That one blind guy I met at my roommates party

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"You gotta get over Leah dude." Foggy said, walking side by side with Matt inside the large sorority house. 

"I am over her." Matt laughed lightly, "Your the one that keeps bringing her up. You sure you don't want me to tell her your interested?"

"I keep bringing her up because you've become a depressed mess." Foggy said, taking a beer from the cooler as he passed one to Matt. "Just tonight, have some fun. Talk to some chicks, loosen up a bit, hell get laid for all I care." He said, clinking his bottle on Matt's. 

"You know I'm not much of a party person." Matt said, knowing Foggy knew that he hated the idea of large crowds.

"Well tonight that changes." Foggy patted Matt's back. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to loosen up with a girl who I have been eyeing since we got here." He said as he walked off, not even giving Matt a chance to argue.

Matt stood in the middle of the room, listening around for people he could possibly talk to, all of which seemed like people he would typically avoid at all cost. But like Foggy said, he needed to loosen up and find new people. 

Although the music was loud, the only thing that was in his ears was the amount of time he had left before he was able to finally leave. 


"So your like...a lawyer?" A girl asked, who was propping herself up on Matt. 

He was convinced that if he moved she would go head first into the ground, hence why he had kept himself in this shithole of a conversation. 

The girl was...nice. Yeah, she was nice, that was all. Even then, she was kind of stuck up, but Matt didn't really care. He was taking the advice of Foggy who always just wings it when it comes to getting girls. 

"Uh yea kinda. I'm still in school for it." He said as the girl nodded along with her mouth open. "My friend and I are becoming defense attorneys." 

"Oh my God that is so cool!" She said, sounding like she was actually impressed. "Jillian! This guy is doing what Elle Woods did in legally blonde!"

Matt's head cocked just as the girl turned her head to him again. Just before she began speaking, Matt stopped her, realizing this was the most terribly annoying conversation he had ever been in. 

"I'm gonna go get some air real quick." He said as he stepped back, moving her so she rested on a wall. "I'll uh.. I'll be back."

"Don't take too long!" The girl called out, only making Matt beeline for the stairs quicker.

Matt escaped through the group of people, heading up the stairs of the house until he finally found a room that didn't have people fucking behind. 

He opened the door quickly, shutting it behind him as he rested on the back of it, taking a deep breath as he sighed. 

"Natasha I told you for the last time I am not-" You turned your chair, seeing the man resting against the back of your door. "Your not Natasha."

Matt stood startled, trying to avoid the awkward conversation. " I'm not Natasha." He chuckled softly, leaving an awkward silence between you both. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to find a quiet place and I just went to the first door." He turned around, pressing his hand down on the handle. "I'll leave." 

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