Chapter Twenty Three: Reunion in Iron Hill

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Shawn galloped alongside his new ally Ajax, as they road towards Iron Hill. Iron Hill is nestled in the center of the Slender Forest. The village provided Forrea with much of the metals needed for building homes, tools and weapons. The settlers of Iron Hill dug deep in the robust soil and found endless supplies of steel and aluminum. The people of Iron Hill are just as physically strong as the element they pull from the soil. They do not ask for much but they are not fooled by tricks and lies. The rest of Forrea strive to have workers half as dedicated as Iron Hill miners. The High Council allows Iron Hill to operate on its own accord due to the materials it harvests for the country, allowing a perfect location for Calveron Ajax to hide. His friendship with Iron Hill Administrator Skrah Efells proved to be more valuable to Ajax than the coin in his pocket or sword on his hip. Calveron Ajax brought his followers to Iron Hill many years ago. They were allowed to hide within the completed mines and provided a strong work force in the mines.

Ajax and his supporters began referring to themselves as the Milites. For many years the Milites made Iron Hill their home, families were forged and flourished within the depths of the mines. As the families grew, Iron Hill become a mighty asset for Forrea. Ajax was able to accomplish what he envisioned, help Forrea grow. But years went by and the delusion faded. The Milites were forced to spread among Forrea as Iron Hill could not support the growing population. Ajax's supporters sent messages daily to inform him of the SafeGuard's actions. Ajax saw James King's strategic moves from afar. James King was indeed blaming the Milites and outlaws for his own actions. This lit a fire under Ajax, he insisted his fellow Milites to counter James. They were outmatched but their spirits remained strong.

Shawn attempted to stretch his back and rub his lower back. The two day journey from Port Town on the back of a mighty horse wore on the young traveler. The nights consisted of inconsistent rest. Calveron Ajax showed no sign of fatigue however. But their travels would soon come to an end as they approached the Slender Forest. Ajax chuckled as he noticed Shawn's uncomfortable demeanor. A sudden movement in the woods caught Shawn's attention. A cloaked figure held a bow and arrow pointed at the approaching heard of warriors. "Ajax!" Shawn yelled, at his new ally a few feet ahead of him. "Enemy within the trees!" Ajax quickly noticed the figure and stopped his men. Shawn quickly galloped passed the obedient warriors. Ajax yelled after Shawn but his words went unheeded. The arrow was released and struck the ground ahead of the horse's path. He continued forward, quickly approaching the border of the forest. The cloaked figured disappeared into the woods. Shawn pulled back on the reins as they entered the trees. His eyes scanned the floor of the forest. The enemy had vanished into the gray surroundings. Shawn pursued slowly, the horse's hooves cracking the dry leaves. After several feet he dismounted and continued on foot with his sword drawn. He noticed no wild life could be heard within the eerie forest.

A slight crack sounded above Shawn and a person came swinging down by rope. An armed woman swung passed Shawn wielding a long, thin, curved blade. Her sword struck Shawn's. He spun to face her as she landed on the ground. A brown hooded cape kept her face in the shadows.

"Rose?" Shawn, asked lowering his weapon. "Is it you?" She lowered her sword for a moment.

"I am not Rose." She pounced forward striking fiercely. Their blades clinked together as Shawn lost his ground.

"Who are you?" She did not entertain his question. She continued to strike. "Did James King send you to kill me?"

She paused for a moment. "Your lies can not save you here." She jumped at Shawn once again. Her hood fell behind as she swung smoothly. Her long brown hair swayed evenly with her movements. He began to push back. The unknown woman quickly found herself outmatched with Shawn's skill with a blade. She twirled away behind a tree and whistled three times. Her eyes never leaving Shawn's. They stood awaiting the others' movement. Shawn stepped forward but heard several other fighters approaching. He paused as he noticed eight hooded men standing around him, all aiming sharp arrows Shawn's direction.

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