Part 13: "He Was F*cking Touching You"

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Author's Note: I somehow forgot to update the story this Wednesday. Sorry! But hopefully this steamy chapter will make up for it. Also, don't forget your smutty glasses.

"Hey Sam?" I ask from inside my room. I'm looking for something to wear since Daddy hasn't sent me anything and I want to wear something of mine for a change. "It's okay if Jaxson comes, right?"

I hear a thud, then a curse, then Sam's head pops into my room, gawking. "Did you just say Jaxson Clear is coming to the party?"

I roll my eyes. "Stop saying his whole name like that. And yes."

"Oh my god, this is... I don't even have the words, babe," he says and plops on my bed, still kind of dazed. "Lucian is going to freak."


"He's an old friend from college, who moved away after he graduated. He's back in town for a while and we're celebrating with some friends and wine."

"It's not going to be some kind of frat party, right?"

He laughs. "Uhh, no, Lucian has always been kind of preppy, so I imagine it's going to be a tasteful wine and cheese and good conversation."

"Okay," I say, relieved that I'm not taking Jaxson to a college party.

The buzzer breaks up our conversation, and sure enough, my phone says it's time to motor, but I'm not ready! Gaaaah.

"Shit," I curse and buzz Jaxson up.

He lets himself in and frowns at me. "You're not ready?"

Sam snorts.

I stare at Jaxson who is wearing a simple button down shirt that accentuates his muscles and simple jeans, and I wonder how I've never seen him so casual before. God, he looks good enough to eat, really.

I lick my lips and just because I can, I go over to him and kiss him.

He pulls me into him and ravishes my mouth, making groaning sounds and getting hard in his jeans, which wasn't really my intention.

"Fuck," I pant. "I should finish getting ready."

"Or we can finish this in your room," he grunts, pawing at me.

"You talk to Sam while I get ready," I tell him firmly and close the door, so I can focus. There's talking outside and laughing, and I hope those two can be civil with each other and that Sam is not embarrassing me.

When I emerge, they're both smiling, so I feel more relaxed.

He takes one look at me – the ..., the..., and the eyeliner I added at the last minute, and he attacks me again, this time pressing me against a wall. He always finds some wall to press me against, this is getting ridiculous.

"Jaxson," I pant while he's sucking on my neck, probably leaving a mark. "We have to go. The party, remember?"

He grumbles, "Fine, but later tonight, you're all mine, got it?"

"Yes, Daddy," I say, biting my lip and looking at him from under my lashes, and he squints at me and groans because he knows I'm teasing him.

He smacks my ass. "Brat."

I laugh, then turn to Sam, who watches us with wide eyes.

"Are we going or what?" I ask.

Sam nods mutely and we leave the apartment behind, to find ourselves in front of Jaxson's less conspicuous car and Stanley waiting inside. Sam sits in the front, while Jaxson pretty much mauls me in the back. I keep telling him we have to stop, that I can't go to the party looking like I've been snacked on by a giant leech, but he ignores me and mutters that it's so much better when we're in an enclosed space, where there's nowhere for me to run or hide.

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