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Make it on the varisty soccer team, check.
I changed back into my normal clothes quickly and made a bee line for Vince's car. He was just going to drop me off home and come back, and I was going to drive back here for the game.
"Hey, how'd it go? Do you like the coach?" My cousin asked once I got into his car.
"Yeah, she was okay. I made it on the team, she made so many cuts."
"I heard, Coach M is tough on the girls." He pulled out of the school's parking lot and headed for home.
"My mom's on her way home. She said that your mom called to see how you were doing."
My mom called? It's been long enough.
"I'll talk to her after the game. See you then, love you!" He pulled up to his house and I kissed his head before running out and stumbling inside.

I took a quick shower and pulled on leggings with a pair of mocasins and one of Vince's Westside sweatshirts. As I was fixing my messy hair into a ponytail, I heard the front door open.
"Al, are you home?" My Aunt Nikki called out.
"I'm up here!"
I grabbed my phone off the charger and rushed downstairs. It was wierd seeing her in the afternoon, I usually only saw her in the mornings when I left for school.
"I'm guessing you're going to the game?" She smiled.
I smiled back and nodded, grabbing my keys.
"Be safe, go warriors!" She laughed, kissing my forehead.
I got in my car, seeing I was an hour late. Vince and the guys were going to kill me, the game would be over soon and i'm just arriving. Shit.
I sighed and picked up the speed a little bit, getting to school shortly. When I got inside the school, the bleachers were packed. The cheerleaders were cheering and you heard the crowd roaring along with the squeaking of the basketball team's shoes.
"Look who showed up!" I turned around and saw Maya sitting court side, next to a boy.
I chuckled and sat down next to her.
"Al, this is my boyfriend, Daniel. Danny, this is Albany."
I recongized the boy from some of my classes, I haven't really spoken to him before. We gave each other a small 'hello', but he seemed more focused on the game. Hell, everybody around me was focused on the game. My eyes scanned the gymnasium until I spotted Sam being pulled out of the game by his coach, he looked like he was really trying and i'm guessing he was a starter.
His eyes connected with mine and he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully, something I do a lot when it comes to Sam. I watched him glance to the hallway doors and then back at me a couple of times, he wanted me to go out there.
I gave him a slight nod and saw him say something to his coach before walking out of the gym.
"I'll be right back." I mentiomed to Maya before getting up and walking out into the hall.
I turned to my right and saw a sweaty, smelly, but still hot as hell Sam. He looked even cuter in that stupid basketball uniform of his.
"How am I doing?"
"Great." I lied, I didn't see him play yet.
"I saw you just walk in, Al." He giggled, walking closer to me.
I pulled my lips back and laughed, "I'm sorry. I had to shower, and aren't you suppose to be in there?" I bobbed my head in the direction of the gym.
He smiled, "Yeah, but I wanted to see you first. I need some luck, we're not doing good out there."
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, making my head swirl with a bunch of different emotions.
I picked up the gold pendant on his lucky necklace that I was wearing, it was #13, and i kissed it.
"I'll be rooting for you, Wilk."
His lips twitched into smile and he placed his lips on my neck, then sprinkled kisses on my jaw and cheek.
"Find me after the game."
I nodded and kissed his nose. When then went back into the gym, through seperate entrances of course.


It seemed like something out of a movie, the room had grown quiet to the point where you could hear a pin drop, and all you heard was the sound of Sam bouncing the basketball on the ground, from the foul line. The clock was counting down the moments that passed by and the score was tied.
All Sam had to do was make this shot, and they were headed to the championship.
Sammy fixed his grip on the ball and let out a breath before bending his knees. Then, everything seemed to move in slow motion. The crowd jumped, the ball fell into the basket, and the clock's buzzer went off. Before I knew it, the crowd swarmed onto the court, making me lose Sammy to the sea of people.
I soon found him shirtless and sitting on the Jacks shoulders as they carried him through the people. Our eyes connected and he scrambled down from his friends. I ran off the bleachers and elbowed people out of the way. When I spotted Sam, he had gigantic smile on his face. I ran into his arms and he lifted me up, spinning us in a circle.
"Y-You did it!" I beamed, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"We did it." He breathed, scanning my face.
I couldn't help but stare at his brown eyes and big smile, he had such a smile. One that could cure cancer and end world hunger.
His eyes focused on my lips for a couple of seconds, I wanted to kiss him so bad but the whole school was surrounding-
Not reacting fast as I usually would, Sam pulled my face down to his and locked our lips together. I gasped while kissing him because I was in shock, who wouldn't be?

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