Part 6: "Thank You, Daddy"

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Disclaimer: Get ready for some steamy scenes. If you don't like those, cover one of your eyes or get one of those smutty glasses that blur things. :D

In the morning, I lay in the comfortable bed and wondered if this experiment was over. Maybe Jaxson woke up and decided to get a boy who wouldn't fight him every step of the way. I'm not being difficult on purpose, I just don't understand why he won't kiss me, or sleep with me. These are things I always took for granted and now that I'm in a sort of relationship, I thought they'd be added to the package. Except this isn't a normal relationship.

Maybe every Daddy does this, maybe I'm the one who's backwards.

Jesus, what a depressing thought.

Finally tired of thinking, I get up and go into the adjacent bathroom to clean up, then head downstairs to see what's what. If Jaxson wants me to leave, I will leave. It's going to suck, but I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

Better now than later anyway.

I find him making breakfast in the kitchen. He's making pancakes in boxers only, and it's hot as sin, but I have to stay sharp.

"Morning," I mumble.

"Good morning," he says, turning around to see me come into the kitchen. He's not exactly smiling, but he's not glaring either. "There's a coffee machine over there, just get whatever you like."

Of course there is.

I push the button for a latte and the big red monstrosity spits out some coffee and foam in a mug. It tastes delicious, so I close my eyes and hum. When I open them again, Jaxson is watching me curiously.

"What?" I ask.

He shrugs, going back to his pancakes.

I sit down to continue enjoying my coffee and wait for him to finish. In a few minutes, he's piled up enough pancakes to feed a small village. There's also syrup, Nutella, and a bunch of other things, but those are the ones I choose. I wait for him to sit down and then dig into the sweet goodness.


He clears his throat. "Can we save the sex sounds for later, dear?"

I snort. "Sure, sorry."

He laughs, actually laughs, shaking his head. He seems to be in a better mood than I'd expected. I thought he would be mad at me, but he just seems quiet and focused on eating, while he's also looking at me curiously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Can't I look at you?"

Frowning, I continue to eat, wondering if I have something on my face, but he stops the staring at least, so I finish eating and wait.

He frowns. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"For the love of – you're going to be the death of me," he grumps. "Why are you just sitting there, staring at me?"

"You're sitting there, staring at me!" I tell him.

He blows out yet another breath, like he's holding them hostage around me or something. It's kind of entertaining. Visibly trying to calm down, he wipes his mouth with a napkin and looks at me calmly.

"Are you done?" he asks.

"With breakfast or this conversation?"

"With breakfast."

"Oh, yes," I say, then start to clear out quickly. He watches me curiously again, watches my every movement, making me a little self-conscious, but whatever. I focus on clearing everything because he made breakfast after all.

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