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It's been three weeks, three whole weeks without Sam. The Jacks have been by my side a lot, but it hasn't been the same. I go out for lunch every day so I don't have to sit with Sam but it was scary for me. It was awkward too, I sat next to Sam for most of my classes and we didn't speak. After that Sunday, he's been annoyed and more aggressive towards people. I've just been upset, but none of us tried to talk to the other. I guess I just made a mistake, letting him in.
I stopped talking to Maya, she turned into Claire's bestfriend and a complete bitch. When I tried to talk to her about this, she admitted to being my friend just to get to my cousin, Vince. So in reality, I have two friends and my cousin. Lovely, isn't it?
All Mrs. Linn was talking about global warming, and we weren't even in science. We were in social studies. I sighed and shifted in my seat, resting my chin in the palm of my hand as it leaned on the desk. I found myself looking over at Sam's empty desk. He hasn't been in school all day.
Why do you care? I thought.
"Ms. Whittmore, are you awake?" Mrs. Linn's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"U-Uh, no. Not really." I said honestly, earning snickers from my piers.
"Why don't you go to the bathroom snd splash water on your face before I write you a detention slip." She gave me a sarcastic smile before turning back to the board.
As I got up, i gave her my favorite finger to her back as I passed her to leave the room. I shut the door behind me and slowly wandered around the halls, obviously not heading towards the bathroom. As I did, i heard a few steps from behind me.
Probably just a nerd coming from the library, i thought.
As I walked further down the hall, the steps grew closer and heavier. Okay, maybe it wasn't a mathlite. My heart pounded slightly harder and I spotted the bathroom. It was so close. I took another step, but I never made it inside.
Instead, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me against the red lockers. I came face-to-face with someone I haven't seen in a while.
This is the part where i wished Sam was here.
I gulped and his face came closer to mine, and his breath tickled my skin.
"Hey there, pretty baby." Mike smirked, making me tense up.
"W-What do you want?"
"I noticed you and Sam aren't close anymore, and you're mine for the taking." He licked his lips.
"Stop Mike." I tried to stand my ground.
"Shut up, bitch." He spat.
He leaned closer and I was about to yell when he was pulled off of me. It was like the heavens answered my calls, because Sam shoved Mike into the lockers on the opposite side of the hall.
"Guess you don't mind getting your teeth knocked out, huh?" Sam hissed, crossing his arms and walked near Mike.
"Dude you aren't-"
Sam grabbed Mike by the collar and held him against the metal.
"I thought pounding your face in would make it clear to stay away from her, but obviously not. Don't you dare, touch her again. Got it? This is your final warning, dick. If I ever, ever, see you near her again, you fuckin' wake up under water, got it?" Sam slammed Mike against the lockers harder, making sure he understood.
Mike gulped and stared at Sammy. I knew he was scared even though he didn't show it. As soon as Sam's grip on his shirt loosened, he was out of here.
Sam turned around and looked at me, I stood there speechless.
"Why'd you-" he cut me off.
"I promised I'd protect you from him." That shut me up real quick.
"Are you okay?" He asked after a moment of silence.
I bit my upper lip and nodded.
He nodded slowly and walked backwards a little bit before turning around and heading down the hall.
He just saved me from Mike, I had to do something.
"Sammy, wait!" My mouth spoke faster than I could think.
He stopped and turned around, waiting for me to speak.
"A-Are you free later?" I bit my lip hard, anixiously waiting for his answer which he took forever to say.
"Come by after school." He said, and without another word, he left.


from: jack g 💖
can we hang out? it's been a long day and i need a good cuddle. i want it to be with you.

I read Jack's message as I got into my car. As much as I really wanted to, I wanted to talk to Sam. I know talking to Sam was the right thing to do, I couldn't stand the awkardness anymore.

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