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It was now Friday afternoon, and I was forced by the school, Albany, and her aunt to go to school. I left around one o'clock, I wanted to be by Al's side. She says I was getting clingy, but I thought I was just being nice and supportive. I was in the middle of shoving my books in my locker when there was a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and groaned. Claire was standing there. I remember how much Albany hates Claire, I remember watching her rant about how much of a slut she was, I loved how she got so worked up over it too.
"What do you want, Claire?" I sighed, obviously annoyed.
"There's a party tonight at my place, starts are eight. Better be there." She batted those fake lashes at me. The fact that you could even see the glue made me want to vomit.
Although I never actually liked Claire, she always threw the best parties. Before Albany came, I would always go to her parties. But for the past two weeks, I haven't. I was ready to accept, but then remembered that I promised Albany I would be at the hospital even though she told me to stop coming so much.
"I can't."
She rolled her eyes and sighed, "That Alyssa girl has you whipped, you haven't been out in two weeks. Stop worrying so much about her, jeez. You're no fun anymore. Your girlfriend's controlling."
"First of all, it's Albany," I shut my locker and locked it, "Second, I am not whipped. She's just my friend who got into a car accident. I'm going to worry. And for your information, I am still fun." I smirked, I really shouldn't have.
"Then I better see you there, baby." She winked and kissed my cheek before strutting off in her too-high heels.
Who even wears heels to school?
When she turned the corner, i wiped her lipstick stain off my cheek, knowing Al would be suspicious. Wierded out by Claire, I fixed my backpack onto my shoulders and twirled my car keys in my hand as I walked to Jack G.'s locker.
"Hey bro." I said casually, waiting for him.
"Yooo." He mumbled, just then we saw Maya and Johnson walking our way.
"Maya, you comin'?" I asked.
She shook her head, "I have this stupid ass test seventh period, I might stop by when I'm done though. I have stuff to do after school, too."
"Alright, see you later." Johnson said, giving Maya a hug before she walked away.
"Getting it in, J?" Gilinsky smirked.
His friend rolled his eyes and shook his head.
We walked out of school and took our cars to the hospital. After signing in, we headed towards the elevators that took us to her floor.
"Ah shit!" I cursed, remembering something.
"What is it?" Johnson asked.
"I forgot to get Albany pizza, she's been begging me to get it for her and I promised I would today."
"Jack and I will go get it. Plain with extra cheese, right?" Gilinsky asked.
I nodded and just as they left, the elevator arrived.
I stepped inside and pressed the black number 3, and it slowly started to carry me up there. After what seemed like a lifetime, I finally got off on the third floor . As I approached her room, there was someone I didn't expect to see sitting on a chair outside of her room.
"Vince?" His head snapped up ar my voice.
"I came here to talk to her, but she's sleeping." He mumbled, rubbing his hands up and down his thighs.
I walked in slowly, and was shocked at what I saw. Albany was no longer in a hospital gown, but in clothes I've never seen her wear before and she was looking through her file. She looked at me when I shut the door, she grinned widely.
"Al? What are you doing? What--"
Realization hit me when she giggled softly.
She even had Al's giggle and dimples, oh my gosh.
"Hey Samantha." I breathed out.
It wasn't Albany, it was her twin sister. Damn, they are identical twins. It didn't even occur to me to look over at the bed, where I saw Albany tucked away and sleeping.
"You must be Sammy Wilkinson, right?"
I nodded slowly, how did she know?
"Albany talks about you, a lot." She smiled, she spoke like she had just read my mind.
Can like, twins do that? Do they have twin telepathy and can read people's minds?
"Is she your girlfriend?" She asked simply.
Not in a way of 'if shes not i will be', but more in a curious way.
Was she my girlfriend? We acted like it of course, but was she?
"Something like that."
Her sister turned towards the sleeping beauty on the bed and took a seat in the chair that I usually sit in.
"I came here to surprise her, but she was sleeping." She whispered.
"She's either sleeping or eating, she hasn't done much since Wednesday." I replied, sitting in the end of Al's bed.
"How long have you been here?" She asked, looking up at me.
"Since Wednesday afternoon, Albany practically begged me to go home, and to go to school this morning." I chuckled lightly.
Samantha looked at her twin sister for a second, it was like mirror image. I couldn't stop comparing the two of them in my mind, trying to pick out any differences in the two girls I could find.
"She's a real piece of work." Samantha said after a while.
"Yeah, a real piece of artwork. Have you seen her? Even her name sounds beautiful."

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