CH 72: In the pit

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In the pit, the boy was leaning against the stone wall, full of blood, half of his body was huddled under the body of the wild wolf, with many scars. He was really in a mess, but he was still in a romantic mood.

He looked at his own pair of eyes clear, full of surprise, but not a trace of joy.

He Yan blurted out: "Xiao Governor, why are you here? "

At this time, she thought no one would come. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it was very unlikely that Zheng Xuan would find someone to rescue her. Shen Hong was so timid that he would not dare to say anything more with a little threat. If others can't expect it, they can only rely on themselves. He Yan wanted to stay here until dawn. When his blood dried up, he got enough strength and tried to climb into the pit. He didn't expect that someone would come to save her, let alone Xiao Jue.

Xiao Jue did not answer her words, only asked: "can you come up by yourself?"

He Yan: No

The pit was rough, but it was too deep for her to climb.

Xiao Jue looked at her, turned around and left. He Yan was in a fog. What's the meaning? He just left?

But for a moment, he came back again, holding a long thing in his hand. He Yan looked at it carefully. It was not the bamboo stick that she had broken. Although it is broken into two pieces, it just stretches down from the top and can be held by Heyan.

Xiao Jue half knelt beside the pit, stretched out the bamboo stick and said, "catch it."

He Yan was speechless for a moment, but he had to admit his life to hold him. But he thought, is it also true that he should expect Xiao Jue to fly down and carry himself out? She felt cold when she thought about it.

This man looks at xiuru Meiyu, but his strength is great. Heyan grabs the bamboo stick, and he can pull it up with one hand. When he was near the exit, he held out a hand to Heyan and motioned for him to grasp himself.

He Yan was about to stretch out his hand. When he reached half of it, he was frozen in the air. I'm tired of fighting with wolf. I don't know if her hand is full of blood. This bloody hand, together with Xiao Jue's white hand, is really ugly.

Xiao Jue, the most love Jie, he Yan some hesitation. The man seemed impatient to wait, and without waiting for her to figure out what to do, he went forward, grasped her wrist and pulled her up.

There was no longer the suffocating blood gas in the pit outside, and the sky suddenly became much larger. Stars covered the top of the head, as if to sink down, countless bright convergence together, as if to light up the world.

She turned to see Xiao Jue again.

The young man stood up and threw away the bamboo stick. His eyes were fixed on her. After a moment, he said, "you killed a wolf?"

What's the problem? Heyan didn't understand. She still laughed and said, "yes, I almost died. I didn't have weapons. I was stoned to death, and I was bitten twice."

Blood seeped out of the young man's sleeve and dyed her red dress into a dark color. However, she looked as usual and asked, "how could the governor come in person? What about the others? "

"It's too late. I came up alone." He kowtowed, and Heyan saw that there was a horse not far away. He saw Xiao Jue's movements and ran to Xiao Jue. Heyan saw his ears green and his heart moved by the moonlight. People all know that Fengyun general has a love of riding. He travels thousands of miles every day and pursues the wind and electricity. His name is green ear. I didn't expect to see it here today.

"Now we Go back? " He Yan hesitated to ask.

Xiao Jue looked at her strangely: "do you want to spend the night here?"

"No, it's not." He Yan explained: "I mean, there is no one else here, there is only one horse..." Does Xiao Jue want her to follow her all the way? Is it too bad? tragic beyond compare in this human world!

He patted green ear's head, the horse gently lowered his head, Xiao Jue looked at her, "go up."

"Eh Me He Yan was shocked.

Xiao Jue is willing to let her ride this famous horse? Did she hear right?

Xiao Jue pulled a corner of the mouth: "if you want to walk back, it's not impossible."

"No, no, no, I can!" He Yan replied, "I'm so happy!"

Today is what good day, she can actually ride to the legendary green ear, Heyan just want to laugh. She limped to green ear. The horse was very tall and powerful. Originally, the movement of turning over and getting on the horse should be very natural and unrestrained. Unfortunately, her whole body is injured and she can't be natural and unrestrained if she wants to be smart. Can only grasp the saddle with one hand, and try to rub up.

He Yan's leg was hurt, and his arm was bitten by a wolf. With a strong force, the blood that had just dried up immediately seeped out again. In a blink of an eye, half of his sleeve was wet. And her face was as usual, pale and smiling, with big drops of sweat rolling on her forehead, and her hair was wet.

The man had no idea how embarrassed he was. Xiao Jue raised her eyebrows slightly.

He Yan was still climbing up with his hands and feet. Suddenly, someone's voice came from his head. He said, "don't you feel pain?"

He Yan was stunned. At the next moment, someone took her by her waist and drove her up. Before she had time to cry out, she had already sat on the horse's back, and her back was against another person. If there was no moon Lin Xiang, she would disturb her thoughts."Sit down." Xiao Jue road.

It is difficult for Heyan to describe the feeling of this moment.

She did not expect that Xiao Jue would carry her to the horse's back Should it be a hug? She didn't feel it clearly. It was too fast. But now he is really sitting behind him. Heyan is petite and his head is just leaning against his chest, which seems to be It was like nestling in his arms.

She was horrified by this idea, and her subconscious feeling was not bashful, but frightened. Xiao Jue is not a romantic person, not to mention she is still a man. Today's variety, is not oneself in the dream?

Xiao Jue urged the horse to go, and Heyan said, "wait, wait!"

"What happened?" he asked

"Look at that wolf," He Yan pointed to the wolf corpse in the pit. "I managed to kill it. It's a pity to leave it here."

The man replied coldly, "what do you want?"

"Bring it with you?" Heyan asked tentatively.

After a long time, the youth sneered: "yes."

"Really?" He Yan surprised to turn back, "governor, you are really a good man!" She didn't expect much at all.

He bent the corner of his lip, and his eyes were indifferent: "it comes up, you go down."

He Yan said:

She said, "when I didn't say it."

The horse walked two steps, and she turned back, almost bumping into Xiao Jue's arms. "Otherwise, I'd better go down and peel the wolf's skin before leaving. It's going to be autumn. How nice to make a wolf skin boot?"

The answer to her is a cruel word.

"Shut up."

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