Chap 15

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Ya'll Thank you we're already at 940 views!! And 63 votes!!

I want to do a 1K view special what would you guys want me to make? Ill pick one story that you guys will request and ill make it the 1k special!

you can tell me here - request

Ill keep doing this when we hit a certian a number! So we have tiny bonus chapters!
important words or times skip

TW: Fighting


Harvey was pissed but then changed his reaction and looked behind him to see Lucifer and the others.

"Hello Harvey, why are you still outside?" Lucifer asked "oh i was waiting for you guys" harvey said smiling.

"Well lets go now shall we~" Asmo said and held Harvey hand and walked inside the others joined them.

with Mammon he walked inside and got greeted by derek "yo Mon" derek said Mammon smiled seeing derek"hi derek"
He replied.

"theres still a lot of time left before school starts, wanna go outside?" Derek asked "sure" mammon replied.

derek hold Mammons wrist and they ran outside and sat under a tree "where do you wanna go later?" Derek said "amusement park, and how about you pick where we eat?" mammon said.

"Sure i have the perfect place to eat" derek said "oOOoo~ , where is it?" Mammon said "secret, you'll have to wait later" derek said and Mammon nodded

they were chilling and talking while sitting under the tree "oh mammon i have to go now my class is about to start, do you want me to bring you to class?" Derek said "no need derek go to your class i can go to mine alone" Mammon replied

derek gave a nod and left mammon waved goodbye he sighed and walked inside to go to his class but soon was stoped by Harvey

"you bitch how dare you do that to me earlier" Harvey said "oh you fake motherfucker, you may have fooled my brothers but you will never ever be able to do shit to me" Mammon said with venom

"Ha, you're so funny just you wait Mammon you'll be begging for me to stop and ill be able to see you so broken" Harvey said while smirking

"you wish Harvey" Mammon replied Mammon was gonna ignore him again and was gonna walk away but he was stopped by harvey.

"dont you dare just walk away" Harvey said Mammon looked at him straight in the eyes and said "do i looks like a give a fuck, oh are you going to rat me out to my brothers how scary" mammon said while fake getting scared it made Harvey  angry

Harvey soon punched Mammon that was the last straw Mammon got angry and punched him back Of course Harvey fought back they both had bruises now

soon enough he heard some one yell "HARVEY OMG ARE YOU OK, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING MAMMON" they heard someone yell
"You bitch you planned this didnt you?" mammon said and Harvey just smirked then faked cry and faked being so hurt


Harvey hate club here ➪

if you didnt read the notice please go back and read it

don't hurt me please I've had enough (Mammon angst)Where stories live. Discover now