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As rude as this may sound, I didn't care about Jack and the girl he was with. I was furious about Maya throwing herself at Johnson and Claire clinging to my cousin as if the world was ending. My grip on Sam's hand tighten, causing him to let out an "ow babe" and pull away, well that was embarassing.
How could Jack allow Maya to speak to him when she used me, lied and was the reason my boyfriend "broke up" with me? How could Vince be with Claire when he knows what happened and how I feel about her?
I tried not to snap their necks as I walked pass them with my head held high, making my way to Jack Gilinsky.
"Al, this is one of my best friends, Emily. Emily, this is Albany, one of my other best friends." He smiled.
"We've talked once or twice before, we have Trig together." Emily smiled up at Jack before giving me a small wave.
They'd be so cute together.
"And I don't get a hug hello?" I turned around to Johnson who was waiting for me with open arms.
I glanced behind him to see Maya smirking and chewing her gum. I rolled my eyes and gave Johnson a hug.
"Why are you here with her?" I quickly whispered, not caring if I was being mean.
"She tagged along with Claire who came with Vince, I had no one and she just started talking to me. You think I want to be conversing with her?" He whispered back.
When I pulled away from our warm hug, I couldn't help but laugh. Sam gave me a funny yet cute look, but I waved him off and mouthed "later" to him.
"We're going to get food first, be right back." I mumbled before grabbing Sam's big hand and pulling him away from the group.
I looked up at him once we were near the food stands and we both had the same look on our face. Pure annoyance and hatred.
"How am I going to enjoy this movie when I have the two people I hate the most in the same room as me? Better yet, why the fuck is Claire with Vince?!" I raised my voice, causing Sammy to chuckl lightly.
"What?!" I snapped.
"You're hot when you're mad." He smiled and out came his dimples, before he pulled me into a hug.
I rolled my eyes and caught him staring at me once more.
"You're thinking again..." I squinted my eyes at him.
"How about we ditch this movie and go straight to the surprise? It's better than this movie. We can always go a different time." He smirked.
A smile grew on my face as I nodded. I bit my lip and gave him a quick kiss before getting pulled to the back exit.


"What is this place?" I was amazed as I looked at the open field that was illuminated by the moonlight.
"This is Cherry Fields, I used to come here a lot when I was younger. It was always so peaceful and quiet, I do a lot of thinking here." Sam and I got out of his car, and he grabbed a plad blanket from the back seat.
As we walked up the small hill, I grabbed Sammy's hand and it swung slightly between us.
"Was this the place you were going to take me after the movie?"
He smiled again, showing the dimples that I loved so much as he nodded.
We made it to the center of the field and opened the blanket, instantly crawling on it and laying down. I cuddled up next to him and layed my head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around me and held me close.
"They're so many stars out, this is beautiful Sam." I said, gazing across the night sky.
The moon was it a cresent shape and bright like the sun, with an army of stars surrounding it.
"You're beautiful." He whispered, and I couldn't help but blush.
"I'm so mad at Vince, how could he be with Claire?"
"'Cause she's a slut and wants to get back at you for dating me. And everyone knew her eyes always undressed him." Sam stated, making me laugh.
"Johnson said that Maya came with Claire who was with Vince, and she just started talking to him."
"I still can't believe she did that to you."
I waited a moment before speaking, "Did what?"
"Used you like that, you told her so many personal things and she was faking it all along. I hate her for what she did."
I looked up at him and could tell he "hated" her more than he says he does.
"Makes you think about who you can trust, huh?"
He placed his free arm under his head and looked down at me.
"You'll never leave me, right?"
"Well Sam we're seniors and college is right around the-"
"No, that's no what I meant. I mean, when the time comes to part, we'll seperate for the right reasons, right? I need you, Al. I'm a better person when I have you here, you can't leave me. As much of a dick as I am, you're the love of my life and I won't let you go that easily. You keep me sane, you keep me calm and if you leave me I won't be able to live another day. Just say you'll never leave me, Albany and I'll shut-"
I wrapped one arm around his torso and hugged him tightly, "I won't leave you, Sam. I promise."
He let out a sigh of relief, and I felt his fingers tangle themselves into my hair.

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