Chapter Twenty-Six: Traitor

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The Great Forrean Wall stood high above travelers' heads. The white stone shimmered in the mid-day sunlight as the guards stood examining the southern fields. Their long silver and gold spears in hand, pointing to the large sun above had not seen battle for years. But the guards stood armed with heavy long swords and armor piercing arrows ready for any threat. The men spent their lives preparing for any threat that dared to march to Pompearl, wither it be foreign or domestic. Nothing would take them away from their noble post atop the wall, not heavy downpour, snowfall or drought. It was an honor to dress in the silver and gold armor and protect Pompearl, the High Council and the citizens.

The Wall Commander, Bright Molin, stood on the lower deck behind the wall examining reports from Pompearl. His thick red beard curled as it fell below his collar line. A rumbling in his foot caught his attention. He slowly turned to the steps behind that led to the wall. His heart beat strong with every step. As he came closer to the edge his eyes widen to see the mass of people James King led. "Guardians?"

"Odd time for a Guardian meeting?" A guard asked to his right. Bright shook his head slowly.

"This is not a scheduled meeting." The Commander answered. "That is not all Guardians either." Chatter broke out among the ranks. "Silence your tongues!" Bright turned, his golden cape flapping behind as he walked down rear stairway to the ground floor behind the open gate. James King and Ian sat atop their horses outside the gate awaiting Bright.

"Greetings, Master Guardian." Bright welcomed joyfully, as James King jumped from his high steed. The men shook hands and walked back through the gate. "This is a mighty force you have brought with you." The Commander glared at James. "Hopefully this is not a hostile takeover." They chuckled.

"No, my friend." James said, patting the middle-aged man on his silver armored shoulder. "Perhaps the news is to secret for even Boarder Commanders to hear. There is a threat coming." James warned in a whisper. "The King of Bonderheir traveled the dangerous Parting Sea to warn us of a threat from the Old Lands." Bright placed his hands on his thick leather belt. "No worries, friend. We have allies from all over the world. These forces are to help us in our battle. It is quite the herd, so you might allow your men to take a break. No threat shall be passing through this gate." The men laughed again. "Do we have your permission to pass, sir?"

"The Master Guardian seeks my approval?" Bright joked. "You need not ask." He stepped aside to show James the path to Pompearl. "Welcome, sir." James bowed his head in thanks. "Do we know when to anticipate an attack?" Bright asked as he swatted at flies zipping around his face.

"It could be very soon." James said, as turned back to his horse. "Very soon indeed."

Ian shook his head at his father. "Very clever, James." Ian spouted, as he trotted next to his father. "You told them the truth, or a version of it without setting the alarm. I am impressed."

"It has become easy to lie, a trait I picked up over time. Do not be impressed by my ability to spread false stories." James and Ian trotted to a distance and then turned to watch the gate as the force poured through the gate. "You might as well stand your men down, Bright! It will take some time to push us through."

Bright scoffed at James's suggestion. "We Wall Guards are as proud and noble as you Guardians! We shall remain at our posts unless the Forrean Generals say otherwise."

"I respect your tenacity for tradition. We have lost that over the years." James motioned to the forces behind him to begin their march through the large gate. Bright walked to the side to stand near James King and Ian.

"Should we stray from the path we will lose our way." Bright spoke deep through his red facial hair. James stuttered atop the horse. "We are protectors of this realm, tradition and rules keep the people safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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