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Awkward conversations, awkward dinner and an awkward ride home. What a great time to be me.
"I feel like I ruined tonight. I made you tell me when I know you-"
"It's okay, Sam. It feels good to tell at least someone."
He pulled into my aunt's house and I knew she was home, her car was in the driveway. Shit.
"I'm sorry." He apologized again.
"It's fine, let's not bring it up to anyone, okay? Thanks for tonight."
He caught my hand before I could leave his Cadillac.
"Will I see you tomorrow?"
I stared at him for a second before answer, "Yeah, you will."
He pulled me a little closer and leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. It gave me a feeling of relied for some reason.
"Goodnight princess." He said softly.
I got out of his car and we watched me slip inside the house. I instantly got hit with warmth as I took off my shoes. I thought the coast was clearly, until I saw my Aunt Nikki on the couch, watching her soap operas.
"Was that Sam? Vince's friend?!" She exclaimed.
Aunt Nikki was young, she had Vince at the age of 16 and raised him by herself. She was 33 now, but acted like a complete teenager still. She's more of my friend than my aunt. I thought she would be mad that I came home late, though.
I blushed and nodded slowly.
"Vince told me what happened, but I think it's adorable. You, a sweet girl, dating the bad boy." She smiled.
"We aren't dating, Aunt Nikki." I grinned and shook my head.
"Yet, and you don't have to sneak him around. As long as nothing funky happens upstairs and he's out by a fair time on school nights."
I bit my bottom lip and crossed my arms, staring at her.
"You're nohing like my mom."
"I'm the cool one." She winked, making me laugh.
It was true, my aunt and mother were complete opposites, just like me and my twin sister.
"Goodnight Aunt Nikki."
"Goodnight lovebug."
I walked over to her and gave her and hug before going upstairs to my room.
At least someone approves of this whole situation with Sam and I.
To be honest, it bothered me that Sam and I didn't have a title or label. I wouldn't even say we were properly together. Hell, I'm not even one hundred percent sure he has feelings for me. We were the slightest bit more than friends, what's that zone called?
As I thought of these crazy things, I changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed.

Time to dream of how my life would be if I never met Sammy.


"Sammy." I whispered, giggling slightly.
I didn't get a response, he was knocked out. He had his hoodie up and his head on the desk. He better pray the teacher doesn't catch him, Mrs. Linn hates when kids fall asleep during her class.
She believes "nothing is more important that learning about the history of the world." So if she sees Sam, there's no doubt he's getting written up.
I looked up and Mrs. Linn had her back towards the sudents. Everyone around me was quiet, all you heard was the sound of the squeaky Expo marker on the white board and the ocasional slight snore from Sammy if you were really paying attention. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of sleeping Sam, making sure to show him later.
I laughed a little louder, catching the attention of Maya who was two rows over to my left. She gave me a confused look, and I pointed to Sam.
"Ms. Whittmore, Ms. Bailey, would you like to tell the class what's so funny about-- is Samuel Wilkinson sleeping in my class!?" The teacher began to walk over to his desk and I spat out the first thing that came to mind.
"I was just telling Maya a funny science joke!"
"Proceed then, let's see how funny this is." Mrs. Linn said, obviously forgetting she had just spotted a kid sleeping in her class.
"Um... Do you have 11 protons? Because you're sodium fine."
The entire class erupted in a fit of laughter, which woke Sammy up.
My Global teacher narrowed her eyes at me, obviously wierded out that I called her fine. Which she isn't, she's a woman in her late fourty's with too many age wrinkles.
"Just... Pay attention." She shook her head and got back to writting something on the board.
"What the hell?" Sam rubbed his eyes and whispered towards me.
"I just saved your sorry ass from getting written up." I told him, collecting my books as the bell rang.
Lunch, I love Lunch.
I rushed out of the classroom and waited for Maya so we could walk together. As I waited, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back into their chest. I could recongize that stupid smell anywhere. Ambercrombie & Finch cologne with a hint of mint and sometimes smoke, but not this time. Samuel Howard Wilkinson.
"So, what happened in there?" He asked, lazily slinging his arm around my shoulders as we walked together.
Sorry Maya.
I pulled up the picture of him on my phone and showed him, slightly giggling.
"I made up a stupid joke and she forgot all about writting you up, you're welcome."
Sam pressed his lips to my ear, "Thank yoooou."
"I was thinking about going out for lunch today, I don't want what they are serving plus it's nice outside. Can you come with me?" I pulled my bottom lip out into a frown.
He sighed in what seemed frustration and ruffled his hair.
"I can't, our stupid Literature teacher gave me lunch detention for refusing to do my oral report. Sorry baby."
I sighed, "It's fine. I'm headed to McDonald's though, want anything?"
"It's okay you don't have to-"
"So a cheeseburger with large fries and a Dr. Pepper. No pickles, no onions?" I remembed his order from a couple of days ago.
He grinned widely and nodded, "You're the best babygirl. Thank you."
"I know." I shrugged, laughing.
"Lunch detention is in room 210 today, just drop it off in there."
"Got it, see you later." I said as we came to a stop in front of the detention room.
Sammy pressed his lips to my forehead before letting me go. I continued to walk down the hallway, and soon heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Jack Johnson walking my way.
"We started to get worried! Are you coming to lunch?" He asked.
I shook my head and pulled out my keys from my backpack, "I'm going to go out for lunch today. Want anything?"
"No thanks, Jack and I just ate Subway. So i'll seen you in Trig?"
"You definitely will." I smiled and we went our sepreate ways.
I made my way out of the school and got into my Jeep Wrangler. I pulled out of Westside's parking lot and was soon on the open road. It was beatuiful out today, the sun was shining and there was not one cloud in the sky, it sort of reminded me of San Diego, minus the palm trees. Not many cars were on the road either, which was odd. You would think people were busy on the week days.
I pressed my foot to the gas pedal, passing through the green light at a fair speed. I looked out of my windshield and to the left, and the last thing I saw was truck coming at me faster than I could move out of the way.

Then, it was like somebody flipped a switch. Everything went black.


hi everyone, this is much shorter than I usually write. Only because this is sort of a filler, nothing important happened except the ending. I kept it short because everyone loves a cliffhanger(-: don't hate me!

vote/comment if you understood what happened to Albany!

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