Part 2: "Yes, Fine, Now Go Away"

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A week later I'm shelving some books in the Non-Fiction section at the bookstore when Lisa comes behind me, making me jump.

She cackles. "You're always so jumpy. You should never star in a horror movie."

"I'll keep it in mind, thanks."

She pops her gum and plays with her pink curly hair. "I'm so freaking bored right now. Even the sexy books aren't doing it for me anymore."

"When are you not bored?"

She shrugs. "When there's gossip. Tell me something sexy."

I laugh at my friend's ridiculously evil face. "There's nothing sexy about my life. I work, I go home, then work again and go home again."

"Didn't you go somewhere on Saturday? Everyone does!"

I shrug.

"Oh my god, did you? Let me guess, Sam dragged you out, kicking and screaming."

"I went willingly this time."

"Uh-huh, so where did he take you? A sex club, a kinky dungeon, where?"

"Shut up, we didn't go anywhere like that, it was a classy event on a yacht and everyone was fancy and respectful." I kind of snort toward the end, at the respectful part, but cover it in a fake cough.

"Uh-huh, I'd believe you if you weren't blushing, honey."

I hate that my skin always betrays my feelings. It's so annoying, like I'm some kind of blushing virgin in a historical romance novel, and it's not pretty either since it blushes in ugly red splotches.

"It was just a party with guys who met other guys, okay?"

"Like gay speed dating?"

"Something like that," I say, hoping she would leave me alone already.

"So who did you meet?"

"Just some guys, no one serious."

"Oh my god, you met someone! Tell me everything!"

That's when the little bell rings, indicating the arrival of a new customer. Our bookstore is very small and I can see from here that it's someone big and–

Oh god.

I hide behind the book cart. Lisa, the witch, giggles and joins me quickly. "Who are we hiding from?"

"Go to the counter, for god's sake, do your job."

"Uh-huh," she says dryly and goes to the front, where I can hear the man I never wanted to see again ask for a specific book.

Unfortunately for me, it's in my section. Crap! Slowly, I try to move away together with the cart, which probably looks ridiculous, like the cart is moving by itself, but I don't care. I manage a few steps, then my luck expires and I fall on my ass ungracefully, groaning.

Jaxson towers over me, his lips twitching. "Do you always hide from customers, or am I just special?"

I get up, refusing to let him help me. "You're not special. I was trying to sort something and fell. It's an everyday occurrence."

"Ah," he says.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is a bookstore, is it not? I needed a book."

"Which book?"

"The Management of Business by James Solkien."

I frown, thinking, and yes, we have it, so I go back to Non-Fiction and find it in three seconds flat, then hand it to him. "There, anything else?"

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