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He Yan returned home with the money.

Fortunately, Qing Mei didn't notice as He Yan searched for the chest in which she had kept silver and pieces of jewelry. After emptying its meager contents, she filled in the treasure she had earned that night.

Perhaps it was because she had won a huge amount of money that night, she was in a good mood and slept soundly. She dreamed of those good, old days when she used to gamble with the soldiers under her. In her dream, the men yelled: "Open! Open!" Seeing that He Yan was reluctant, one of them laughed loudly: "General, what's the matter? Did you lose again?"

"Did General win even one round tonight?" The Deputy General shook his head, apparently disappointed. "Ah... General isn't good at this."

"Shut it! Haven't you people heard the saying 'the one who loses in gambles wins in love'? Our General may have lost this time but I tell you, he'll be invincible when it comes to his love life!"

He Yan guffawed when she heard that.

As she laughed, she felt someone pushing her. Her eyes fluttered open. Qing Mei's face appeared in front of her. "Miss, did you dream of something good? You were smiling happily while sleeping."

The room was bright because of the sunlight flowing in through the windows. He Yan shielded her face from the light with her hand. She was shaken inside. It was the first time she had woken up so late.

Spring days were really comfortable for sleeping.

She recalled the dream she had. Back then, the men had consoled her saying that her love life would be successful, but they didn't have any idea how wrong they were. Perhaps she won several rounds last day because her conjugal life was a failure.

He Yun Sheng's indignant voice came from the door: "He Yan, the sun is already up, aren't you going to work today?"

It was hard to believe that the person who said this was the same as the one who strongly opposed the idea of her going to work.

"Wait for me." He Yan swiftly changed into clean clothing.

Just as Qing Mei walked out carrying a basin of water, He Yun Sheng entered the room and said: "Why are you so slow today... He Yan?!"

"What?" He Yan is busy tying up the sandbags to her limbs as she met He Yun Sheng's furious eyes. Puzzled, she asked: "What's wrong?"

He Yun Sheng pointed to the chair: "What's wrong?! See for yourself what's wrong!"

There was fury in the young man's voice. It felt as if he could burn down the entire household just with the fire in his voice. He Yan looked towards the direction he was pointing to. There was the maroon long coat, carelessly crumpled in a chair, the one she had 'borrowed' from He Yun Sheng to go to the casino. After returning, she simply took off the coat and threw to the chair. She hadn't given it much thought until now.

Not waiting for He Yan to respond, He Yun Sheng took a step forward and took a look at the coat. The coat was crumpled up by He Yan, it was also dirty and smudged. Upon closer look, there was a cut in the middle. Altogether, it looked rather wretched.

"So this is what you wanted to sew for me?" Nothing could diminish He Yun Sheng's raging fury now. To think that he was so touched when He Yan expressed willingness to sew his clothes for him. He had come to the conclusion that He Yan did love her brother but looking at the coat... she was definitely sent by God to punish him!

"This is a misunderstanding, I can explain." He Yan tried to calm down the lad.

"Explain? How would you explain this? Do you know..." He Yun Sheng's voice was full of wrath at first, but now, he suddenly choked and his eyes turned red. He said: "This was my only coat... you cut it into pieces, what would I wear now?"

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