Part 8: "You Should Probably Know"

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Disclaimer: This chapter is very steamy. You've been warned. :D

Jaxson says the club is called KinkWorld because it doesn't judge or discriminate between kinks, and he says he'll show me something next time. I want to see now, but Daddy insists that it's time to go home to play.

Play. Right.

The limo's outside, waiting for us, and as soon as we go inside, Jaxson lays me down on the leather and hovers over me, kissing my mouth, my neck, touching me under the tank top. I moan loudly, then bite my lip.

"Don't do that," Jaxson growls. "Daddy wants to hear your sounds."


"Good boy," he says as he unzips my jeans and pulls then down. He palms my hard dick through my boxers. "Mmm, I'm going to have to get you new underwear, baby. This won't do."

"What?" I ask, then moan. He's rubbing my dick and even through the fabric, I'm leaking and writhing against his hand. "Ngh, Daddy."

"Almost home, baby. Daddy's waited a long fucking time to take his boy."

"Oh fuck," I mutter, panting.

I wonder if I should tell Daddy the truth about... well, about me. Maybe Daddies don't like that sort of thing? If that's the case, maybe I should keep silent. But if I don't tell him and he gets mad... shit. This is crazy.

The car pulls up, we get out, and Jaxson picks me up, toddler style. I wrap my arms and legs around him as he carries me and squeezes my ass. Fuck, this feels so good. The moment we get inside the house, he presses me against a wall and kisses me thoroughly, making me wonder why he couldn't kiss me before, but it was okay now. Jaxson is such a collection of oxymorons.

"Daddy," I whisper between kisses. "I want your cock, Daddy."

"Fuck, baby," he curses and carries me over to the bedroom, where he lays me down on the bed and proceeds to undress me, very slowly. I'm propped up on my elbows as I watch him get this dark glint in his eye and pull down my jeans, not breaking eye contact. My eyes go wide at how feral he looks, like he's going to fucking ravish me right here, right now. My breathing becomes erratic and my heart's going to jump out of my chest any minute.

I feel like prey waiting to be devoured by a wild animal.

"Daddy," I croak. "Please."

He kisses my knee, the inside of my thigh, and he presses his nose against my boxers, where my dick is, and he takes a whiff, smiling darkly.

"What do you want, baby?" he says. "Tell Daddy what you want him to do to you."

God, I can't think.

Oh so slowly, he pulls down my boxers to reveal my hard, leaking dick, and I wonder at his composure. I've never been with someone who wanted to take his time with me. This is almost painful.

"Daddy, I want..."

He kisses my shaft, then licks up to my cockhead.

"Oh shit," I moan.

He continues to lick, with his eyes closed, and hums as he licks, nips, and even bites me a little. My balls, my taint, the shaft. Then he licks around the head, over the slit, and without warning, he sucks the head into his mouth, hard.


He hums around my dick, sending vibrations up and down my spine, and I find myself falling back on the bed, unable to watch the erotic show because my body is slowly turning boneless. As Jaxson continues his ministrations, licking, sucking, bobbing, and I feel like I'm so close, I can almost –

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