Chapter Fourteen: Sanctuary at the Caperson Farm

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The sunny skies above Forrea's central plains quickly turned dark as Shawn and his allies traveled west. Clouds lighting from within bellowed closer. Alex noticed the storm long ago but had hoped the Westward road to Farshong would be shorter than anticipated. The mighty storm brought violent winds upon Shawn Thyume's group as they approached the Lorion River. The Lorion river began far north at the boarder of the Wondering Forest. A large body of water fed the gentle river as it traveled south until it connects with Forrea's Great River near the Southern Guard Tower. The crashing sounds of thunder spooked the tired horse William handled. Small droplets of rain sprinkled into William's face. But as the winds grew in strength the droplets turned to splashes. The winds blinded with dirt and water. A loud crack and boom sounded, making the ground shake. The horse jumped in fright. "We have to find shelter!" William yelled from the outside of the carriage. Alex shook his head as he tended Shawn inside the carriage, whose wounds reopened. Dry blood covered his body, with a layer of fresh blood atop it. His breath labored and weak.

Alex noticed rain dripping from the roof. The water began to pool around his feet, soaking his shoes. He quickly covered Shawn's chilly body after cleaning his wounds again with dirty rags. "Find a safe spot, Will!" Alex's voice barely broke through to William's ears. Thunder clapped like never before. Mud splashed as they road through deep puddles. William squinted through the water looking for shelter. His sleeves clinging to his tired arms as he strained to look beyond the wet and dark horizon.

Alex sat beside Shawn with the carriage rocking back and forth. He braced himself by planting both hands on opposite walls within the carriage. Alex noticed Shawn attempt to open his eyes. "We are okay, Mr. Thyume." The carriage lit by lightning. Alex flinched at the sudden brightness. "Don't worry. You can rest." Shawn's eyes weakly closed.

William lost his path he set them on. They road far away from their intended path to the southern bridge over the Lorion River. The heavy waters soaked the ground causing the horse to seek higher grounds a little further south. In the horizon, through the brief flashes of light, William saw a small farm house. It stood two stories high with warm welcoming lights coming from the bottom windows. Rain water gushed down the slanted roof, soaking the perimeter of the new home. Fields of cotton lay to the north of the farm, while the barn sat behind. The carriage came to a stop just a few feet from the front door. William jumped onto the wet ground. "No, stop!" Alex yelled. He held a small dagger behind his back. "Let me do this." William watched as Alex rushed to the front door.

The windows blocked with thick green curtains. He knocked loudly on the heavy wood door. Alex peered back at William and the carriage. Water fell on his head like a waterfall. He glanced at the still windows. He wondered if he knocked loud enough over the sound of the storm. As he readied to knock again the door opened. A man stood with the door ajar.

"Hello, sir. I am Alexander Dodgeson. My company and I desperately need out of this weather! May we set up camp in your barn behind?" The man opened the door slightly more to see the carriage behind. "It would only be for the night." Alex could see the younger man hesitate to answer.

"You may, but leave when the storm passes." The man answered then immediately closed the door. Alex turned and made his way back. The front door creaked open again, causing Alex to pause. He turned to see a woman now standing in the doorway. Her light blue nightgown flapping at her ankles, as the winds continued to blow.

"You may stay in our home! Come and get out of the rain!" She held the door open with a bright smile. Alex stood stunned by her hospitality. She noticed the rest of Alex's company behind him. "Put your carriage and horses in the barn!" He flashed a quick smile and returned to the carriage.

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