Part 17.1: "What?"

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Jaxson doesn't understand the concept of 'no contract', so I agree to draft a new one, as long as I get to add stuff to it. The first thing I want to add is the clause that there's no longer need for payment, to which Jaxson amends that he can pay for things 'as needed' instead of depositing money into my account.

Fine, I give him that one.

The next thing I insist on is that it's an open contract with no deadline because the whole six months makes me anxious, like I have some kind of dark cloud hovering over my head. Jaxson agrees easily.

Too easily.

Jaxson also writes in the word 'boyfriends' without me having to suggest it, which I think is very sweet of him. I'm still his boy/baby, but I'm also his boyfriend, which means we're more on equal footing, which means we need to share things, not just share our nights together, but our lives as well.

I still can't believe this is happening. I'm Jaxson Clear's boyfriend.

Well, to me he's just Jaxson, or Daddy, but still.

He completely removes the parts about no kissing and sleeping in different beds and spending three nights together. It's amazing how much he has changed for me, which I really appreciate now that I can see it written in black and white.

"I think you should move in," he says casually as we're amending the contract, "then you wouldn't have to commute so much."

"What?" I gape at him, not believing that he said something so huge, like it was him deciding on what cookie to get with his coffee.

"What? We'll be able to spend more time together that way."

I shake my head and try to calm down my hummingbird heart. "Jaxson, I need my place, okay? I need my space."

He sighs, like it's some kind of inconvenience. "Fine, but you'll see in time that this is the practical thing to do."

Yes, practical, that's what I want. Practical, not romantic.

I have to stare at Jaxson and wonder if he'll ever see things from my perspective, but then I decide that maybe it doesn't matter. If this is the best he can do, I'll take him as he is. After all, he accepts me as I am, so.

"While you're at it, you should add 'no throwing a jealous fit because someone's flirting with my boyfriend'," I tell him cheekily.

"That will go both ways, you know?" he says, smirking, knowing full well he wasn't the only one who threw a jealous fit.

I sigh. "Fine, don't add that."

Once we agree on all points, we are ready to sign and go back to things as they were before, but hopefully, better, now that we're finally on the same page. Well, as much as we can be on the same page, seeing as Jaxson's idea of romance is to amend the contract and my ideas are more traditional.

Whatever, this can work. We can make it work.

Meanwhile, Julian insists that we're together because of him, which means that we owe him our first born child. Jaxson says we can name our dog after him.

Watching Jaxson eat cereal and joke around feels good, like we're finally where we're supposed to be. I hope we can sustain this because if we break up one more time, I don't know if my heart will be able to take it.

I'm starting to fall in love with him.

Just a quick one before a longer one

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Just a quick one before a longer one. ;)

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