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-five days later, Wednesday-

"There's no better way to conclude this oral then with, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492." Jack smiled, wrapping up our oral report to the class.
Everyone clapped, including Ms. Smith. She was smiling like she was a proud mother or something.
"That was very well constructed and written, you two will definitely being ranging in the ninty's." She gushed.
"Thank you, Ms. Smith." I beamed, walking with Jack back to our desks.
We gave each other a little fist bump before seating down, everybody around us looked back, smiling and whispering 'good job!' Everybody but Sammy of course, he was slumped down into the chair next to mine, with his arms crossed and that stupid smirk on his face.
"You were so nervous, and like... horny or something." He whispered as the next pair of students began speaking.
"Sammy!" I whispered back harshly, "I was not!"
"Definitely were, I mean every time you looked at me you began to get all jittery. You were definitely thinking of me naked or fingering you."
I gasped, "No! Stop it, Sam. That's gross."
"Are you wet?"
He leaned over with his hand heading towards my thighs and I slapped it away, making him giggle.
"Stop this nonsense, you wierdo."
"I'm just sayin'. If you need something, just call me princess." He winked.
I scoffed, he was just flat out gross. And definitely still had the mind of a fourteen year old little boy.


It was funny to watch Al get so worked up over the words I whispered to her. She was so innocent and shy, these types of things were so foriegn to her.
I wonder if she's still a virgin.
Of course not, Sam. 99.7% of this school has already lost their virginity. There's no way.
Maybe I should ask her before making assumptions.
Then what? You'll ask to take her virginity? You've known her for a week and a half, she'll never let you.
I hate my concision, I wasn't going to have sex with her. Not yet atleast, but I'm just curious. Like, has anyone ever fingered her? Made her horny? Touched her? Felt her up?
I don't know why I was thinking of these things now, but I got a little bit annoyed at the thought of someone else pleasuring her. No one should, only me. Time doesn't matter, she's my girl and no one was going to take that away from me.
My mind wandered to the time where Mike grabbed her ass, my blood boiled just thinking of it. I knew I should've told her not to wear leggings, her butt looked so good in those pants. I knew it because her butt was so cute in general. Knowing he was seated in the front row of this class room, I wanted to get up and pound his face in some more, but he still had a pretty solid black eye from friday night's damage. Hopefully that told him to stay away.
The bell rang, making me come out of my thoughts.
"More orals will be presented tomorrow, be prepared!" The teacher's annoying voice said.
I got up and Al seemed to squeeze her small body in front of me. Out of habit, I glanced down and caught a glimpse of her ass, and sure enough she was wearing those damn black pants. God, it was so hot.
"Let's go out tonight." I leaned down and whispered in her eye.
She was so short compared to me, I took a liking in her height.
"Why?" She said shyly, pushing her hair behind her ear.
My eyes scanned the many piercings that traveled up her ear and cartlage, that was hot and cute at the same time.
"Because I want to take my girl out." I grinned and she rolled her big blue eyes.
"We'll see. If I have time."
"You'll always have time for me, princess."
Both of my hands grabbed her butt and squeezed it, making her squeal and pull her sweatshirt over her bottom more. She was so beautiful and she made me feel this thing I've never really felt before. But I don't want to get too into it, I don't know what it is and don't know how long it'll last.



After taking a shower when I got home, Sam had convinced me to go Friendly's with him. It was such a kiddy place, I didn't think he would be into that.
As I was getting ready, my Mac rang, signaling I was getting a Facetime call. I accepted it and my sister's face popped up on the screen.
"Ally!" She beamed, making me cringe.
I hated when people called me Ally.
"Hey Samantha."
"What's going on baby?"
"Nothing much, just getting ready to go out."
"With who?"
"Is it a boy?"
"It's a boy."
"Just help me, hair up or down?"
I showed her my outfit and she thought.
"Down, add that spikey beanie." She pointed through the camera and towards my desk, where my favorite beanie was.
I picked it up and put it on my head.
"Now, just put on some light lip gloss and mascara. You'll be good to go!" She beamed.
I did as she said and I was done.
"What's his name?" She asked.
"Sam." I giggled softly.
"Is he cute?"
"I mean, I think so."
"Lemme see."
I took my phone and scrolled through it, trying to find a decent picture. I spotted one we had taken from over the weekend, I was sleeping with my head on his chest and he was smiling and showing his deep dimples to the camera. I brought it to my laptop's camera and my sister waited for the screen to adjust.
"He looks like a fuckboy, but he's hot."
I through my head back and laughed out loud.
"Supposely he is, but nothing bad has happened yet, thank god."
"Well have fun, love you." Samantha smiled.
"Love you too."
She ended the call and that's when my actual phone rang, it was Sammy.
"Hey, i'm outside. I didn't want to ring the bell because I didn't know if Vince was around."
I shook my head although he couldn't see me, "Nope. He went out with Jack Johnson i think."
"Well then, come on out!"
I giggled and ended the call before running down stairs and outside. I skipped to Sam's car like a little girl and got inside.
His eyes traveled down to my legs and he sighed, "I told you not to wear those pants."
"Oops!" I said sarcastically.
He sent me a fake glare and placed his hand on my thigh, swirling his finger around on my leggings.
"These are soft, I like them."
"You can buy me some, size small at Victoria Secret." I joked.
He didn't respond, but just smirked.
"My sister called me before." I spoke randomly.
"That's nice, what about your mom?"
I shook my head, "I haven't heard from her since Sunday."
Sammy chose to stay quiet again, still playing with my pants.
We finally pulled into Friendly's and went inside, it was packed. We waited ten minutes until we were seated at a booth.
"Call her." He suggested after a while.
I shook my head again, "Not now. It's rude. Maybe tomorrow night."
"Just call her, Albany."
I sighed and contemplated on calling her at the moment while we ordered our food. The waitress looked at us oddly, what's wrong with two teenagers eating at this joint?
Sam reached across the table and took my phone. He knew the password somehow and unlocked it, then I watched him tap away and hand me my phone back. It was ringing and calling my mom.
I pressed it to my ear and heard her sweet voice.
"Yeah mom, it's me."
"What a surprise, how are you?"
She was being sarcastic & acting like she cared, making me want to hang up.
"I'm okay, you?"
"I'm doing great. How's school?"
"Good, I made it on the soccer team and made a few friends."
"That's nice, dear."
No one spoke for a moment.
"Mom? Why didn't you call me?" I put my free hand in between my legs out of habit as I waited for her to answer.
"I did, Al. On Friday, Aunt Nikki said you went out to a basketball game. I didn't know you were into basketball."
"I went to support my friends." I looked up at Sam who knew I was talking about the game.
"What friends?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat and scratched my forehead.
"Vince and my friends, mom."
"So do you have a boyfriend?" She asked out of the blue.
"Nope, i'm still single. And i'll probably be for the rest of my life." I mumbled the last part into the phone, hoping Sammy wouldn't hear it.
"Well that's on you."
What is up with her today? Is she on her period? I think she is.
"You know what? I'm busy, bye."
I pulled my cell phone away from my ear and pressed the 'end' button multiple times before she could even say goodbye.
"Why will you be single for the rest of your life?" Sam questioned.
"U-Um, don't worry about it."
"Tell me."
"Because I moved here."
He gave me a look, "Why did you move here?"
Should I tell him? I almost told Gilinsky last week. Maybe I shouldn't. Knowing him, he'll go tell the whole school and i'll have to move again.
"Sam I don't really want to-"
"Just tell me, please." He begged.
"You'll think of me differently."
"I won't, i promise."
I bit the inside of my cheek and let out a breath, well here goes nothing.
"Last year, I had a boyfriend. I was infatuated with him, and I thought the feeling was mutually. One night, we were sitting in my room and just talking about our feelings. He asked me to have sex with him, keep in mind we were only sixteen. He tried pressuring me to do it with him, but I stood my ground and kept saying no. I wanted to, but we were too young and I didn't want something to go wrong. Plus, it wasn't the right time, you know? So, he got mad. Really mad. He flipped out on me and cursed me out before leaving. That night, he sent pictures of me, that i didn't realized he saved, around to his perverted friends and my life was ruined."
Sam started to choke and his eyes widened, shocked that I would do such a thing like that, and have it bite me in the ass.
"Since it was only the end of December, I was forced to finish school wheather I liked it or not, and then over the summer my mom planned for me to move here. My mom was ashamed of me and still am, and my sister ocasionally still gets shit for it. People still tell her, 'Samantha, are you a slut just like your sister? Send me your nudes!' It sucks because I ruined her life, too." Sam didn't say anything but he just stared at me as a single tear rolled down my cheek.
"If that's all you wanted to know since the beginning, then go. Run off and tell everyone the one thing I've been trying to avoid since I got here; why I moved to Omaha in the first place."
Sam leaned on the table, making sure I heard his next words clearly, "If you honestly think i'm going to leave you, you thought wrong. I won't, I promise."


this is much shorter than I usually write, but it was a bit of a filler. The only major part was that you learned why Albany moved to Nebraska. Oh, and I have no idea why I did that jurastic time jump in the beginning, I just figured it would pass time lmfao.

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