18 - part 2 | epilouge

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"... and it was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me all at once." I told the interviewer as i squeezed the arm rests of the chair I was beginning to slouch in.
She, along with my fans in the crowd, awe'd. I hated when people pittyed me every time i told this story, but that's all the press wanted to know about. My relationships and past life.
"How long ago was this?" She asked.
"About eleven months ago."
"If you could go back in time and change it, would you?"
Would I? I never thought of that. If I changed it, would I be where I was today? If I had never left the next day, would he still be here?
I took a deep breath before answering, "I cared more about him than I did myself back then, he was my number one priority. I would have been by his side through his entire future, helping him be the best he could be, so i probably wouldn't have gone to NYU, been discovered five months later and be signed to a record label if he hadn't left. So I secretly thank him in the nicest way for leaving me because I wouldn't have persuded my dream in singing. So to answer that, mostly likely not."
"What was the last thing he said to you? Do you remember?"
"No, you know what? You go, you fly to New York tomorrow morning and go to NYU. I wish you the best, but as of right now I don't want to see you anymore." I repeated each words exactly, they were embeded in the back of my mind that day.
"Can you tell us your mystery boy's name? Where he is? What he's up to?" Now she was being snoopy.
"I don't know everything." I giggled slightly.
Yes you do.
Samuel Howard Wilkinson
Age, 19
Born on December 11th, 1995
Lover of strawberries and basketball
Current status? Single and back to the fuckboy he was before we met.
One million followers on instagram
Eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand followers on twitter.
Tours with Jack and Jack who are over the top famous and raps with his best friend Nate, or Skate Maloley.
And worst of all? He's close with Mike.
That's not wierd... Right?
"Oh well, is he famous?"
Why? So you could ask him about me?
I shrugged, "Who knows."
"Well, shame on him for leaving such a beautiful girl." She flashed me a fake smile, I knew it was fake.
I returned the favor.
"Give it up for Albany everyone! Her new single is out on iTunes now, and her album is dropping in two weeks! Don't forget to pre-order it!" The interviewer said, standing up and clapping along with the crowd.
I smiled and waved to the camera before it stopped recording.
After the show, I met as many fans as I could before I was pulled away by my manager who happens to be my Aunt Nikki.
"You have an hour to change and shoot out to the airport because your flight to Los Angeles leaves soon. Emily is already at your house and Vince is flying with you. I'm stay here for the week because I have lots of meetings to attend." Nikki said, guiding me to a black truck.
"Make sure you take everything and be safe. Tell my son to call me when y'all land." She said before kissing my forehead and shuttingg the car door for me.
Vince was already at the airport, so all I had to do was grab everything from my hotel room and head to the airport.
"Are you excited to move out to California?" Bernie, my driver asked me.
"Hell yeah, but i'll miss New York." I frowned.
"Well i'll be out there driving you around there too, so don't be looking for another driver." He smiled at me through the mirror.
"Bernie, you've been driving me around New York ever since I became famous, I would never forget you."
He nodded once and focused back on the road.
I pulled out my phone and tapped on the yellow app, opening up Snapchat. I held down the button and started to record a video.
"Hey guys, i'm currently on my way back to the hotel to grab the last of my things before flying out to L.A with Vince. Emily is already at our new house that we will be sharing so I can't wait. New York, you've been good to me. California, here I come." I smiled and the video cut off.
I posted it and instantly got tons of views. I found myself scrolling through my messages and decided to send a text to Em.

to: emily glazerrr 😈👭💖
see you soon, cant wait to see how you decorated OUR house !! 😍

Only six minutes went by before my phone buzzed with a text.

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