Chapter Twenty Two: Escape from Sanctuary

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James King escorted the enemy forces away from SafeHaven and towards Pompearl. Their route weaved around the eastern villages and towns to avoid detection and ensure a non-eventful trip. Any travelers who came by the impressive force was met with great force. They were either taken captive or left to rot on the side of the dusty road. One obstacle remained in their way that created yet another rift between James and Belron. The great Pompearl Wall, a boarder built of stone from the Peal Mountains decades ago after the Battle of Crimson Bay, has guards standing ready to alert the capital of any possible threat that comes its way. James knew to ensure fewer casualties from their side they must remain in the shadows until they were through the wall. The barrier has only been tested by civilian groups as they try to protest the High Council but that would seem minuscule compared to the forces that follow the Master Guardian. But nonetheless, secrecy was their lone ally in this land. For if the gates shut before they pass Belron's assault will have failed before it began. Each of the ten gates were built with metal as thick as a hundred year old oak tree. The doors as strong as diamonds and reinforced with connecting locks within the doors that can only be unlocked from inside the wall. Their forces are mighty but the gates cannot be breached once secured. Having James King lead the Guardians through first will lower the wall's defenses.

The great white wall stretches as far as the calm waves of Pearl Lake and curves to the east and travels north until the branches of the Wandering Forest tickles its stone. The red roofed guard towers were built one hundred yards apart from another. The moody guards on the wall could see the Guard Towers that sit in the 4 Forrean territories. The bright flames strong enough to alert the wall of any incoming threat. The beckons on the wall would then alert Pompearl after every gate was secured and remained locked until the threat is dealt with. Between the wall and Pompearl was nothing but wilderness. Scattered trees and fields of red chrysanthemums that welcomed travelers to the Pearl City with a heavily aroma. Many of the healers harvested the wild flowers along the roadside for various ailments. James King wishes to smell the sweet flowers as they travel without the musk of death following behind from the gate.

Emperor Belron sent word to James and Ian King to gather in his large carriage between the Guardians and his allied forces. With one more night until they reached the Pompearl Boarder, Belron needed the Kings in line.

Belron greeted the father and son duo as they climbed into the carriage, "Welcome, my friends!" James sat next to his son in front of Belron.

"What a massive carriage." James scoffed, extending his legs and stretching his arms high above his head. "So much space!" Belron just laughed as Ian sat quietly.

Belron's voice turned stern. "You know why I have summoned you. We must strike the wall from both sides." He clapped his hands together forcefully. "This guarantees us safe passage to and from Pompearl."

"Once we take Pompearl we will have passage throughout Forrea." James argued, leaning on his spread knees. "If we attempt to take this portion of the wall a messenger could escape or they light the beacon for all of Forrea."

"This is why we strike first and quickly! Use the Guardians as they are trained to be used. They are stealthy, accurate, and swift killers."

"I will not have my men kill innocent soldiers." Ian sighed.

"War has begun. Innocent people will die. Hell innocent lives have been taken, James!" Belron looked at Ian. The heir to lead SafeGuard. "Your son knows this."

"Perhaps he does." James spoke softly. He looked at his son, Ian staring at Belron. "But he is not leading the Guardians yet. You came to me because the Guardians trust me and follow me no matter the cause. If you wish to get to Pompearl, we will go about this my way."

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