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"Where is she? Where is she!" I ran into the hospital, yelling at the receptionist for no apparent reason.
"Sir, you need to calm down. Who are you looking for?"
My chest rose and fell rapidly as I tried to collect my thoughts.
"Whittmore, Albany Whittmore." I breathed out, grippimg the edge of this lady's desk.
"She just got out of surgery, you will be able to see her soon." She answered after looking at her computer.
"I-I need to see her now." I tried to sound demanding but in reality I was crying like a whimp.
"Are you family?"
Think fast, Sam.
"I'm her boyfriend."
Al is going to kill me for saying that.
"I'm sorry, son. We're only allowing family only until she wakes-"
"H-Her aunt works here, Nicole Whittmore. Please, she knows me."
"Nicole? It says her she was the one who performed surgery on Albany." She said more to herself than me.
Albany had surgery too? Fuck.
The receptionist sighed and looked at me, I put on the puppy-dog face.
"Fine, but just this once. I'm calling Nicole down." I watched her pick up her phone and dial a number.
I heard the Jacks, Vince and Maya come running in to the lobby.
"Where's Al? Is she okay? What exactly happened?" Gilinsky asked a bunch of questions.
"I-I don't know. I'm going to go up there now. All I know is that she had surgery and is still asleep." I said, before turning back to the lady at the desk.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asked.
"Sam, Nicole knows who I am." I repeated.
"He says he's her boyfriend, Sam... Okay, okay, i'll send him up." She ended the call and looked up at me.
"She's in room 212, third floor. Just be quiet when you're up there."
I nodded quickly and ran torwards the hallways, finding the elevator. I pressed the Up button multiple times, as if it was going to make the elevator come faster. The doors finally opened after what felt like a fucking eternity and I got inside. I reached the third floor and followed the signs to her room. I let out a quick breath before opening the door, and I don't think i've ever cried so much.
There was Al, all cut and bruised up. Pale as ever and she looked lifeless. I was suppose to be in the car with her earlier, that should've been me.
She should be the one visiting me in the hospital. Her aunt turned around, her eyes were puffy and red like mine.
"You played the boyfriend card, huh?" Her aunt sniffled.
I nodded and hurried over to Al's side.
"Al." I breathed out, sobbing at the same time.
"W-What happened?" I asked her aunt as I looked at her white face.
"You didn't hear? She got into a car crash-"
"No, I know that. I mean what exactly happened?"
Her aunt looked at the girl in the gown before answering, "She got T-Boned."
My hand covered my face and slid down it, how could this happen to someone? Someone like Albany?
"She's got four broken ribs, a concusion and two broken bones in her left arm. We managed to stop the internal bleeding and take out major pieces of the glass."
This had to be a dream, I had to be sleeping.
"Did you see her car?" Her aunt asked.
I shook my head, "After Jack Johnson didn't see her in Trig, we all went down to see if she was in the principal's. He said that he had just gotten a call from you, that she got into the accident. I came straight here." I wiped the tear that began rolling down my face.
She looked through her file and pulled out a picture, it was of Al's Jeep and it was demolished. There's no way she could fix that, the damage was way over twenty thousand dollars, it was totaled.
"W-When is she going to wake up?" I asked.
"I gave her a lot of meds, probably not until a couple of hours. You should come back after sch-"
"No," I cut her off a bit harshly, "I'm going to stay here until she wakes up."
Her aunt didn't fight me on it, she knew I was upset.
"Very well then, press the red button if she wakes up." She pointed to the button next to Albany's bed.
I nodded and she left the room, leaving the two of us alone. I walked over to the chair next to her bed and got comfortable in it, knowing i'll be here for a while. I grabbed Albany's hand, the one with the IV in it and laced our fingers together. Her hands seemed like a baby's compared to mine, i loved it. I loved how I was bigger than her, yet she's got me under her control and always finds a way to make my solid, rock for a heart turn to mush.
"You're cold." I said to her, although she couldn't hear me.
"You're all beat up and have no makeup on, and you still look like artwork. Amazing, huh?"
No response, but what did I expect?
"I don't think I tell you enough, but you're really pretty. Gorgeous and beautiful, actually. It's been two weeks but feels like forever, I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you got me to fall in love with you."

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