Part 12: "Ridiculous Boy"

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Author's Note: Some steamy times ahead! :D

After our conversation, Jaxson basically grabs me and throws me on the sofa, and we end up having the most intense sex ever. Still no penetration, but there's rimming and blow jobs, and I end up sprawled, covered in cum, and exhausted. Daddy says he has to have his boy a lot today because I was naughty, and so we end up fucking pretty much that entire day, with some short breaks in between. There's some shower play, too, and we even make use of some of the new toys he bought for me.

Fuck, I am spent and happy.

We've had our dinner – chicken curry – and I go to clean up the mess on my bed, so I can get some sleep already.

Jaxson stops me, takes my hand, and leads me into another bedroom, where it smells like him. There's a huge abstract painting over his bedpost and a big mirror on the wall opposite. This room is much bigger than mine, with its own bathroom and a walk-in closet, the door slightly open.

I swallow nervously and look at Daddy for direction.

He kisses my head and leads me to the bed, where he lays me down and joins me, then pulls the duvet cover over us.

Wow. Okay.

"Daddy?" I whisper.

"Yes, baby?"

"Are we sleeping here?"

"Mhmm," he hums, trying to get comfortable on the bed, turning to his side, and I can see he's turned towards me, so I turn to my side to face him. It's dark and all I see are shadows. All I hear is breathing. I want to touch him, but I don't know if I'm allowed and this is his bedroom, his space.

I can't believe he let me in here.

"Remy, relax," he grunts, then kisses my lips briefly. "Just go to sleep, baby."

"Okay, Daddy," I whisper and get comfortable. I don't try to snuggle into him because I know he doesn't do that, but even just being here is amazing. He really did listen to me that night outside of the club.

My sleep is fitful because I keep feeling someone move. At one point I realize Jaxson has left the bed, and another time I feel him coming back. I'm attuned to him because this is his space, and I wonder if I'm preventing him from getting restful sleep, which would suck.

In the morning I find him making breakfast, as always, and when I greet him, he turns, smiling brightly. "Good morning, angel."

I cock my head. Someone's in a good mood. I sit on the dining table to have breakfast and Jaxson joins me, but instead of turning on the TV and watching the news, he just eats and smiles pleasantly. At one point I feel my face frowning, which causes his own smile to fade.

"Is something wrong?" he asks.

"No," I mumble. "Nothing's wrong."

"Then why do you look..." He pauses, looking for the word. "...thoughtful?"

"Did you sleep okay last night?"

He shrugs. "I slept as well as I can ever sleep."

"What does that mean?"

He sighs, putting down his fork, then wiping his mouth. "I don't normally sleep very well, which is why I avoid sleeping with someone else in the bed."


"Did you sleep well?" he asks, frowning. "Because if you didn't, then maybe we shouldn't sleep in the same bed after all."

"No," I lie. "I liked sleeping in the same bed, Daddy."

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