Part 4.2: "I Don't Want to Hear It!"

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Sam has been skimming the Contract for the last five minutes, nodding from time to time, then smirking. There has been no frowning or wide eyes, so I assume it can't be that bad. There were parts that confused me and parts that made me really hot, but nothing that was too out there, I guess.

"So?" I ask.

He looks up. "It's a regular Daddy/baby contract. It's all good. But I have to say, that money is crazy. I would give anything to be you right now."

I shrug. "It's just like a thousand dollars a month, though. I mean it's kind of like a part-time job."

Sam laughs. "Uhh, no, babe, it's 10,000 a month."


"That's your allowance. Some of it will go toward stuff you need, like fancy clothes, but most of it is clean money."

"You're kidding."

"The most I ever got was half that. Seriously, you're crazy lucky."

I feel weird about being paid for sex, even if it's with the hottest man alive, but really, I should just swallow my pride and accept it. After all, it's something Jaxson has done with other boys, it's no big deal.

"Wait, how can Jaxson afford to pay so much when he has a harem?"

Sam laughs. "You're so crazy, I love it. Listen, Sugar Daddies are specific about their relationships, okay? They have boys and they have toys. Boys are the ones they keep, the ones they lavish with presents and take on trips. The toys are just for sex and occasional presents, nothing more. I bet Jaxson has only a couple of boys and a whole slew of toys ready to jump at his bidding. The boys are the lucky ones, the toys are just there for filling. Everyone wants to be a boy, but some of us are happy to be toys sometimes, if the Daddy is hot enough."

I slump in the sofa. "Wow."

"Oh my gooooooood," he squeals, "you're going to be the Sugar Baby of the hottest Sugar Daddy in the freaking world, and you're going to be the only one! I can't even believe someone would agree to that."

"Me neither."

"I mean, he's going to be your only Daddy too, which means you won't be able to have any more Daddies, which is kinda sad."

I snort. "I'll survive."

Sam shakes his head like we speak a different language. "Babe, you're so strange, I swear, but I guess congratulations are in order. How did you even get him to agree to all this? Are you sure you didn't have sex?"

"We haven't," I say. "He just... I don't know, he's very determined."

Sam nods and looks at the contract. "It says here there won't be just sex, but dates as well, which is listed under your name of course, and under his name there are a bunch of tasty things that I'm starting to salivate thinking about. Are you sure you're okay with all that stuff?"

My skin feels hot again. I did read all the sexy things Sam mentioned, and yes, I think I am good with most of those things. "I'm fine with it."

"Good. Wow, this is so cool. My roommate is Jaxson Clear's baby. I am so jealous right now, but because it's you, I'll try to tone it down."

"I haven't signed yet," I remind him.

Sam rolls his eyes. "If you don't do this, I will seriously think there's something wrong with you. Isn't it so sweet that he's giving you what you want? I mean, no Daddy I ever slept with gave me exclusivity rights."

"Don't some people do it, though?"

"Not anyone I know," Sam says.

Jesus, so it really is a big deal, especially for someone who can have anyone, and everyone at once.

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