Part 3: "Are You Sniffing Me?"

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When my phone buzzes exactly an hour later, it's Jaxson informing me he's waiting out front. Not that I know how he found my address, although if you have billions, then maybe you can afford a private detective or some hacker who can dox pretty much anyone. Jesus, that's shady as shit.

Trying not to think about it, I grimace at Sam, who laughs and wishes me good luck, still sighing like a damsel from one of those period movies.

Aaand there's a limo in front of my building.

A freaking limo. God, why.

Some neat guy in a suit greets me and opens my door, and inside I see Jaxson sprawled comfortably, smiling smugly.

I sit down on the soft leather and say, "If you think this is going to impress me, then your PI hasn't done a very good job with his research."

"My what?" he says, frowning.

"Nothing," I mutter. "So where are we going?"

He leans uncomfortably close to my face and takes a whiff.

"Are you sniffing me?" I ask.

He leans away and shrugs. "I have my things. And to answer your question, it's a surprise, and good boys don't ask questions."

"I've never been, nor will I ever be a good boy, you know."

His lip twitches. "Oh I know."

I try to get comfortable while the car drives away smoothly, no bumps or anything. Jaxson pours champagne in two glasses and hands me one. He toasts, "To our first date."

"To our only date," I mutter and drink.

His frown deepens and he looks away, sighing. So we stay silent for the rest of the ride, until the car stops and I am let out by the driver.

I know where we are. It's The Terrace, the most sought after venue and most difficult to get into. It's like a sky bar, but covered by a see-through glass dome, so even if you're not outside, you can still see the night sky and the stars.

Very romantic.

Great, my first very romantic date will be with Daddy Harem. Just perfect.

Speaking of who, Jaxson comes out of the limo, frowns at me, shakes his head, and plows ahead, not even waiting for me. I hurry to catch up with him, annoyed beyond reasonable measure. We go into the elevator, standing at a distance, not looking at each other, and the whole thing is so funny, I almost laugh.

I purse my lips.

"What are you doing?" he grunts.

I look at the mirror, and he's looking at me.


"You're laughing. What's so funny?"

I can't take it anymore, I burst out laughing like an idiot. The more he glares, the funnier it becomes, and by the time the elevator doors open, I am probably red, crying from manic laughter. Jaxson clearly doesn't like it because he grunts his name when the hostess greets us, and the poor girl's eyes go wide, as she murmurs a quick welcome and takes us to our table.


I try to calm my shit, even though this is the beginning of a very funny romcom, except this is real life and there will be no happy ever after.

Still frowning, he seats himself and looks into the menu, clearly angry with my outburst earlier, but I refuse to apologize for laughing. It's freaking funny. Instead of bending myself out of shape about this, I seat myself, open the menu and look at the options.

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