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"Answer the door! I'm in the basement!" Vince yelled from downstairs.
"What an aweful excuse, just come up and open it!"
"You're closer to the door!"
I grunted and got up from my comfty spot on the couch, pausing my AHS marathon in the process.
I opened the door and saw the Jacks standing there with Sammy, and they uninvitedly walked into the house.
"Well hey to you too." I mumbled, walking back into the living room.
They seemed to know exactly where to go, because two of the three boys made a beeline for downstairs without me telling them. Sammy stayed up here for some reason and it annoyed me.
"It's kind of crazy how we have almost every single class together, huh?" He shoved his hands in his sweatpants pocket and took a seat next to me.
"Stop trying to talk to me, go downstairs with your friends." I said, waving my hand towards the stairs as I pressed play.
"Is this Freakshow?"
I sighed and paused it once more before turning towards Sam.
"What do you want from me?"
"Nothing right now. I just asked a question, princess." He shrugged and leaned back, getting comfty on my couch.
"Why do you like to annoy me so much?"
"Why do you like to block people out?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, what does he mean?
"I'm not blocking people out."
"You're blocking me out."
"I'm not blocking you out, i'm simply ignoring you because you get on my nerves."
He just laughed at me like I said some kind of funny joke. This is what got me pissed off, stupid shit like this.
"Okay what do you want from me, honestly? I'll do anything for you to quit your stupid funny-boy act." I huffed, crossing my arms.
"Hm... How about dinner tonight?" He smirked, taking off his snapback and running his hand through his locks.
"Dinner?... That's it? Then you'll leave me alone and stop being annoying?"
He nodded.
"Deal, pick me up at seven."
He began to get up, "You got it babe."
He winked and walked in front of me before leaning down and kissing my cheek, and then walking downstairs.
I looked over at the clock at saw it was three-thirty. I figured I would waste some time before actually starting to get ready.


After three episodes of American Horror Story, a twenty minute shower, and nine attempts of trying to put on lipstick, i was finally ready. The red sweater I had on swallowed my body, so I played with the sleeves of it as I patiently waited for Sam to come back to my house. Vince had forced me to tell him where I was going when he walked in on me straightening my hair, and promised to have a little chat with Sammy when he got here. I didn't like that idea, what if they start to fight? I don't want to break up their friendship, I would never be able to forgive myself.
The bell rang, making me jump up. I began to walk to the door, but Vince beat me to it. He really was going to have that chat.
"Hey bro." Vince said casually after opening the door.
I came into view and saw Sam, a little bit more dressed up than he was before. His hair wasn't as messy and he seemed to have cleaned up well.
"Hey man... Hey Al." Sam's eyes traveled down my body and back up, then met my eyes.
This "scan" wasn't something like he gave me earlier, he wasn't "checking me out". This time, he seemed intrigued by my presence and appearence. Not by my clothes, but more so my height, form and over all small frame. I was petite and i wasn't fond of it, but Sammy was.
"What's going on?" Sammy tore his eyes away from mine to answer my cousin's question.
"Um, nothin' man. I actually came by for Albany."
I never liked my name but when it came out of Sammy's mouth, I seemed to have grown a soft spot for it.
Blood rushed upon my cheeks as both boys looked at me. I hesitated for a moment, hoping the boys didn't notice it as I nervously walked out to Sam's side.
"Sam, can we talk for a sec?" Vince asked.
"Nope! We need to go, sorry! Don't wait up!" I said all too quickly, while grabbing Sam's hand and pulling him to his car.
"Slow down there, speed racer." He chuckled as we got into his black Cadillac.
"He was going to kill you."
Sam looked at me for a second, baffled.
"And why is that?"
"Because this is happening." I motioned my hands around us.
He laughed softly, "What's so bad about it?"
"He wanted to 'chat' with you about taking me out. So I saved your ass."
He rolled his eyes with a smile, this was a different side of him. I sort of liked it, but I couldn't be so quick to judge. This could all be an act.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
I let out a long sigh and leaned back in the leather seat.
"Don't start giving me that 'its a surprise' bullshit. Next time you better tell me."
"Oh, so there will be a next time?" Sammy smirk slightly, making me embarassed.
"I didn't mean it like that I-"
"Yeah you did."
I let out another breath, and let the arguement go. I wasn't in the mood to start fighting.
"I hope you like sushi." He mumbled under his breath as we pulled into a Chinese resturant parking lot.
"Shit." Sam whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"See those kids over there? They like to cause trouble between my friends and I. Just-- stay behind me and don't say a word okay?" He pointed to a group of teenage boys and looked over at me.
I nodded, and we got out. I'll admit, I was a bit scared. What was the tenson between them? Why did they try to fight Sam?
"Aye Wilk! Plan to fuck her afterwards? 'Cause if not, i'd love to! What's you're name, lil mama?" A boy hollered as we walked pass them, he smacked my butt through my leggings. I gasped and Sammy grabbed him by the collar, pushing him backwards.
"Don't you ever fucking touch her again, got it? I don't want to see you any where near her." Sammy gritted.
The guy pushed Sam back, he stumbled back a little, "Or what?"
"You'll be choking on your own teeth." Sammy spat, grabbing my hand.
I felt totally violated by this guy.
The kid took a step forward and pulled his arm back, but his friend stepped in a stopped him from hurting Sam.
"Not here, Mike. Let's get him another time." His friend said, glaring at Sam and I.
Sammy came behind me and placed his hands on my hips, guiding me into the resturant and making sure no one would touch me again.
"Reservations for Wilkinson?" He told the lady at the little desk.
She grabbed two menus and led us over to a table, letting us take out seats after walking away.
"Fuck, fuck I want to go out there and beat the shit out of Mike." Sammy mumbled, gripping the sides of his menu.
"Sam, calm down. He just-"
"He smacked your ass! He's disgusting and-"
"Yes, but you told him what you would do if he ever came near me again. It's okay." He looked up from the menu and smiled a few seconds after, creating his forgien feeling in my stomach.
This feeling, it was different. I feel like i've exprience something like this before. I felt like this once in seventh grade, when Tyler Dunn decided to sit next to me during lunch because I was sitting alone, and I felt it again in ninth grade when Chis Peters asked me to homecoming, and another time when I had my first kiss. Which was with Chris Peters at homecoming, because he had just asked me to be his girlfriend and I thought we would be together forever.
I haven't had this feeling since then, because Chris and I were together until the very last day I was in San Diego. He claimed we had "lost our special spark" but I was pretty sure he was seeing Cassidy Radley behind my back, but I will never know now.
I haven't felt this heat in my stomach since approximately the middle of sophmore year, and it was scaring me. Why was my stomach feeling like mush? Why were my palms sweating? Why was my heart starting to pick up its pace?
Sammy didn't say anything when these odd things began to happen, all he did was smile.
He smiled and I was basically screwed.
I snapped out if my thoughts when I heard Sam's voice.
"You totally just zoned out, I asked you how your first day was."
"Sorry, and it was good. I met one or two people."
"I was definitely the best person you met today." He joked.
"Totally, considering i'm on a date with someone I just met this morning." I giggled softly.
A waitress came around and I let Sam do most of the talking, he seemed to know what was good around here. She had came back with sushi that tasted like it was stuffed with crab, it was right up my alley.
As I ate, I felt Sammy's stare on me. Was there something on my face? In my teeth? My hair?
"What?" I smiled.
He shook his head with a smile, "Nothing, I just... I like this."
I couldn't help but bit my lip, "Me too."
"I'm sorry I came off as a dick. I'm mot like that, you were right though. I'm a try hard."
His eyes broke contact with mine and traveled down to the empty plate in front of him.
"Well obviously, i'm always right." I shrugged, letting out a laugh and making Sam snap up and form his mouth into an 'O'.
"You were suppose say something nice to cheer me up." He pouted.
"I'm not like everyone else, Wilk." I whispered, leaning against the table.
"I know, Al. And I like that about you, I like that a lot actually."


"I had fun tonight, Samuel." I giggled slightly as he helped me get out of his car.
He smiled at my sillyness as we walked up the driveway, our hands gently intertwined. It was a feeling I couldn't describe. I loved it so much.
"Me too." He breathed as we made it up to the front door.
I bit my bottom lip, "Thank you."
"Anytime, princess." He smiled lightly and placed one hand on my cheek before leaving a long kiss on my forehead.
Before I knew it, he was walking away and I was missing him already. I went inside because I started to freeze, stupid Nebraska weather.
"So how was your date with Sammy boy?"
I jumped at the voice and saw my cousin sitting on the couch, watching t.v.
"It's almost ten, what are you still doing up? We have school tomorrow."
"You didn't answer my question." He crossed his arms.
"It was fine, we ran into some people but it was good." I huffed, kicking off my drity white converse.
"What people?" Vince stood up and slowly approached me.
"Some guy named Mike and his friends."
"Big Mike? Shit.. What happened?" Vince gritted.
"He smacked my butt and Sammy threatened him."
"What did he say?" His hands balled into fists, Vince was fuming.
"If he touched me again or came anywhere near me he would make him choke on his own teeth." I said, repeating Sam's words.
Vince stared at me for a moment, people seemed to be doing that a lot today.
"What?" I sighed.
"Sammy's never done that before."
"Done what?"
"Take a girl to dinner, let alone protect her. He usually hooks up with them and then drops them."
I cringed at the thought of Sam doing that to some girl.
She probably deserved it.
"Well, it happened. I'm going to bed." I stated, heading for the stairs.
"Be careful though, Albany. He's still Sam Wilkinson!" Vince called once I was in my room.


I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not, I have to see how this fans out. I hope y'all are enjoying this so far, even though it's only the second chapter. Oh, and in the first chapter I said I would be updating every Thursday, but I changed it to Mondays and Thursdays, hope you enjoy!

BTW- i got VIPs to Digi Fest and i'm screaming!! I might have a chance at meeting the Jacks. It's a dream that might become true.

vote/comment for the Jacks (-:

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