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I fiddled with the gold pendant around my neck, the one that was once Sam's. I swung my feet over the edge of the table that i sat on in the doctor's office, waiting for him to come into the room.
Sammy caught me off guard when he placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it lightly.
"Why are you so nervous?" He asked me quietly.
"I just want this stupid thing off." I replied, gesturing towards my filthy cast.
Sam chuckled at my response, and I placed my hands in his hair, pulling slightly at his roots.
"Aren't you suppose to be at practice?"
He moaned quietly due to my hands' actions which woke me up a little bit, his moans were quite sexy.
"Y-Yeah but... I w-wanted to be with you instead." He huffed, fluttering his eyes shut and leaning his head back a little.
"Please don't tell me you're getting turned on by this." I giggled, and his hand squeezed my skin harder.
"I'm s-sorry, it's just... I can't help but imagine you doing this in bed w-while i'm eating-"
The doctor entered the door and Sam immediately took a step back, awkwardly coughly. The freaky side of me wanted to hear what else he was going to say, but the normal part of me said to chill out.
"How are you feeling, Ms. Whittmore?" The doctor asked, beginning to remove my cast.
"Better, i still have trouble breathing and walking around sometimes, but i'm making progress. Right Sam?"
I looked over at my boyfriend and he nodded nervously. My eyebrows furrowed together, why was he all fidgity? His eyes glanced down at his hands who was covered something. When I looked down, I noticed the tent proped up in Sam's pants.
The kid got a boner from my hands.
I slammed my good hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. This was the funniest thing that's happened all day. The doctor looked at me oddly before examining my wrist.
"How does it feel?" He asked, helping me move it around.
"It feels good."
"Good, well I'll let you go for now. But, if you run into any trouble with it, come back in for another visit."
I nodded and he let me and Sam go. Sammy immediately pinned me up against his chest, useing me to cover himself up.
"You're helping me get rid of this when we get home." He growled, a little annoyed.
We got back into his car and I bursted out into fits of laughter.
"It's not funny, okay?" He spat, driving into the directiom of his house.
"A-All I did was pull at your hair!" I laughed, clutching my stomach.
He sighed and it remained standing under his sweatpants.
"It was hot, okay?" Sam mumbled, pulling into his driveway.
I smiled stupidly and shook my head as we walked into his house. As usual, his parents weren't home.
"I'm goanna go try and fix this." Sam said, walking up the stairs.
I scruntched up my nose at the thought of what he was going to do, it's just wierd.
I made my way into the kitchen and made the two of us some food, knowing he'll be hungry before the game. I waited ten minutes, but Sam still hasn't returned. I heard him walking around upstairs, but he hasn't decended.
"Sam!" I yelled.
No response.
"Sammy!" I called out again, standing at the bottom of the steps.
I sighed and made my way to his room, only to find him frustratedly walking around and pulling at his own hair. He turned towards me, actually looking a bit in pain.
"It won't stop throbbing, it hurts." Sammy whined.
"Do something!" I laughed.
"Help me!"
"What? Ew no!"
"It's your fault! It's been like twenty minutes, please?"
He sat down on the edge of the bed, giving me puppy-dog eyes.
"Sammy what could I possibly do?"
"I don't know... just... give me a handjob!" He blurted out, really eger.
"What? Are you crazy?!"
"Please baby? It'll go down afterward, pleeeease pleeeease, it hurts." He bit his bottom lip, pleading.
"You owe me." I huffed, getting uncomfortable as I sat next to him.
"You're the best girlfriend in the world." He kissed my forehead and his breathing picked up.
"What if I do it wrong? I've never done this."
"Just, do what I say. I could already tell you're good with your hands."


"How many times are you going to wash your hands?" Sammy smirked, tieing the string of his sweatpants tighter.
"Until I die, that was so... yuck." I shook my body and he laughed.
"Now that you did that to me, we are an offical couple." He came up behind me and kissed my cheek as I dried my hands.
"How does me giving you a handjob make us an offical couple?!" I slapped his bare chest and he laughed harder.
"Now you know what you do to me, Whittmore."
"Go get ready, you have a big game in an hour." I said, walking passed him and back downstairs.
I knew he was changing when I didn't hear him follow me downstairs.
I couldn't help but think back to before. How Sam's eyebrows squished toward and his mouth let out the most beautiful moans a person could let go. How his eyes screwed shut and he panted, letting his head fall back and he repeated breathed out my name. How he gripped his sheets and he began to breath heavy. God, it was heavenly to see that, to see Sam sexually frustrated. It was all new to me, but then I remembered how Sam was before I came along. So many girls have probably witnessed him in that state, and suddenly i didn't feel so amused anymore.
"You okay?" I jumped and turned around to see Sam in his Westside varsity basketball uniform, I couldn't help but think how cute he looked.
"Y-Yeah, i'm fine."
His head tilted to the side, and he slowly apporached me, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me close to his body.
"Let me guess," he breathed, "you're thinking about what you just did."
I bit my lip and nodded slowly.
"That was amazing, princess. I can't wait, to return the favor." He whispered with a smirk, making my knees feel like they were going to give out.
"It'll go a little like this..." Before I could react, Sammy lifted me up onto the counter and began to kiss me. His hands traveled down my legs, then back up and under my shirt. His hands roamed my body before they stopped right after fiddling with the hooks of my bra.
"Then, other stuff will go down." He pulled back and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me on the counter baffled and out of breath.
"Uncool, Wilkinson!"
I heard him chuckle from the hallway.

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