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"You'll be fine, Al. It's just school." My cousin, Vince, said nonchalantly as he typed away on his phone.
What an obivous fib, there was no possible way I could be fine.
"Vince, you've been going to school with some of these kids for twelve years, it's a week into senior year and i'm just starting. This will be difficult for me." I gripped the sides of my Jansport backpack a little tighter.
"Stop worrying so much, just relax. You know where your classes are and i'll be around if you need me. C'mon, we need to get going. Bye mom!" Vince grabbed his keys as his mom entered the room.
"Have a good first day, Albany." My Aunt Niki gushed, kissing both of our foreheads.
My cousin and I made our way to his truck and we set off for my last first day of school. I leaned my head against the cool glass window, looking around Omaha. It was humid and gloomy out today, like it has been for the past couple of days. Everything had been covered in water droplets from the shower that took place the previous day, giving me this depressing feeling.
I also felt like I would be out of place in this school and i'm sure my new peers would think so too. I couldn't just move to Nebraska a week into the new year without expecting people to ask questions.
Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Vince had already parked the car in a spot. That drive was quiet quick.
"You have your schedule?" He asked.
I nodded and fixed my grip on the paper I had in my hands.
"Good, i'm going to walk you to your locker which is close to mine. Then i'll introduce you to some people but then I have to head to class." He managed to say as we got out and began walking inside.
On my way in, I had recieved plenty of drity looks from girls with too much makeup on, and smirks from guys whose pants were too low.
"Don't worry," Vince leaned over and whispered, "They probably think we're dating or something."
I made a sour face and took a small step away from my cousin, keeping my distance.
Vince led me up a flight of stairs and continued to talk about the history of Westside Highschool but I was too focused on how the knot in my stomach grew tighter and tighter every time someone looked at me.
I felt like they knew what I did.
Oh gosh, I really hope not. That was the whole reason why I moved miles away from San Diego. I gulped and Vince finally stopped at a patch of red lockers, 111 and 112.
"The first one is yours, do you remember the combo?"
I nodded and twisted in the combination, soon enough the metal door popped open. I put in the books that I needed after lunch and kept the ones I needed for periods one through four. I shut my locker and watched Vince throw in his duffle bag that contained his soccer stuff and grabbed one binder from his black backpack. He locked up his locker and caught the arm of a girl brushing passed him.
"-Maya! Meet Albany, my cousin." He breathed, giving her a smile.
The short black-haired girl turned towards me, giving me a smile. She was one of the few people that I didn't have to stare up at, considering we were the same height.
"Hey Albany, first day at Westside?"
I nodded slowly.
"Well, consider me your first and soon-to-be best friend." She smiled confidently, linking her arm with mine.
This girl was quick to jump into things, but I didn't mind it. She seemed bubbly and fun to be around, i needed someone else besides Vince.
"Maya, I was about to introduce her to the boys so..." Vince jammed his thumbs towards a group of boys that were a few feet away, next to a classroom.
Before Maya could protest, my cousin flinged his arm around my shoulders and we walked over to the group of guys I was staring at just before.
I had caught their attention, cutting their conversation short.
"Damn, Vin. I thought you didn't date." One of the boys with brown eyes and dark hair that sticked out of his hat smirked, licking his lips as his eyes wandered up and down my body, making me shift uncomfortably. Although he was quiet attractive with his pierced ears and perfect pearly whites, I didn't like how he stared at me like I was a piece of meat.
"She's not my girlfriend. This is my cousin, Albany." Vince motioned towards me.
"Well in that case, i'm Sam. But you can call me anytime." He winked and began to walk towards me, but the blonde boy next to him put his hand on this Sam boy's chest, holding him back from coming any closer.
"He's an asshole, i'm Jack Johnson." The blonde boy said in a less cockier tone than his friend.
Jack didn't seem like the player type, more like soft and cute kind of guy. His hair looked extremely soft and was slightly taller than me, and definitely didn't seem intimidating.
"And i'm the other Jack. Jack Gilinsky." A dark haired boy said, making my head spin.
Having two boys with the same name will surely confuse me.
This Jack was taller than the other one, and his over all figure looked more broader than any of the boys here. He had one hell of a jaw line and eyebrows, though. He was definitely a fuck-and-chuck kind of guy, i could tell just by the way every girl around us drooled over him and how he made me want to scream 'fuck me right now', I honestly can't control my feelings around good looking guys.
"So there's two of you?" My eyes flickered between the two Jacks, not paying attention to the guy that was trying to hit on me before.
He both nodded, seeming as they get this reaction all the time.
"Johnson and Gilinsky seem easier." I stated, having them agree.
"Hello? Am I invisible or something?" Sam scoffed, grabbing my attention.
I sighed, "I'll be calling you Sam, definitely not anytime."
I smiled at him sarcastically as his friends ooh'd and he bit his bottom lip, looking frustrated as ever.
"It's fine, you'd be taking up my phone storage anyways." He challenged, with a smirk.
He was letting out such a terrible first impression that I almost felt bad.
"I'm sorry for being a girl who respects herself." I laughed, making him roll his eyes.
Before he could throw out another witty comeback, the bell rang.
"Do you have Biology with the rest of us?" Jack Johnson asked.
I looked over my schedule and nodded.
"Hey, i'll see you later for lunch. You can sit with me, keep an eye on her boys!" Vince called from down the hall as he picked up the pace to get to his first class.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Maya pop up next to me, walking into the classroom with me.
"Sam's such a jerk, just ignore him." She mentioned.
"Don't worry, I know. It hasn't even been an hour yet and he already has gotten on my nerves."
"Ms. Whittmore?" I turned around at the voice and realized the teacher had been calling for me to come to his desk.
I walked to the teacher's mahogany desk, waiting for him to speak.
"Albany, is that correct?" The man who seemed in his late fifty's look at me through his glasses, watching me nod.
"Welcome to Westside, I hope you enjoy it here. I'm Mr. Louis, your new Biology teacher. You'll be seated next to Mr. Wilkinson for the year, everyone is in alphabetical order."
I knitted my eyebrows, Wilkinson. Who's last name was that?
He nodded, "Samuel."
Don't tell me that I had to sit next to some fuckin' prep kid.
Mr. Louis noticed my confusion and pointed to the back with his pen before writing something down. My eyes followed his direction and my stomach dropped.
Sam was sitting at the lab table that the teacher had pointed to, with a blonde haired girl all over him, and in my stool may I add. That was a pet peeve, I hated people sat in my chair.
I slowly walked down the row, having people stare at me as I did. I don't understand how, but Jack Johnson & Gilinsky were seated at the table in front of us, and both we smiling and giving me a thumbs up as I walked by them.
The girl was too busy giving Sam a hickey to notice I was standing there. I slammed my books onto the table, making her jump and scramble off of my new lab partner.
"Can I help you?" She asked, popping her gum.
What a bitch, i thought.
"You're in my seat."
"Your name isn't on it." She smirked.
What? Is she in second grade or something?
"It will be written in your blood if you don't get the fuck up." I spat, making her eyes widen.
Sam held back a childish laugh and so did the Jacks, I could by the small snickers they let out after my remark.
The girl scoffed and got up, chewing her gum very obnoxiously as she walked away.
I shrugged off my backpack and took a seat next to Sam who looked impressed for some stupid reason.
"That was something else." Sam whispered once the teacher started his lesson.
"Don't talk to me, Samuel." I said, trying not to laugh but I cracked a small smile.
He looked shocked, "How the fuck do you know that?"
"That's so posh, Samuel." I giggled slightly this time, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear as I wrote down some notes.
"It's Sammy." He gritted.
"Chill out, the teacher told me that, Mr. Wilkinson." I gave him another silly name, loving the fact that I was getting him annoyed.
He huffed, obviously ticked off.
"Well, Whittmore, you're going to have lots of fun sitting next to me this year." Sam smirked, making me feel uneasy about this situation.
I let out a sigh, "Hopefully this will be the only class I need to sit next to you in."

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