Chapter 1

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This chapter discusses self-harm.

A woman without love

I can remember when we walked together
Sharing a love I thought would last forever
Moonlight to show the way so we can follow

When I heard loud music inside the room, I grumbled. I stand to fix my bed after stretching both my arms. I noticed Venom's stretchy hands moving away from the kitchen while I was organising it. This perplexes me. I didn't hear the smoke detector and couldn't smell the burning food.

I went into the kitchen and gazed up at the ceiling. When Venom prepares our meals, there are often smears or stains on the ceiling, which are difficult to clean, especially since I am not tall.

" Sammy, good morning!"

"Good morning, Vems!" I return the greeting. I look around and blink as many times as I can to ensure that I am in reality and not a dream.

Venom's last attempt at cooking ended in disaster. Utensils are strewn over the room. Broken dishes, rubbish, and spoons were all present. When I noticed my apartment was spotless like it was before Venom arrived, I opened my eyes wide.

"I cleaned the whole house for you so you don't have to move because you're exhausted from yesterday," he added, pulling me away from the table and forcing me to seat.

With his rubber hands, he served the plates and food. This time, all I have to do is eat and rate his cooking abilities. He offered me ketchup, but I squeezed it myself this time. The sauce was all over my white t-shirt the last time he squeezed it. I was furious because those were my work attire at my previous job.

I take a bite out of the food. A loud moan escaped my lips. "Did you like it?"

"Do I like it? No, I totally love it."

"Great. At the very least, I can help you with those troubles you've been having today," I say as I finish my meal. No one notices when I burp loudly.

"Why didn't you show up for work today?"

" Vems, I'm exhausted; my body is unable to digest what occurred yesterday; I'm still struggling with it today."

" I'm sorry for what occurred; forgetting and moving on with your old boyfriend is a fantastic approach."

"It's okay, Venom. You're here, doing your best to make me feel good, and I really appreciate it buddy," I said, laughing bitterly.

"Anyway, your cooking abilities are improving; the last time you cooked, I feared I was going to die because the meal looked like trash and was unfit to eat."

"Really? Thank you," he said, "and by the way, I took your human device and looked up some recipes and followed them so I wouldn't waste the ingredients, and I also connected your device to another gadget that generates sound; I apologise if I woke you up, but it was already midday."

"As long as you don't disrupt or cause mayhem in the kitchen again, it's fine; we don't have an issue with that."

"To be honest, you should join MasterChef to recognise your cooking talents and amaze the Master Chef, and I want to watch both of you squabbling, and it makes me pleased to see who is winning with your talking."

He looks at me, perplexed. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."


It's seven o'clock in the evening. I and Venom are in the bay, towering over the city lights and the clear water's waves.

While sight-seeing, I can't help but notice Jonas' jewellery, which he gave me for my birthday two years ago. My heart is beginning to ache once more. My tears begin to cascade down my cheeks like water. I noticed a handkerchief and took it. Those traitor tears in my eye are wiped away.

"I wish I could heal you, Sam, so you could stop hurting."

"It's fine, Vems. That's life," we both say as we stare at the dark sky with the full moon shining brightly across the city.

"Who's that guy we met a few days ago?" I almost forgot about our meeting three days ago.

"He was my workmate earlier, by the way, his name is Steven," I grinned as I remembered those days with him.

"I used to work at the museum, and he doesn't have any friends in that area because they think he's crazy, but our worlds collided one day, and we got to know each other, and then we became friends."

"Before me?"

I heard him groaning inside my thoughts, "Yes, before you. I met you two years ago. I met Steven five years ago."

"Your voice is a little traumatic, so stop doing that."

"I was simply thinking, Sammy."

"When the accident happened, my world turned upside down. I felt like a lost puppy with no one to claim me. I absorbed all the hate in the world. I was paralysed. My left leg couldn't move as well as my left arm. I was fifty-fifty. Half moving, half useless." I made a sad smile. Each one of us suffers from the agony of remembering the past.

"Until one day, I decided to end my life by slashing my wrist, but it didn't happen; someone is stopping me, but I don't know who."

"The hospital alerting us about some creature that escaped from the laboratory. That time, my door was open since the nurse who was assigned to me couldn't close my door because of the panic. Until I saw you, you tiny burn rubber," I sighed deeply and continued my narrative narrating.

"You bastard jump into my body and get inside; I believed I was dying and was delighted since I didn't have to cut myself to die; but, I was mistaken; this burn rubber stuff makes my life more unpleasant and yet valuable."

"It's fine when you explain how we met, but I don't like the way you characterise me; it's not a derogatory moniker, so I'm not offended."

" Yeah. Yeah. Whatever," I rolled my eyes amusingly.

"Hey, Sammy! I made this while you were sleeping; I hope you like it," I said, puzzled.

Until I came across a rubber bracelet that I thought was lovely. When was the last time I was given accessories? Oh. "It's been two years."

"This isn't my birthday." Why should you exert effort for someone who is constantly arguing with you, or in other words, your adversary? "

"If you are my foe, I will devour you before," he said again, his visage filled with contempt and despair.

"According to popular belief, if someone offers you something, that signifies I am important to you?" I joked. I'd want to tease him. I already know the answers, but I'd like him to tell me in private. He struggles to express his true feelings, yet I know he is the most lovable creature in the universe.

"No, you're not; do you want it or not? If you don't like it, I'll throw it into the sea!" Venom shifted the subject. This scumbag.

I snatched the bracelet from his scuffed hands. It's entirely black and rubber, with a small pendant that looks like his face. I didn't like it; in fact, I absolutely love it.

The bracelet is worn on my left wrist. I can't help but think of the scars from the past, and my concerns resurface. I grin at Venom and extend my arm to present him my small gift.

"It's something I wear, therefore it indicates I like it. Thank you, Vems; I really appreciate it. I wish I could embrace you right now."

"I despise human physical contact."

I smirked and said, "Aww, the parasite is being soft."

He smacks my head, and I burst out laughing. People in our immediate vicinity simply stare at me with a critical gaze.

"A parasite?" He said.

"You are a parasite that is living inside my body," I say.

" Apologise right now!"

"That never happened," I joked.

" Apologize," he growled, and I think he's irritated right now, which was the nicest part about possessing Venom: annoying him.

I get up and begin walking again. It's late, and I need to sleep to regain energy for tomorrow's workday. If Mrs Chen doesn't see my spirit tomorrow, she'll turn into the Hulk.

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