Part 4.1: "This Can't Be Legal"

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It's Friday afternoon and I'm looking at a Life Coach Certification program online, which might be the solution to all of my problems... if I had the money. It costs 2000+ dollars to just go through the course and get the certification, but if I can do that, then maybe I can start my own practice.

But where am I going to practice it? Supposedly online. How are people going to find me? I'll have to learn marketing and make a website. Great.

This sounds like a headache waiting to happen.

I spend a few long hours looking for cheaper alternatives, but fail.

Meanwhile, my brain stubbornly thinks back on my date with Jaxson. He's no gentleman, but he has such a nice smile and solid body. He's handsome as the devil, too, which is probably why he's so popular with the babies, not to mention, the whole being richer than Elon Musk thing. But it's not those things that attract me to him. When he's close to me, I can smell him and feel his presence, this heavy magnetic pull that drags me toward him and shocks my system.

When he looks at me so intensely, I feel getting hot all over and I've never had such an embarrassing physical reaction to anyone. Usually, I just think someone is cute or hot and maybe have a conversation or go on a date and figure out they're dumb or boring or whatever, and I never see them again.

Case closed.

I know I'm picky, but whatever. It's my love life.

Jaxson though, doesn't fit into any categories. We'll never be friends, never be boyfriends, and I don't think I can do the whole casual sex thing. Not that we'll get that far, since he'll always have his boys.


It's already dark outside, Sam has long gone to see his new Daddy, and when my phone rings, it's 11 pm at night. Jesus, who calls at this time?

Jaxson. Oh god. Oh no.

I pick up despite knowing it's a really bad idea. "Hey."

"Hello, baby? Shit, leave me alone, I said."

Oh my god, what?

"Baby, are you there? Fuck, I mean Remy. What do they put in those damn cocktails, Julian?" he grunts. "Shit, what was I saying?"


"Right, yes, I'm calling to say I have prepared a contract for you. All of your concerns have been dealt with." Pause. "Julian, did you send it to Remy?"

Oh my god, what? "Uhh, Jaxson?"

"Yes, baby, what? Did you get my contract? Everything's in there."

I'm stumped. What concerns? What contract? "Jaxson," I say firmly. "You're drunk. We talked about this, remember? We decided we want different things."

"What? No, I don't remember such a conversation. You were laughing, then we had dinner, then you told me what you wanted, and even though you're being a ridiculous brat, I've decided to give it to you."

"Give me... what?"

"You said you want to be my only boy, correct? Read the contract, that's in there. For the next six months, I'm all yours, baby."

God, he sounds so drunk. This can't be legal. "Jaxson, maybe we should talk about this when you're sober?"

"Don't be absurd, what does alcohol have to do with anything? Julian helped me, by the way. Say hi, Julian."

"Hi," Julian says in the phone, laughing. "Listen, Remy, Jax is a bit drunk right now, but he did write the contract when he was sober, I promise."

Jesus. "Umm, okay..."

"Give me back my angel," someone gruffs. "Remy, are you still there?"

Oh my god, what's happening? "Yes..."

"You don't have to worry about anything, baby, Daddy's going to take care of you. You just have to sign the contract, okay, Remy?"

Jesus, it's getting hot in here. "Umm..."

"Don't tell me you have more conditions. I spent a week of my life thinking this through and I'm not looking forward to another week, Remy."

Wow. "Uhh, well..."

"This is what you wanted, correct?"

"Yes, but – "

"No buts. I've given you what you want. Now, are you going to give me what I want, or am I going to have to jump through more ridiculous hoops?"

He's right. He is giving me what I want.

"Okay," I say softly. "I'll look over the contract and we'll talk later."

There's a sigh, then Jaxson's voice goes really low and sultry. "I can't wait to touch you, baby, you'll see, Daddy's going to bring you so much pleasure. He can't wait to touch his little boy and make him come."


Feeling hot all over, I whisper, "Okay. Um, thanks for the call."

"Sweet dreams, baby," he says and hangs up.

Wow, did that really just happen? Jaxson got drunk and called me to say he has a new contract for me. After a week of no news, I decided he'd gone back to his boys, but apparently, he'd been trying to work this out?

Wait, where the fuck is the contract?

I open my personal email, but there's nothing, and then I remember the bookstore gave me a work email, which I never open, so I open it now and there's an email from Jaxson Clear with a file attached.

The contract.

I open it quickly and start reading right away. There's twelve pages.

So what did you think? Why was Jaxson drunk?

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So what did you think? Why was Jaxson drunk?

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