CH 79: Xiao Jue went to Jingzhou

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Xiao Jue went to Jingzhou with the soldiers of Nanfu in those years. Although the world knows that Xiao's second son is excellent in both literature and martial arts, he is still young and can't afford to shoulder the heavy responsibility. Zhao Nuo is the governor of Jingzhou. He is lustful, greedy and ignorant. When Xiao Jue first arrived in Jingzhou, he didn't pay attention to Xiao Jue. It's very rude to make jokes at times. That's all right. In the first World War of Jingzhou, Xiao Jue led his troops to the battlefield. Zhao Nuo was greedy for life and death in the rear. He misdirected and delayed the fighters, causing many soldiers to die innocently. Xiao Jue saw that he was so arrogant that he was bound up and taken down.

Zhao Nuo's father is the Secretary of the Ministry of war. He himself has been in Jingzhou for many years. Naturally, countless people intercede with each other. There are many high-ranking officials and nobles who bully and seduce him. However, he deceives Xiao Jue when he is young and has no relatives here.

"He is the governor of Jingzhou. His father is the Minister of the Ministry of finance. How many people in the imperial court make friends with the Zhao family. You offend him, and you can't do anything in the future!"

Xiao Jue was not moved, but said with a contemptuous smile: "however, Shangshu is so rampant. Even if he worships the prime minister, I will kill him."

Three days later, Xiao Jue surrounded Zhao Nuo's residence and pushed him to the stele Hall of the dead soldiers and beheaded him.

"The Zhao family is actually related to the Xiao family, and the Cheng family, so they have something to do with each other," Cheng Li Su recalled. "Zhao Nuo, by right, should be related to us. At that time, my mother wrote a letter to ask her uncle to be open-minded and stay on the line. "

"But my uncle didn't listen." He laughed, a little helpless, and a little proud.

"Don't you fear to be provoked in front of your majesty when governor Xiao acts like this?" He Yan thought, "your majesty will be dissatisfied with it."

"It's my big brother, asking the same questions as me." Cheng Lishu said happily: "I also think my uncle's action is too imprudent."

Later, a long time later, the young man had stopped being romantic, and became introverted and calm. Cheng Li asked, "uncle, are you not afraid that your majesty will estrange you?"

The youth is reading a book, smell speech just phase ran a smile, light way: "he dare not."

The emperor did not dare, but the ministers were not afraid.

In fact, it is true. Even if the officials in the imperial court said all the bad things about him, the Jinluan hall in the Ministry of Hubu asked for punishment in the end. It is because Xiao Jue, with the soldiers of Nanfu, defeated the southern barbarians.

At the time of employing people, a dead governor, a general in a million, Emperor Xuanwen was not blind, so he naturally knew how to choose.

However, Emperor Wenxuan did not dare to punish Xiao Jue, which did not mean that there were no rumors in the capital city of Shuo. The Liangzi of Zhao Tong and Xiao Jue, the ministers of the Ministry of Hubu, ended up here. People who had made friends with Zhao Tong naturally could not see Xiao Jue well. But originally and Xiao family relations good family, also coincidentally alienated Xiao Jue.

For one thing, he was cold and harsh, and could order his relatives to be beheaded without mercy. Secondly, he was so arrogant that he didn't even put his Majesty in his eyes. In the future, he would inevitably offend others and implicate his relatives and friends around him.

Because of their close relationship, the Cheng family and the Xiao family do not have to break up contact. However, they prefer to associate with Xiao Jing than Xiao Jue.

"My mother told me not to go too close to my little uncle," Cheng Lishu said, "saying that he didn't want to be intimate."

He Yan thought: "Xiao Dudu is not that kind of person."

"I know." Cheng Lishu said with a smile, "I always know."

The two young masters of the Xiao family, the eldest one, is gentle and gentle, and makes people feel like a spring breeze when they get along with each other. More friendly and warm-hearted, no light wind and moon, everyone loves. The second young master's appearance and talent are excellent, but probably for the sake of fairness, his temperament is not so pleasant.

What's more, after the massacre of Zhao Nuo, Xiao Jue's reputation of "jade face governor, young murderer" spread out, and others dare not look up to it. Of course, Zhao Tong helped, but Xiao Jue himself left a lot of rumors. For example, when his parents were buried, he didn't shed a drop of tears, so he went to the Jinluan palace to fight for military power. He left without even passing the first seven, and left Xiao to clean up the mess.

Every time relatives get together on Chinese New Year's day, he doesn't like to talk to people, and he just leaves after a quick meeting.

Cheng Lisu still remembers that it was a summer day. Bai Rongwei, his great aunt, entertained relatives of the Cheng family in the mansion for a summer banquet. Now the Xiao family is sparsely populated and rarely has such a lively time.

Cheng Lishu also went with him. At that time, Xiao Jue had been granted the title of general Yun. He returned to shuojing shortly after his 18th birthday.

The women's family members all eat snacks and drink tea together in the hall, while the men talk about current politics with Xiao Jing. Cheng Lishu looked around and didn't see Xiao Jue.

He was very naughty when he was a child. He hated ghosts and was not liked to play with him. Cheng Lishu had fun on his own. He ran to the backyard of the Xiao family. He saw a spotted orange cat at the gate of the ancestral hall. He ran after the cat and ran all the way behind the screen in the ancestral hall.

It was summer, and the weather changed as it was said. In the evening, there were already dark clouds pressing on the head of the city, thundering and suddenly pouring rain.

He was holding an orange cat in his arms and wanted to go out. Suddenly, he heard people's footsteps and someone came in.Cheng Lishu stealthily pokes out a head from behind the screen, and sees his little uncle, who can't see the head but the tail, come in.

The young man is wearing a crow blue cloud Satin round collar robe, wearing a gold crown, posture and appearance, such as a variety of pearls and jades. When he was a boy, he liked to wear white robes, which was elegant and bright, but now he only likes to wear dark clothes when he is old, which makes him more and more cold and unpredictable.

Xiao Jue walked into the ancestral hall, picked up three sticks of incense from the side and lit it up slowly.

Cheng Lisu's eyes widened.

It's probably that there are rumors about Xiao Jue from outside. Cheng Lishu has heard of it. Xiao Jue never gives incense to her parents. She is a heartless person. But now it seems that rumors are not always true.

He was very slow, but very careful. First, he dusted off the dust near the censer, wiped it with a cloth, and then lit the incense and inserted it into the censer. The smoke curled up from the censer and dispersed in the air. And he did not leave, did not speak, so drooping eyes stand, do not know what is thinking.

It's hot and humid in summer. The water vapor comes in from outside. It's sticky and greasy. The thunder is louder. The young people's eyes are closed and their looks are calm. The rain outside washes the eaves, but the room is quiet and inconceivable. Cheng Lisu didn't understand what happened, but he felt the atmosphere was strange. He didn't dare to come out of the atmosphere. Holding the cat in his arms, he sat behind the screen with his cold little uncle for more than half an hour.

After a long time, the rain stopped and Xiao Jue left the ancestral hall.

From he entered the ancestral hall, until he left, he only put on three sticks of incense, said nothing, did nothing, just stayed quietly. But it is these three incense sticks that make Cheng Lishu aware of the distinct softness of this uncle's chilly appearance.

He is not a heartless man in the neighborhood.

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