Part 21: "You're Crazy"

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Disclaimer: Last chapter! Eek.

It's the end of summer. The days are getting shorter and colder, and the animals are noticing. They're not angry, though, they're used to the seasons spilling into one another. Unlike us, they welcome change.

It's one particularly chilly day when I hear some kind of commotion over at the gate, where the farm exits out into the dirt road. I go to see what's happening, and I am shocked to see a fancy Brand parked there, and Uncle Billy talking firmly to come stranger who –

Shit, it's not a stranger. Oh fuck. Oh no.

Never, not in a million years would I have expected to see Jaxson Clear on a farm. With his thousand dollar suit and Brand watch.

I didn't even think he would try to find me, let alone succeed! Here I was, working really hard on getting over him and the bastard just shows up!

The gall!

Taking a deep breath and steeling myself for anything, I go over there and tell Uncle Billy that I know him. Billy relaxes because he probably thought this was some guy who wanted to buy his land or something.

Uncle Billy goes back to his day-to-day while I am stuck with Jaxson Clear, at the exit to the dirt road. There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

"Hello," he says, taking off his dark glasses. He seems to be good, at least, not angry, he actually looks healthy, which probably means my decision was right for him. Why is he here, though? To gloat?

"Hi," I say.

"So this is what you've been doing? Farming chickens and pigs?"

"Yes actually. It's fun, you should try it."

"I'll take your word for it," he says, shaking his head, giving me his usual exasperated smirk. It's almost like it's always been, but it's just not the same. I don't feel like I know him anymore, and probably, he doesn't know me anymore either. "Could I have a water or something?" he asks.

I frown. Blink. "Oh. Yeah." And I lead him to my little slice of heaven, taking out two bottled waters, maybe having it in my hand would help with the nerves. "So what is Jaxson Clear doing on a farm? Are you going agricultural?"

He laughs. "Yes, you got me."

Shaking my head, I relax and take a sip of water. This isn't so bad.

"Look, Remy, I want to talk to you."

Oh, shit. "Is that a good idea?"

He nods thoughtfully. "I think so, yes. I have some things to say to you, and since I listened to you the last time we spoke, I would like you to extend me the same courtesy."

I almost miss the way he always sounds so formal. "All right."

We sit on two chairs facing each other, and I wonder what he could possibly say that we haven't already said to each other.

He begins, "You were right about everything. At the hospital, you said that we're different, like night and day, and that we shouldn't try to change each other. You said that..." He takes a deep breath. "...that I did as I found fit, and I honestly hadn't realized I was doing it, until I realized you were right. I've always been on my own, so letting another person in was a challenge for me."

"I understand," I say honestly.

He looks away for a moment, out the window, into the sunset, which is already turning a bit pink, and he smiles. "I hated what you did that day, but eventually, I saw it for what it was – a gift. You've given me many gifts, Remy, and your honesty was only one of them. You were right that I wasn't ready to face, let alone, say the words, and you were right to walk away."

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