Chapter Thirteen: Betrayal's Dagger

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Pura remained in SafeHaven, the rumors left her head spinning. Apprentices rumored that Alex had been slain on the patio after attempting an assassination on James King for not granting another Trial. Some said he was taken to the dungeons for being in league with the Outlaw King or he fled without saying a word. Pura knew she would only get the truth from Alex himself. But she did not find him. Not in the dining hall, nor the archer's pit. With each area she checked, the rumors of his departure became true to her. Pura stormed into Alex's sleeping chamber, her thin black hair clinging to her sweating brow. The stories were true, he left without a warning, without a single word. Pura's hands turned to fists. "Alex." She reached to her left to grab an unlit candle stick. In her rage she threw the golden brass candle stick at the wall. It smacked against the stone wall, denting to base. It rolled back to her feet. She sniffled and kicked it away from her before slamming the door behind her.

Pura raced back to her room. Thomas stood at the mouth of the hallway, watching her run away from Alex's room. Her door swung open, bumping against the stone wall with a loud thud. Her knees crashed against the rug as she reached under her cot. She pulled a large cow skin satchel and began stuffing it full of her clothing from the wardrobe between the two beds. Thomas came into the room behind her. He tapped on the open door gently.

"Don't try to stop me, Thomas!" She shouted in a panic. "Alex lost his mind. I must go!"

"Why would I stop you?" He asked as she brushed around him to retrieve her supplies scattered around the room. "You're only being a blind pup. Alex left! Get over it!" She stared at him furiously. "During his departure he killed several people. There is no saving him, Pura!"

"What?" She said, weakly. She stuffed the satchel and froze.

"James King is finding Shawn Thyume guilty of murder and treason. Alex aided Thyume in those crimes. They will be hunted and killed. You can't save them." She continued with her packing.

"I am not going to save them." She said, closing the bag. "I am going to join them." Thomas stopped her from leaving the room. "If Shawn and Alex killed people and ran, they did it for a reason. They are not blood thirsty criminals. They know something and knew to get out before it was too late. I for one don't want to stay and find out why." She shoved passed Thomas as she pulled the bag onto her right shoulder. "Mr. Thyume would not kill without reason, Thomas!" Fellow Guardians stopped and stared as their conversation grew louder in the hall.

Thomas followed her closely, his words were not affecting her decision. "Pura, please! Don't do this!" Thomas struggled to stay with her. "Master Guardian is demanding we all appear in the Grand Assembly Hall. Listen to the address and decide after, Pura!" They came to the main stairs in the foyer. Pura's silence brought Thomas to an all new frustration. He did not care for Alex Dodgeson nor Shawn Thyume, though he does respect him. He cares for Pura. Their friendship means more than Pura knows. Should she leave, she would be accused of being an accomplice. "I am a Guardian now, Brand! You will listen to what I have to say!" Thomas stopped several steps from Pura. She pulled on the satchel hanging from her shoulder. She turned and looked at the sword hanging from his belt. "It is too late for them, Pura. They made their choice. Master Guardian sent trackers to find and execute Alex and the commoner and bring Shawn's body back." Thomas stood a step above Pura. "Should you leave, you will no longer be eligible to become a Guardian. Please, don't throw this away for him." Pura looked down to her feet. Her focus swaying. Thomas placed his hand on her shoulder. "Should there be an issue to be addressed we can, together." Guardians and apprentices walked around them on the wide stairway.

She grabbed his wrist gently. "Then come with me, Thomas! You sense it, something is not right. The new visitors coming, just as Shawn Thyume departs. Something feels off, Thomas. I know you know." Thomas remembered the books he read in the library. "Whoever the visitors are, they cannot be trusted." Thomas's eyes rolled, frustrating Pura once again. "Why did I even bother?" Thomas's hand was ripped away from her shoulder. She stormed away from him, only to see her mentor standing at the base of the stairs. Evenral Brockel stood with his muscular arms crossed. His Guardian armor shimmering in the light. A look of disapproval plastered on his face.

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