5 months

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Season 3 Matt Murdock *Possible spoilers for those who haven't seen it*

Matt finally returns after you hadn't seen him in months. 

Emotional one shot. *Some talk of depression is mentioned so if you are sensitive to these subjects, please proceed with caution.*

(I will be posting some smut probably by tomorrow. I've just kind of been in a writing slump recently so I'm posting my old drafts. Sorry guys)

Word count: 673

You where lying down on the couch, your hands under your head as you watched the tv screen move in front of you. 

It was odd how different things were without Matt. Everything felt blank, and like nothing had any meaning anymore. You acted fine around everyone else, because according to the five stages of grief you should have already been moving on with acceptance in your mind, but instead you where still stuck in stage four-depression.

Every night was the same. You would get home, shower, cry in the shower, cook dinner, cry while cooking dinner, sit on the couch, cry on the couch, and then finally fall asleep when you where so emotionally drained you couldn't keep going.

You heard a shuffle come from your room as your attention was drawn back to earth. You quickly sat up, moving from the couch as you headed towards the closet in the living room. You opened the doors, grabbing a gun that Frank had given you as a safety gift after Matt died. 

You took the safety off the gun, lifting it as you walked into your bedroom. 

"If anyone is in there, I recommend you leave." You said, sounding scared as your voice cracked. You continued to hear the shuffling of footsteps as you walked closer, making your finger move to the trigger. 

Just as you where about to turn the corner, a figure appeared from behind the sliding door. 

You where about to pull the trigger, when you stopped short. You dropped the gun on the floor, standing still as you looked ahead of you. A face that you loved, and never thought you would see again was standing right in front of you. 

"Y/n..." He spoke low as he walked closer. 

You stepped back, somehow afraid of him. 

He sensed your hesitation, making him pause in his walking. 

You took a sharp breath as water began to fill your eyes. 

"Matt?" You questioned scared. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as he walked closer. He pulled his black mask off of his head, as his face was revealed to you.  

He nodded, "Y-yeah." He said, a small smile escaping his lips. "Yeah it's me."

You where standing as shock overtook your body, making Matt speak. 

"Listen, I get your probably pissed at me right now and I promise I will explain everything to you." He said with his hands raised as he walked closer. "But I have waited five months to see you again and I swear if I don't touch you in the next five minutes I think I'm gonna die." 

You rushed towards him, jumping in his arms as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You held him as tight as you possibly could as his hands wrapped around your body. 

"H-how?" You questioned, placing your hands on his face, making sure he wasn't some sort of ghost. 

"It's a very long story." He admitted, "And your most likely going to hate me for it." He said as a small smile wiped across his lips. 

Your lips crashed with his as you hugged him again. You began to laugh with an unexpected joy coursing through your body. You never wanted him to let go of you ever again. 

"I missed you so much." You said, pressing your lips against his as you cupped his face in your hands. 

"Oh sweetheart," He pressed another kiss to your lips. "I missed you more then words can describe." 

You hugged him once again, smiling onto the skin of his neck as he hugged you tighter then he had ever hugged you before. 

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