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I sat in art class, sketching a fall scene for my teacher. This was the only class I didn't have with Sam, he chose Film Hisory instead of Art as an elective. It was last period, thank god. Although it was only my second day, I really liked this class. It was a class of quiet students, not someone as loud as Sammy. I felt like this place was a judgemental-free zone, and I was able to draw what I please. Drawing was a safe haven for me, it brought me to a place only I would understand. I would be able to doodle all of my problems onto a piece of paper and feel relieved afterward.
As I fixed the bark of my tree, my phone buzzed. The teacher was too busy coloring in something to notice I had pulled it out.

From: Sammy Wilk
This class is boring, ditch with me?

He had gotten his hands on my phone number from Vince some how, and hasn't stopped texting me since third period.

we ligit have a half hour left, and no fyi i like my class. I typed back.

then atleast come up here, i want to see you. He answered.

you saw me last period, loser. i'm in the middle of something.

please 😩

Attached to his last text was a picture of him in class, his chin rested on the desk. Oddly enough, I saved it. It was cute, I liked his black shirt with his black snapback and earrings. It was a really good looking picture.
I didn't have time to reply back, because I noticed the teacher walking my way. My immediate reaction was to slip it into my swestshirt pocket.
"Great work Albany." Ms. Hayes complimented.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Can you do me a favor?"
I knew that compliment didn't just comt out of the blue. There was always a catch.
I gave her a look to go on and she did.
"Mrs. Linn is your History teacher, correct?"
I nodded, who cares?
"Well, earlier this morning she barrowed the markers that I need to use to finish up a project with. I believe she's teaching Film History in room 216, can you just run up there and grab them for me?"
I held back a sigh as I nodded and began to get up from my seat.
"Thank you darling." She gave me a warm smile before I exited the room.
It took me a little while, but I found room 216. Inside, Mrs. Linn was teaching her Film History class which just so happens to include Sammy, Jack G., Jack J. and Vince.



This class is so fucking boring, I was better off in art. The only reason why I took this elective was because we watched history movies the entire class and then have a quiz on them three days later, but honestly it was just putting me to sleep. Suddenly the door opened, and I wasn't so tierd anymore.
The girl that I can't seem to get my mind off of popped her head into the room before opening up the door all the way, showing off her little body that I craved.
"Ah, nice to see you Albany. What can I do for you, sweetheart?"
Yeah Al, real nice to see you.
Al flashed an adorable smile, "Ms. Hayes needs the markers you barrowed back. She sent me to come retrieve them."
"Yes, they're over in the back corner, by Sam."
Albany's eyes traveled to the corner of the room and when they locked with mine, I winked. She rolled her eyes like a little kid and began to come over.
"Mrs. Linn, you have my cousin! She's so annoying, right?!" Vince joked as Albany walked passed him, making some of us laugh.
The smile started to face as Al got closer, I soon realized she was no longer staring at me, but at the guy in front of me.
I swear to fuckin' god if he even looks at her I will break every bone in his body.
I leaned on my desk and got close to his ear, "If you touch her, I will kill you."
I saw him stiffen a bit, and I slumped back into my seat when Al passed Mike's desk and then stopped at mine.
"They're on the shelf, the bottom one." The teacher said.
She smirked before squatting down in front of me to get to the markers.
Holy fuckin' shit, her ass in those damn tight leggings. Her ass wasn't big but god dammit it wasn't small either. It was perfectly round and fuck, the things I would do to--
"Is something wrong Sam?" The innocent voice of Albany Whittmore rang through my ears, and I snapped out of my inappropriate thoughts.
"Wha- no, nothing's wrong." I gave her a sarcastic smile, she definitely knew I was staring at her butt.
She gave such a fake, innocent smile to the teacher before leaving the room. It had to be fake, there had to be some sort of wild side to this girl, I wanted to be the first to see it.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out, not giving a shit about the teacher.

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