Chapter 30

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Somewhere we only we know

Peter Parker hugs his girlfriend and his friend, saying, "MJ, I'm glad you're okay. You too, Ned."

He told his loved ones, "Everything is settling down now, we just need to wait for Mr. Strange to finish casting the spells."  Peter Parker is silent and attempting to bury his hurt feelings toward Ned and MJ as they joyfully cheer and hug one another. He gives them a blank stare. When this terrible accident is over, bigger things will be lost.

"MJ, we have an issue," he warned. The two of them pause in their celebrating and turn to face Peter, who is wearing a stern look.

Ned questioned him, "What do you mean, bro? Everything will be good again, so what's the problem on it?

Before he could say anything, Peter Parker took a deep breath. "Once the spell is over, you, all of the people, will forget me, Samantha, and Marc. You don't have a recollections of us," he stutter-fingered. His eyes are beginning to well up with tears. Ned and MJ are still in disbelief.

MJ moves toward her partner. She shook her boyfriend's shoulder and whispered, "Tell me...tell me there is another way to stop this. Peter...tell me you and that sorcerer are making fun of us because that is not amusing."

Peter takes MJ's cheeks and caresses them. He bitterly said, "I hope that was all in jest, but that was the only way to finish this.

She cried out in fear, "But I will forget you, we will forget you. Are you crazy, Peter? No, I can', I can't forget you."

He continued to stroke her cheeks and said, "MJ, listen to me. Don't worry about anything. You will forget about me, but I will never forget you."  MJ starts to cry as he says, "May your minds will forget of who I am, but I know deeper in your heart that you still feel the same. I know how much you love me and you know it too how much I love you."

She cried, and Peter wiped her eyes with a chuckle. "That's the only way I can provide for humanity, MJ, if this invasion of unwelcome creatures to our planet continues..." He comes to a halt and looks her in the eyes.

He sobs with her, "I...I can't save everyone." Peter's eyes are swollen as a result of his prolonged crying.

After MJ had been sobbing for some minutes, Peter pressed his forehead against hers and whispered as many "I love you"s as he could to make her feel better. He gave her a big, though dejected smile as he withdrew. Peter replied to her, "After this, I promise I will find you. I promise that when I find you, I will explain and tell you everything." He then grabbed her face and kissed her, wanting to feel her lips one last time before it was over. Peter Parker's heart is breaking right now as he realises that his lifelong love will move on without him. Though he needs to because it's all his responsibility and puts everyone in danger, something deep within of him prevents him from processing that.

They held their lips together for a minute before pulling apart, out of breath. Before leaving, Peter memorises his girlfriend's face one final time for his friend Ned, who is present during the entire event and is watching them say goodbye. Ned is sobbing in silence as his best friend approaches him. Peter gives a tighter hug in order to experience his closest friend's embrace one last moment. They made their legendary handshakes after pulling back.

"Ned, look after MJ for me," he added. "You guys are in a secure zone now. You will be accepted and successful at the university we applied to, and I'll be delighted no matter what." He remarked to his friend before hugging him even tighter.

They hugged for a brief period before releasing each other. While crying, Peter gives Ned a warm grin and a shoulder tap. Peter gives him a nod in response to his request, "Take care of yourself for us, okay?"

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