CH 51: He said yes.

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Liang Ping, who has never made a sound, now looks at Heyan with different eyes. Having had the experience of several times before, he knew that this youth can't be empty talk big words, since promised, at least should be not bad.

What can he shoot?

"If you want to shoot wild things, go into the woods." It's a bully. Lin Zi is on the white moon mountain. He looks at Liang Ping. Liang Ping takes back his thoughts and shakes his head and says, "no way."

Wang Ba and he Yan are both new recruits. They have never been to Baiyue mountain and are not familiar with the way of Baiyue mountain. The recruits will have to wait for some time before they enter the mountain. They can't do it now. He said, "take the bird as the target."

Birds The recruits were surprised. If wild animals are more difficult than grass targets, birds are more difficult than wild animals. People on the ground, birds in the sky, the natural distance is different. And shooting from the ground to the sky requires more eyesight and arm strength.

Wang Ba burst out laughing, "OK

He Yan also said with a smile: "no problem."

Both of them agreed so lightly, but let the recruits who had just calmed down were excited again. It seems that Wang Ba often shoots birds and wolves up the mountain. What about Heyan?

Wheat quietly pulled the corner of the stone's coat, "big brother, do you say that ahoga can win?"

"I don't know." Stone answered.

Wheat surprised to see his big brother, stone did not have a negative. Does it mean that he Yan could have hit it?

"You go get the bow." Liang Ping said that he called another recruit, and didn't know what to do. The new soldier listened to coach Liang's orders and turned around to find a gong on the shelf of the arena. He took the gong and ran to the woods not far away.

A moment later, "Dong" a sound, he in the sound of a hard knock on the Gong, only heard a burst of "fluttering edge" sound, startled countless wild birds.

There are many wild birds in Baiyue mountain. Last time, he Yan saw white bellied blue swallow and green pearl sparrow. The wild birds quickly flew into the sky. In a moment, Wang Ba immediately arched with his bow. He was skillful in his movements. He was determined to have a relaxed attitude towards the birds in the mountains and forests.

The arrows flew up into the sky, and the birds in the flock seemed to be hit by something and fell down. In the martial arts arena, people exclaimed: "shot! I got it The recruit picked up the arrow on the ground with a crimson arrow.

This is Wang BA's prey.

Wang Ba looks at Heyan with pride.

He Yan laughs and points his bow at the sky. She moves faster than Wang Ba, which makes people wonder whether she is aiming at her prey. However, the arrow has already flown out. The sun is so huge that it blurs people's sight, which makes it impossible to distinguish the direction of the arrow.

Stone does not blink at the sky, after a long time: "in."

"Really?" Hong Shan looks suspicious, "how can I not see clearly?"

In a corner of the martial arts arena, someone's voice sounded again, "I've picked up Heyan's arrow! Here it is He ran to Liang Ping with an arrow and said, "here

On the arrow, there is a willow string.

Liang Ping and Wang Ba looked at Heyan at the same time.

The former is a surprise to discover that the man in front of him is a treasure, while the latter is full of unbelievable.

How did he do it?

Wang Ba clenched his bow and said, "come again!" "Go on!" he yelled at the rookie who sounded the gong

The recruits struck several gongs, and from the woods, a large number of birds flew out at once. Wang Ba put several arrows on his hand at the same time, and let them go at once!

A few arrows rushed into the sky together, but it was not clear whether they had been hit or not, but a moment later, someone in the martial arts arena excitedly called, "yes! I have the arrow

A few arrows can hit a hundred. This man is already one in a hundred. No, it can be said that he is one in a thousand. What about Heyan?

When we looked at Heyan again, he Yan gave a smile. He also imitated Wang BA's appearance and put several arrows on the bow together.

The bow was pulled full, the young man's face hung with a relaxed smile, as if to go to the Surabaya beach for an outing to the youth's home, playing shooting at will.

She pulled the bow.

The arrow also rushed into the flock of birds. The birds fled in a panic. Someone yelled at the martial arts arena, "hit it! I got the arrow

If you take the arrow in front of the coach, you will not miss it.

"You Wang Ba bit his teeth and turned to carry the arrow barrel. "I don't believe your good luck again." He kept shooting with his bow, but he wanted to shoot all the arrows in his quiver.

There are 20 arrows in each arrow barrel, and the color of the arrow feathers is also different, which is convenient for recruits to distinguish when they practice. Wang Ba took the red arrow feather. Heyan picked the arrow feather and picked the blue arrow feather. She also learned from Wang BA's archery.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. They could only hear the sound of gongs in the woods and the birds flying in the sky.

"How beautiful! How interesting Cheng Lishu's eyes lit up and he grabbed Liang Ping's arm and praised, "it's much more interesting than in the capital hunting ground! Coach Liang, why are your soldiers so interesting? How did you find such a talent? "Liang Ping made up his smile. He was at a loss. He didn't know it! It's a surprise to have a Wang ba. Well, now we have another Heyan. Liang Ping doubts whether he is dreaming.

Twenty arrows were used up in an instant.

The recruits on the arena were also enthusiastic, collecting the fallen arrows and taking them to coach Liang. Twenty red arrows, of which twenty are green, have no false shot.

Liang Zhou Wei's recruits, unexpectedly out of such a two hundred one, shooting stone Yinyu God archers. Liang Ping thought that if he was about to be promoted, he would not be promoted, and the monthly rate should also rise.

"I didn't expect ah Hege to be so powerful..." I've muttered to myself.

"I didn't expect," Hong Shan didn't return to his mind. "I had known I would have won ahe..."

Yeah, it's not over yet. Hongshan's words seemed to remind people that a new soldier suddenly cried out: "this It's a draw! Is He Yan and Wang Ba the same result? What's the deal? "

Yeah, how about that?

Wang Ba lowered his head. No one knew what he was thinking. After a moment, he raised his head and his face was cloudy and clear. "You didn't win."

"Yes," He Yan did not deny, she even sincerely praised the other side, "is your archery is too good, I trust big."

"Even if you draw, you still don't beat me today." It's a bully. At this point, he is also a little flustered. In fact, he Yan can keep pace with him in the same way as the birds, which shows that he is equal to himself in the other skills of bows and crossbows.

He couldn't find any other way to beat Heyan.

"I said ten days ago, ten days later, I will defeat you. How can we make a draw now that there is no point in winning or losing? " He Yan is good at fanning, "since you can't think of a way to compete, then I'll mention one, how about it?"

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