it if you're OK. Go up the mountain with you tomorrow."

After he left, he Yan almost did not cheer.

Hong Shan said with a smile, "now you can fulfill your wish."

"I don't know what it's like to fight for the flag," wheat begged, looking at Heyan. "After he goes down the mountain, he will tell us about it word by word."

"Isn't your brother going up the mountain, too? Why just ask ah Ho? " Hongshan Road.

"My brother won't say it." The wheat curled its mouth.

Although there are tens of thousands of new recruits in Liangzhou Wei, everyone can not fight for the flag on the mountain. Moreover, they are only selected for the vanguard camp, who perform particularly well in the martial arts arena on weekdays. Both wheat and Hongshan can only be regarded as mediocre in qualification, and are not in the line of competing for the flag. Only stone and Heyan were chosen to go up the mountain.

"The wound on your hand is not all right." Hongshan worries for Heyan, "when the time comes, don't fight hard. If you can't fight, you can run, you know? All Liangzhou guards know you are good and don't care about winning or losing that time. "

"It's too bad for ahogo," said wheat. "If it wasn't for ahogo's injury, the first thing would be ahoga."

"It's OK." He Yan comforted: "even if I was injured, the first is certainly me."

The rest of the house laughed.

"Again! We're going to set up a challenge arena on the mountain again. Does anyone want to bet on dry cakes? "

"Bet fart, I haven't lost last time."

A noisy, but let he Yan's heart a little relaxed. In fact, she has not been fighting for the flag for a long time, and her memory of the last flag fight is not very good, and she is not the most brilliant one. Who knows what the result is this time.

However, compared with the results of the flag fight, the most important thing is the performance in the process of flag fighting. If you want to enter Jiuqi camp, you don't just look at the result of this time. If you want to come to Baiyue mountain, all the coaches will hide in the dark and have a good view of their performance. The one who shows the best performance may have a chance to enter the nine flag camp.

Therefore, this is not so much a competition as a play, and the audience is only one person from the beginning to the end, that is the second young master Xiao. In order to win the favor of Xiao Jue, she has to work up a spirit of 120000 and make every step beautiful and thoughtful.

She should be able to do it.


Outside the station, Shen Han gave Xiao Jue a bow: "governor, you are all ready."

Green ear in the side step two, Xiao Jue stroked its head, way: "set out."

Shen Han nodded and suddenly remembered something: "Master Cheng's side..."

"I've sent someone to protect him in the dark. Don't worry." He looked at the direction of Baiyue mountain, "it's almost time. Let them start at once."

"Yes," Shen Han said


When he Yan comes to the arena, he doesn't see Liang Ping, but he sees Du Mao. Du Mao holds a book in his hand and points out the names of Heyan and Shi Shi. They come forward and find Jiang Jiao, Huang Xiong and Wang Ba standing on one side.

"Five people fighting for the flag are in a group, you are in the same group." Du Mao said: "after a stick of incense, you will start from here on foot to mount Baiyue. You are not allowed to cross the mountain. Red flags are planted everywhere in the mountain. You must go back here before sunset. " After a pause, he added: "there are 30 groups of recruits going up the mountain in this fight for the flag. After returning to this place, the number of red flags in their hands is the number, and the group that wins the most flags is the group that wins."

"There are weapons on the weapon rack. Please pick one that is convenient. The bow and crossbow are not available. Fight for the flag on the white moon mountain. Don't hurt your colleagues. Stop when you click. Don't hurt your life. Don't worry about the friendship of your friends. "

Several people nodded together.

Jiang Jiao chose the spear he was good at, while Huang Xiong took his big sword with his gold back. Although Wang BA was good at bow and crossbow, he could not use bow and crossbow in this battle. So he chose a phoenix head axe and looked at it smartly. The stone took an iron headed stick. When people looked at Heyan, they thought he would take the mandarin duck sword, but she took a nine knot whip on the shelf.

"You..." The stone hesitated. They all know he Yan is good at knife, crossbow and spear, but they don't know how she uses whip. The whip is not as powerful as the sword.

"You'll know when you get to the mountain." He Yan a smile, "let's go."

Several people then each with weapons, toward the white moon mountain rushed away.

Du Mao said with a loud smile behind them: "I'm waiting for your good news here. Go, boys and girls!"

The birds in the forest were scared to fly around. People didn't enter the forest and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ma Damei and Liang Ping came from a distance. They led their horses and said to Liang Ping, "it's almost time. Let's start."......

Thirty groups of people, more than 100 recruits in the white moon mountain, such as fish into the sea, nothing to see. Just stepping into the woods, Wang Ba suddenly said, "wait a minute!"

Several people stopped and looked at him: "what?"

"Before us, some people have advanced into the mountain. What if they are ambushing in the forest at this moment and we step into the trap?"

"Don't worry," He Yan said with a smile: "the fight for the flag has just begun. Everyone is busy to grab the flag. We have no flag in our hands now. What's the use of ambushing us. I guess everyone is going to Go by the white stone in the south of the mountain. "

"Why is Shannan white stone?" Jiang Jiao asked.

"Stone, show them the map." He Yan looks at the stone.

The stone took out a roll of paper from his arms and slowly unfolded it. However, there were several red dots on the paper, which had only a general orientation. Each group of flag makers will have a map, which shows the location of the flag, but only the general orientation. The map is also very scrawly. Even there are no trees and rivers marked. There are only four directions in southeast, northwest and northwest.

"You see, there are twenty flags." He Yan pointed to the red dot at the bottom, "the side closest to the foot of the mountain should be the mountainside part. When recruits enter the mountain, they will naturally first search for the nearest flag and want to get it in their pocket. There is a stream beside the white stone in the south of the mountain. There is no tree cover around it. This flag should be the best one to look for. Therefore, most of the brothers who are more advanced than us in the mountains have gone to look for this flag. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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