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"I," the young woman slightly nodded her head, "am only one who has been trained in horsemanship."

The girl swept her hands behind her, clasping an iron-headed stick and swaying it in a mischievous and leisurely manner, her tone relaxed.

"Yan Yan?" He Sui was stunned for a moment, and then quietly rebuked: "What are you talking about?"

He Yan didn't spare He Sui a glance, but instead stared at Zhao gongzi and challenged, "Is the gentleman willing?"

Zhao gongzi was a man of passion. Although the girl's face was concealed behind a veil, from her pair of exposed eyes, he could faintly guess her appearance to be above average. Besides, when she reached her hand out with a stern look, her voice had sounded very clear, much like a delicate beauty. And when a delicate beauty put forward her request, he naturally did not have the heart to refuse.

"The girl doesn't know that this horse is fierce. If you are hurt because of this, I will be very upset," he also reminded with good intentions, conscious of his own gracefulness.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the girl chuckle and, in a flourish, the peony flowers on the girl's vermilion dress dazzled his eyes, conjuring a fragrant breeze. Looking up again, He Yan was seated upright atop the horse's back, clutching the reins in her hand.

He Sui had originally pulled the horse towards them, but he didn't expect He Yan to suddenly turn over and mount on the horse. As soon as his hand loosened, the rope fell, frightening the horse. He let out a long hiss and lurched up in place.

"Yan Yan—" He Sui exclaimed, also startling He Yun Sheng.

He Yan was in no hurry. She simply tossed the reins aside and hastily grasped the mane on the horse's neck. She held it firmly and tightly, intent on keeping the horse upright and stable. She then bent forward and pressed her lips close to the horse's ear, purring a series of strange noises.

Strangely, the horse stopped struggling, and its front hooves retracted to its original place, gradually calming down.

The crowd was astonished.

"Yan Yan, come down quickly," He Sui's heart finally fell to the ground, and he eagerly extended his hand towards He Yan, "Don't fall."

He Yun Sheng finally came back to his senses. The boy bit his lips, his face turning white as his voice trembled, "You... come down quickly! Do you want to die? Do you?!"

"Hahahaha," the dazed master Zhao burst out laughing. "I didn't expect the girl to be an expert. In that case," he also turned over and hopped on the horse, "How about a match, little girl? "

He had proposed very elegantly.

He Yan smiled, "The gentleman should be careful. I did say I was trained." After which, she stretched out her hand, slapped the horse's buttocks, and had the horse gallop away with a cloud of dust!

"Don't you use a whip?" Mr. Zhao murmured, then flourished his whip, "Go!"

The two horses trailed out smoke on the track, leaving behind a crowd of stunned onlookers.

He Sui slowly turned his head and shot He Yun Sheng an inquisitive look. He Yun Sheng hastened to explain, "Don't ask me. I don't even know when she had learned to ride a horse!"

He Sui thought he was imagining things.

He knew his daughter best. She was proficient in the four arts: music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and was also eager in dressing herself up. But when it came to riding horses and playing swords, let alone being skilled, the mere mention of them provoked her disgust. He Yan was fond of those elegant childe brothers who immersed themselves in tea, poetry, and flowers beneath the moonlight. She shied away from these coarse things for fear of ruining her delicate skin.

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