CH 56: "Is that all right?"

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I don't think so. Liang Ping thought of this sentence in his mind and was about to say it. He said, "Hey, ask coach Liang what to do. Go straight to Heyan! The boy has his own score. If he wants to, he can't, but if he doesn't, it's not very simple. "

"That's right." Du Mao nodded and said to Jiang Jiao, "go straight to Heyan. But, "after a pause, he ordered," it's OK to have a competition. You can't hurt anyone. "

When he said that, Liang Ping could do nothing but watch Jiang Jiao go to Heyan.

Jiang Jiao arrives in front of Liang Jiaotou's new recruits team and sees he Yan playing with a gun. It's not that she's too flashy, it's just that she's too small to stand out among these strong men. Jiang Jiao didn't immediately go forward, but looked at Heyan quietly for a while. He Yan didn't play any complicated shooting skills, but simply put in and stabbed out. However, even if it was the most common shooting technique, she practiced it conscientiously, without any laziness.

After reading for a long time, someone noticed him and asked, "brother, what are you standing here to watch us do?"

"I'm looking for someone." Jiang Jiao said, and then strided to Heyan.

He Yan was stabbing the gun forward. Unexpectedly, the head of the spear was held by someone. The stabbing man stepped back two steps. She raised her head and said strangely, "what do you do with my spear?"

Jiang Jiao stepped back two steps when he was stabbed. He Yan seemed to be dancing with a soft gun, but he didn't know how powerful the gun was until he really held the gun head. If his family was not a martial arts school, he had to be stabbed and fall to the ground.

With this in mind, he began to look down on him seriously and said, "I heard that brother he is outstanding. I would like to have a competition with brother he in the long spear. How about it? "

He Yan blinked his eyes, understand, this is another to challenge?

Hongshan stood behind Heyan. He patted his head and said, "it's bad. People are afraid of being famous. Pigs are afraid of being strong. Last time ahe won Wang Ba, I knew it would be bad. Look, this is the second one."

"There will be more in the future?" Wheat asked quietly.

"It's a lot. There's always a third, a fourth, a fifth." Hong Shan shook his head, "people like to be competitive. What's the point of fighting back and forth? "

What's the point? He Yan thought it was interesting. She always thought that if she wanted to enter Jiuqi camp, she would have to let Xiao Jue find out that she was an outstanding hero. But Xiao Jue didn't come to the martial arts arena every day to see the recruits training, and she didn't show her performance. Unless someone, like Wang Ba, had been challenging her to achieve her reputation, it would naturally spread to Xiao Jue's ears.

But I don't know why, since the last time Wang Ba and his bow and crossbow competition, no one has come to challenge her. He Yan speculates that it may be the lost dry cake that makes the recruits lose their vitality, and they don't want to see themselves for the time being. She can not take the initiative to find people, see a person to let others with their own competition.

Now there is another one. It's not drowsiness. What is a pillow delivery? It's wonderful.

"Good." He Yan stood the spear on his side, "how do you want to compare it?"

She answered too simply, let Jiang Jiao also Zheng for a moment, hesitated for a moment, he said: "you and I two people row on the line, point to stop."

"Yes." He Yan said, "go get your gun, and compare it on the stage of the martial arts arena."

"You..." Jiang Jiao hesitated and asked, "don't you have to wait ten days?"

He Yan a Leng, some funny, "not every time to 10 days."

Do they think she's going to do it in ten days? A few days ago, it was really because of insufficient strength. Now, in addition to training every day, she has not forgotten to practice stone locks. Although she is not as strong as a strong man, ordinary crossbows are enough.

On hearing the news, several instructors came together. Someone touched Liang Ping's arm and said, "Lao Liang, I said it earlier. I can't point out that your new recruit has not paid attention to this competition at all. You are just worrying about it here!"

Liang Ping:

He thought Heyan would not agree. He thought that if he Yan refused in person, Jiang Jiao would not say anything more. I didn't expect he Yan himself to accept it. This boy never knew how to write "refuse"? Or is he confident enough that no matter who comes to challenge, he will not refuse?

"I'm looking forward to it." Du Mao pulled off the cowhide water bag on his waist and drank a sip of water. His eyes were staring at Heyan, who was walking toward the high platform. "Or, let's have a bet?"

"No gambling." Liang Ping refused. The man who lost the dry cake in the camp last time was hungry for a whole month, which made people feel terrible. Now that recruits don't gamble, how can the head coach still be blocked?

"He's a coward, he won't come, I'll come!" Another coach said, "I'll bet on rice wine at the end of the month, and I'll bet on Jiang jiaosheng."


Cheng Lishu gets the news that Heyan wants to compete with Jiang Jiao on the spear. His first reaction is to find Xiao Jue in the next room.

He went away in high spirits. Xiao Jue was talking to his own private secret guard. Seeing this, he frowned, "Cheng Lishu, what do you look like running around?""Uncle, I'll tell you to see a good play!"

Xiao Jue motioned for dark Wei to leave. After he left, he asked, "what's the matter?"

"I'm a big brother. Brother he, I'm going to have a competition with others today." Cheng Lishu grabbed Xiao Jue's sleeve. "It's about to start now. It's in the martial arts arena. Let's go and have a look. How about it?"

"Heyan?" Xiao Jue raised her eyebrows.

He remembers Heyan. In a few months, his name has been spread all over liangzhouwei. First, he ran, and then he became Cheng Lishu's big brother. Cheng Lishu stealthily delivers food to Heyan from time to time. He also turns a blind eye to him. Quan should be a child's game.

However, he was determined. Although his qualifications were mediocre, every night after the recruits went to bed, they still had to go to the arena to continue training. They would not go back to their rooms until the third shift of the month.

"Yes, I know that, too." Cheng Lishu pulled Xiao Jue's sleeve and took him out. "It's said that the boy took the initiative to find my elder brother today. My elder brother will definitely teach him what real shooting is!"

Xiao Jue glanced at him, "sleeve."

Cheng Lishu immediately let go of his hand, instead, he hugged his arm and begged, "uncle, go and have a look with me. My elder brother is really powerful, not inferior to those strong men in your nine flag camp

Xiao Jue chuckled, as if he was not sure what he said, but he did not stop, and eventually went out with him.

Cheng Lishu breathed a sigh of relief and thought in his heart, big brother, little brother, I can only help you get here.

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