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I clamped my hand over my mouth to hold in my screams as I nodded. Sam approached me with a smile and a beautiful boquet of red and white roses. I've seen the flyers around school for the pass three weeks and everyone was getting asked, I just assumed Sam wasn't the type to go to dances and stuff.
He wrapped his arms around me once I took the flowers and kissed my forehead. The people around us cheered, some booed (like Claire and her friends), and some even recorded it.
"Is this why you three boys have been acting all wierd today?" I asked, pointing to the Sam and Jacks who joined us in the middle of the court.
They all nodded and Sam's arm went around my shoulder, "Time to take cute pictures!" He squealed like a little girl.
Jack Johnson took a couple of photos and one of the basketball that had on promposal on it.
"My sister is taking your dress shopping after school, so you're not going to go home."
"How'd you know I was going to say yes?"
He gave me that stupid smirk of his, "I just had a feeling."
"What should I do with my car?"
"I'll take it back to my house because my sister dropped me off this morning so she could take you shopping."
I nodded and we began walking back to the lunch room.
"Oh-- wait." He patted down his sweatpants pocket and pulled slips of paper out of them.
"Keep these in a safe place, I know I will end up losing them."
He handed me two tickets to the 2015 Winter Formal.


I didn't realize how hard shopping for a pretty dress would be. The ones I loved were out of range, and the ones I didn't like were lower than the price I wanted to pay. Plus, I didn't want to show too much skin and I wanted it to be something that would make Sammy drool, I eliminated a lot of my choices. Who doesn't want to look good for their boyfriend?
"Find anything?" I asked Emily, continuiously pushing dresses from one side of the rack to the other.
"There's nothing here that- Al! Look! That's the one!" Emily pulled me over to a dress that was stunning.
I found my size and grabbed it, but I was a little too late because someone else had their hands on it. My eyes traveled passed the fake french nails, up the person's spray tanned arm and to her caked up face and her bleach blonde hair. Out of all the girl's that could have possibly wanted to same dress as me, it had to be Claire.
"Give me my prom dress, you little whorebag." Claire popped her gum and yanked on the dress.
"No way, Claire! I saw it first!"
"No I did! I-- give it-- I need to look good for Sam!" She struggled as we both tugged hard on the dress's hanger.
"Hold up, Claire? You're the bitch that tried to break up my brother and his girlfriend?" Emily stepped in.
Claire flipped her hair over her shoulder with her free hand.
"F-Y-I, they did break up. Now give it to me!" Claire snapped and pulled once more, getting Emily angry.
"Technically I saw it first, let go!" Emily hissed, pulling along with me.
I'm surpirsed this dress hasn't ripped yet.
I went around to the back on Claire and grabbed her hair, pulling her off of the dress and causing her to fall onto the floor. Well, she went to ground, her hair extentsions stayed curled up in my hand.
Emily held onto the dress and her mouth fall open, along with mine. Claire stayed on the floor, tears filling her eyes along with anger.
I knelt down to her level, "Listen here, you little slut. Sammy's my boyfriend now, understand? That party was a warning, if you come any where near him again I'll pull your real hair out of your head next time. Got it?"
She clentched her jaw and stood up as I did. She picked up her bag and snatched her false hair from my hand before storming off, leaving Em and I to laugh our asses off.
"I-I can't b-believe that just h-happened!" Emily laughed hysterically, holding her stomach.
We finally caught our breaths and linked our arms together, "Come on, let me go try this on."

A couple of minutes later, I was smoothing out the black dress I had put on. The material hugged me in all the right places and showed off everything I wanted it to, Emily was in love with the way I looked in it and she was sure that, i quote, "Sam would want to put me on a pedestal and stare at me all day". When we arrived back at Sam's, we told him about our encounter with the Wicked Bitch of The West and he literally turned red. Afterward, he was begging to see my dress but I wouldn't let him.
"I need the keys to my car please." I said, looking sround his kitchen for them.
"Show me your dress." He jiggled my keys in his hands with a smirk.
"Sam, I can't. It'll ruin the surprise." I walked over to him and tried to swipe my keys, but he extended his arm over my head so I couldn't reach.
"Sam, stop." I sighed, standing on my toes.
"Atleast tell me the color."
"Black, now give."
"Ooh black, sexy." He giggled like a child and I sighed again, finally grabbing my keys from him.
"Can we go on a date tonight? Like real couples do?" He asked out of no where.
"Um, sure. Where to?"
"The movies, I want to go see Unfriended."
"Consider it a date, see you at six?"
He grinned and nodded, pulling me by the waist only to plant a long kiss on my lips.
"Bye Emily, thanks for helping me with my dress. I'll see you later!" I called out as I headed to the door.
"Bye Al, see you soon!"
Sam leaned against his front door frame as he watched me get into my car and drive off.


"I think i'm going to set some rules between you and Sammy, he keeps taking you away from me." My Aunt Nikki popped her head into my room and spoke, causing me to stifle a laugh.
"This should be the last clingy day together until prom, it's a movie date." I informed her, checking myself in my vanity once again.
I know wearing a sweatshirt, leggings and Vans wasn't the ideal date outfit but i'm pretty sure Sam wouldn't mind, we'd be sitting in the dark anyways.
As soon as I saw my phone clock strike six, the bell rang.
"He's really good with timing." My aunt pointed out, then running away to answer the door.
I heard the two of them conversing downstairs, so I sprayed on some perfume before taking my phone off the charger and hurrying to them.
Sam was in sweatpants, a navy blue long sleeved shirt and sneakers. I didn't feel bad for looking so... lazy.
"Ready for our movie, babe?" Sam asked, taking my hand.
I nodded and my aunt spoke up, "Have her home before one since it's the weekend, no funny business."
She tried to be serious, but it only resulted in her smiling cheekily.
"Will do, Ms. Whittmore. Oh, and can you do me a favor? I would like to talk to Vince. Can you tell him to text me if you see him?" Sammy scratched the back on his neck and squeezed my hand a little tighter.
"He's out with Jack Johnson right now, but I definitely will tell him as soon as he gets home."
Sam smiled and nodded, then we said our farewells and left.
"What time does the movie start?" I asked once we started to drive.
"In about fifteen minutes." His hand fell on my thigh as we spoke, causing betterflies to form in my stomach.
"What about dinner? I didn't eat." My bottom lip formed a pout.
He gave me his signature smirk, "That's a surprise, princess."
I sighed and stared out the window, "Do you remember what I said on our first date? When you took me to that sushi place?"
"Yes, that you don't like stuff like this and, i quote, 'Don't start giving me that 'its a surprise' bullshit. Next time you better tell me'." He mocked me with a high pitched voice at the end, making me playfully smack his arm.
"They why can't you just tell me?" I question.
"Because," he took a moment, "it makes it more special I guess. I love your reactions, too. And trust me, you'll really like this place."
He smiled which made me trip again, it was crazy and stupid. All he did was smile and I just wanted to stop this car so I could make out with him.
Sammy wouldn't mind that idea, and I know it. I thought to myself.
Soon, we pulled into the cinema and headed for the doors. The building wasn't packed, but there was a handful of people on line. I heard Sam mumbled 'you have to be kidding me.' I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the line, I spotted some heads that looked oddly familiar. I leaned towards Sam, talking quietly.
"Sam is that-"
"Guys look! It's Sammy and Albany! The whole crews here!" Jack Johnson's cheerful voice called out and a group of six heads turned.
Jack Gilinsky with a girl I've seen around school.
Jack Johnson standing next to Maya.
And Vince with his arm around Claire.



ohhhhhh shit, they ran into the crew & Claire and Maya. What's going to go down now???


p.s - i know this is shorter than usual but it's for suspense!

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