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"I can't believe 2013 is about to be over, it went by so fast." I told Sam over the phone as I looked through my closet.
"I know baby, and graduation is in May. Can you believe that?"
I shook my head although he couldn't see me.
"Where do you want to go for college? What did you get accepted into?"
"I don't know, I got into a couple like Michigan and Miami, but I'm not sure if I really want to go to college."
"Why not? They probably have good basketball teams."
"I've been getting into music lately, and I think that's something I want to do."
"Well, whatever path you go on, i'll be with you through every step." I smiled.
I could invision the cute smile on his face as his cheeks go red and he chuckled from the other end, "I'm glad I have you. I love you so much, princess."
"I love you too, Sam."
"Party's at eight, right?"
"Mhm, i'm about to go take a shower."
"Alright babygirl, I'll see you in a half hour then. Love you."
"Love you too."
"Wear something tight."
"Samuel!" I scolded and heard him laugh which made me grin.
"I'm kidding, bye."
"Bye goofball."
I hung up my phone and grabbed something to wear for tonight's Mew Year's Eve party. It was at my Aunt's house this year, and she let Vince & I invite our friends. Along with them, my sister and mother were attending the party, the should be here any minute actually. I quickly turned on the shower on purpose as I heard the door bell ring, I didn't want to see my mother right now. I hopped into the shower and washed my body along with my hair, taking some extra time to think about what I was going to say to my mom, I haven't seen her since I moved and the last time I talked to her was that one night I went out with Sammy for dinner. After taking a while, I got out and put on my outfit for the night. It consisted of a cream colored sweater, leggings and converse.
The door bell rang again, and this time I heard the Winkinson's voices: Sam, Ben, Emily, and Annie. I had met Ben and Annie in person two weeks ago after Sam's brithday, and we got along very well.
After I blow dried and straighten my hair, I made my way down stairs. I found Sam in the kitchen talking to my aunt, his back was to me. He had a bottle of Stewart's Cream Soda in his hand, I knew he loved those things. I walked up behind him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked down with a smile when he saw him.
"Do you know where I could get one of those?" I pointed to the glass bottle.
"Not sure, come here often?"
I shrugged and took the bottle out of his hands, taking a sip as he gasped at me.
"Is that a ligit question?" I smiled, licking my lips.
He nodded with a cheesy grin.
"I live here. Who are you?"
"Wilk, Sammy Wilk. But you can call me anytime."
I laughed, this was just like the very first time I met him, what a cocky jerk he was. I loved it.
"I won't be calling you anything." I winked.
He threw his head back in laughter and took his drink back before grabbing my hip and placing a kiss on my lips.
"You look so cute tonight." He complimented.
"Why thank you, Sammy Wilk." I smiled.
"Are the Jacks here yet?" I asked.
He shook his head, "They said they're coming late."
I nodded and at that moment someone hollered my name. I turned around and saw Emily pushing past Vince's friends with Annie trailing behind her.
"I missed you! I haven't seen you since the Formal!" She exclaimed, giving me a tight hug.
"I missed you too, Em. Hi Annie." I smiled.
"Hi cutie." She giggled, bringing me in for a hug also.
"Is that who I think it is?" I heard someone say from behind them.
Ben joined in on the conversation, giving me a hug and a messing up my precious hair.
Sam's siblings welcomed me with open arms when we offically all met, and when Sam told them how their parents reaction, they were totally disappointed, ashamed and embarassed that they acted such a way.
We started a conversation about college and school, and then someone from behind me cleared their throat. Everyone around me stopped talking, and I turned to see who it was.
My stomach twisted and my head swirled with crazy thoughts as I saw my mother standing in front of me.
"Hello mom." I greeted, not to harshly.
"Albany." She responded, crossing her arms.
I glanced over at Sam who was looking at my mother the same way he looked at his parents a few weeks ago. I gulped and became the better person, taking a step forward and giving me a very light hug.
"Sammy, this is my mom. Mother, this is my boyfriend, Sam."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Whittmore." Sammy said after the awkward second of silence.
"It's McCall now, but hi Sam." She teplied, shaking his hand.
Sammy looked nervouse a little bit, so I decided to take over.
"How are you?" I asked, people started to engage into side conversations again.
"I'm well, lots of traveling for work. Very tiring and stressful. What about you?"
"I've been doing fine. School is going to be over in May and I have to pick a college soon."
"Where have you been acepted to?"
I couldn't believe my mother and I were having a civil conversation, no bitchiness invovled.
"San Diego, West Virginia, Omaha, and Maryland. Hoping for the dream school." I stated, biting the inside of my cheek.
"NYU," she sighed, "That's nice to hear. What about work wise?"
"I started a job at a music store about a month ago."
She nodded as if she were approving it or something, she was so up-tight and posh. It erks me.
"Is Samantha here?"
My mother nodded, "I believe she's in the bathroom."
I nodded and looked around before seeing Vince's friends Nash and Matt enter the house.
"Well, we'll resume this conversation afterward. See you later." I could have sworn I almost saw her smile as she brushed past me to enter the kitchen.
Sam had left the room when I started talking to my mom, so I assumed he was in the living room with all of our friends.
I walked over to Matt and Nash who were standing at the door.
"Hey boys." I smiled, greeting them.
"Hey Al, where is everyone?" Nash questioned.
"Living room, the food and drinks are in the kitchen." I smiled.
They both smiled back and made their way to our group of friends.
"Albany!" I spotted my sister running down the hallway before I went into the living room.
"Hey sissy." I giggled, giving her a big hug.
"Introduce me to your friends." She whispered, looking over at Matthew and Nash.
After the two boys took a seat, they looked at us as if their were two of us.
Get it? Because we're twins? No? Okay.
I mentally laughed at how stupid I was and actually laughed out loud at their expressions.
"Are we going crazy or...?" Matt said, wiggling his finger between the two of us.
"Nash, Matt, this is my twin sister Samantha." I said, gripping my sister's shoulders.
Her cheeks turned a solid color of red as she let out a shy "hello". Matt patted the seat next to him, and she gladly sat down, immediately starting to talk to the two of them. She instantly had them laughing in a matter on minutes, telling them embarassimg stories about the two of us.

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