Chapter 28

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Carry the world upon your shoulders

Opening a portal with the use of Stephen Strange's sling ring, which Peter stole when the boy was determined to carry out his plans against his enemies, allowed Ned and MJ to arrive at the destination.

MJ is keeping the tainted spells that Peter and the Sorcerer created in a cube-shaped container. "Where are they?" MJ inquired of Ned, who was examining the area with him.

He pointed to his left and said, "I don't know, MJ. We supposed to go there." They moved in the same direction after reaching an understanding.

MJ impatiently questioned, "So, what now? What we are going to do?"

When they noticed their Peter pursuing with a large Lizard, they both jumped. Peter is fighting for his life while using his shooting web to target the Lizard's eye and temporarily stop his attacks. The Lizard cleared his vision by eliminating the sticky stuff.

Until MJ made a sound that caught the Lizard's attention, the Lizard continued to screech. They started tapping each other as he ran near them. Ned is still standing there with his jaw open. She takes Ned's hand, yells, "What the hell are you doing, Ned?," and pulls him away from the larger animal.

She cried out in fear, "Ned, open the portal. Open the portal!" and continued to exert pressure.

Ned made a gesture with his palm before creating the glistening golden doorway with a circular motion. They were intended to enter it, but it looks like the portal is overflowing with water, and the approaching Lizard is washing itself with it.

They briefly celebrate before MJ prompts him to begin creating another gateway so they can return to the Sanctum.

"All right, MJ, please relax. I can't concentrate if you keep on pushing me." MJ raised her arms and moved away from him.

He made a doorway by moving in a circle, whispering, "Lead us to the Sanctum." They giggle once more till the golden glitter circle forms and the sorcerer emerges from it.

Their mouths dropped open, sending shivers down their spines. MJ and Ned exchange uneasy glances before turning to stare at the Sorcerer.

He murmured, brushing himself, " Finally."  Stephen gives them a perplexed look.

He clinched his jaw and clicked his tongue. He questioned the youths, "Who created a portal?"

Ned extended his arms. Stephen gives him a slight nod and smile before raising his hand and attempting to make sense of something. He addressed the young lad in front of him and demanded, "Hand me the sling ring."

Ned pursued his lips while placing the sling ring in his palm. He puts on his ring once more and moves away from the teens, but he pauses and turns his head back toward them briefly. He questioned him, "How did you open a portal so easily?"

Looking at each other, Ned and MJ. Prior to Ned's throat clearing. He said to the sorcerer, "Maybe because I believe in magic, Sir."

He grinned before leaving. After finishing their conversation with the sorcerer, Ned and MJ also chuckled. They search for Peter Parker while sprinting.


Samantha exclaimed, "Fuck you!" as the Green Goblin board hit her and sliced her flesh. The wounds recovered right away. She stretches out her hand to grab the board but she is unsuccessful.

Moon Knight and Samantha were both struck by the large sand waves created by Sandman. An insignificant sand particle found its way into her eyes. She blinks as frequently as she can till the agony in her eyes goes away. Samantha searched from this location for Harrow, but she hadn't yet found him. As he did to her parents that evening, Samantha is eager for him to experience his own punishment.

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