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I woke up before Sam, and my hips were sore along with my head. His arm was on one of my hips, and the weight caused the bruise to hurt more than it already did.
I pushed his dead weight off of me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, sitting upright. I turned on my phone and headed towards the bathroom that connected to his room. I washed my face and used the tooth brush that I left here last time before walking back out to find Sammy sitting up in bed.
"Was I drunk?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and scooted to the edge of the bed.
"You were a goner, my friend."
He smiled slightly and looked down, "Do you have any pants on?"
"Shit did I force you to have-"
He let out a breath, "Okay good, I would've never forgave myself if I made you do that."
I forced a smile, I was still scared and shocked from what he did to me last night. He has no recollection of what happened and i'm afraid to tell him.
I slipped a pair on Sam's boxers that acted as shorts and turned around to change my shirt.
"Wait, what is that?" He said quietly as I took off my shirt.
I dropped his shirt to the ground and froze, he saw the bruises.
"Who the fuck did that to you-"
I turned around and tried to stop him from yelling when his sister was in the other room.
"No! Who did that to you?! I'll fucking beat-"
"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I yelled the loudest, regretting it because his sister had to be up by now.
His mouth dropped and his eyes widened.
I walked over to him, not caring that I was shirtless. I stood infront of him so he could see the marks up close. He gently grabbed my waist and softly ran his thumbs of the large black & blues as his eyes became shiny.
"I-I did this?" His voice cracked and barely came out as a whisper.
I nodded and he looked up at me, begging me for forgiveness without even saying a word. He was in pure shock and didn't seem to know what to do.
He leaned his head against my bare stomach and I felt his hot tears drip on my skin as his silently wept.
"Baby it's okay." I cooed, rubbing his back.
"No, no it's not. I'm so sorry that I hurt you Al I-"
"Sam, relax," i croutched down to his level as he stayed seated on the bed, "It's okay, really. You didn't know what you were doing. You were drunk and all over the place. I forgive you."
I wiped his tears away as he looked me in the eyes with sadness.
"I'm sorry." He breathed out again.
To make him stop apologizing, I softly pushed out lips together. My hands holding his cheeks in the process.
"What else did I do to you?" He sniffled a little bit.
"You just pushed me against the wall and I um... I hit my head Sam."
He started crying again on my shoulder, mumbling 'sorry' ever three seconds.
"Anything else?" He asked, taking my hands in his.
"Well, before that you told me I was cute like a little baby unicorn. Then tapped my nose and called me Ally."
He laughed at that, I missed his smile and it gave me butterflies when I saw it again.
"I'm sorry, I won't stop saying it." He mumbled, pressing his lips firmly on my jaw.
"Hey Sam?"
"I think i'm ready to say it."
He looked at me, confused.
"I love you, Sammy."
His confused face turned into a big smile.
"I love you too, princess."



I wanted to strangle myself for what I had done to Al, drunk or not. I still harmed her and I put her in lots of pain. I'm so fuckin' stupid sometimes, okay maybe all the time. I should've never put my fuckin' hands on her.
Albany had made her way downstairs, and I could smell the sizzling bacon from up here. I put on sweatpants and ruffled my hair before heading downstairs, following the amazing scent. I slowly entered the kitchen, seeing Albany cooking breakfast. She had her back towards me and although I didn't see her face, I knew she was beautiful. Even without makeup, in my underwear and shirt, she was gorgeous. Just plain fascinating. The way my shirt fell almost to her knees, and how her little feet patted on the tiled floor when she moved from the counter to the table, then to the stove. One of the things that had me going crazy was her height. Damn, she was so little and cute. She reminded me of a flower or a cupcake. Sweet and small, and just perfect. I found it amusing as she hummed an Ed Sheeran song to herself before putting her index finger in her mouth and licking off the bacon grease, making a small sound as she pulled away. She needed to be put on display, she was a beautiful creation from God that needed to be shown off. I wanted to be the one to walk around the mall with her, holding her bags in one hand and her small and in my other. I wanted to be the one to take her to the beach and have people stare at us simply because they were jealous of how I got so lucky. Her looks and over all personality made my heart beat faster and I was convinced I was in love with her because I have never felt like this before, as sappy as that sounds.
All I wanted to do was lock her away in my room so she could never leave. I was afraid I was going to fuck up again, i only think that because well, i'm me. I always messed things up, it just wasn't until Al came into my life that I actually started caring.
She was the reason I did start caring in life, she is the only reason I try. Wheather it be in school, in basketball, or just in life. My parents don't give a shit about me, and I barely see my brother and sisters because they're off doing their own thing. I didn't have a reason to care about what I did when my parents stopped looking after me. I would party until three a.m and wake up with some random girl im my sheets, with a pounding headache and killer stomach pains. Never in a million years would I have thought I would find someone, settle down with a girlfriend. I thought sticking to hook-ups and partying would be my life forever. But now, things are different. I feel different. And it was all because of the little 5'2 chick with the over sized tee shirt and boxer-as-shorts standing in front of me.
I was still fuming over the fact that I had laid a hand on her like that, it doesn't matter if I was drunk or not, it doesn't matter if she says it's okay. I still caused her pain and even worse; left many marks.
My anger soon estinguished when I remembered how she told me she loved me last night. It was the first time she's ever said it, and I couldn't stop thinking about how her lips spoke 'i love you', and she was talking to me. Not to someone, not about someone else.
She loved me, me. And the best part was, the feeling was overly mutual.
I smiled as I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her petite body, making her jump in my arms.

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