Part 5: "Daddy Can't Wait"

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Disclaimer: Put on your smut glasses because there will be some steamy stuff and sexy language in this chapter. Enjoy. :D

When I get the next text, I go downstairs to find the familiar limo waiting. The driver smiles warmly and opens the door, revealing a sexy Jaxson, wearing a nice navy suit that fits him to a tee. I've never seen him wear the same thing twice, he probably has a ton of different suits with small variations.

Something flashes in his eye and as soon as I sit across from him, he pulls me in his lap and whispers, "You look so sexy, baby, Daddy can't wait."

I feel hot all over again. Jesus. When is my skin going to stop doing that?

He kisses my neck slowly, sensually, while I just sit there, enjoying it. I lope my arms around him tightly, finally enjoying this amazing connection. From this day forward he's not allowed to touch anyone but me, and that's amazing. The fact that he's all mine makes me so hot that I end up wriggling in his lap, feeling his cock harden in his pants.

He groans. "Fuck, baby, we have to go somewhere first."

"Where?" I pant.

"It's this fucking thing I couldn't get out of," he grunts. "But I couldn't wait another night, Daddy has to have his boy soon."

"Ngh," I moan.

"Fuck, you're killing me," he says roughly, then picks me up and puts me down on the seat across from him. Smirking, he adjusts himself and I can see him trying to relax when the car stops and we've apparently reached our destination.

I blink, looking around, a bit dazed and probably pink in the face. I'd wanted him to kiss me, but I suppose there's plenty of time for that.

The driver lets us out to some fancy event in a museum-like building. There are women wearing ball gowns and men wearing white gloves.

"What is this?"

"Some stupid award thing," he whispers in my ear, making me shudder. "We just have to make an appearance, and then you're all mine."

Fuck, yes.

Okay, so I have to just shut up, pretend I belong there, and hope it doesn't take forever, right? How hard can it be?


Let's just say I feel like a monkey at the zoo. Everyone's staring at me and grimacing, like I'm going to throw shit their way. They smile politely of course, but I can hear them wondering what the fuck I'm doing here.

The speaker announces, "Most Innovative New Business Award goes to... Jaxson Clear for his incredible work at Cupid's Arrow!"

Jaxson grunts, then plasters on a fake smile, and goes to get his award. Jesus. It's some kind of rectangular modernistic monstrosity that will probably add to his collection. While he thanks the speaker and talks some shit into the microphone, I look around at some of the guys my age. I can tell they're either escorts or sugar babies like me. Everyone knows who we are – the nobody people who for some reason have caught the eye of someone rich and successful.

I feel weird about that.

One of the guys sends daggers my way, like I have personally accosted him, then he looks at Jaxson and sighs. I wonder if that's one of his previous boys. He appears to be tall and lean, skinny really, with elegant facial features, blond hair and light eyes. I suppose Jaxson has a type.

Just thinking about being one of many clobbers me again, but I can't think about it, not at the start of this thing. After all, I am getting what I want, right? I'll be able to pay for classes and everything. I can go a few months pretending to be Jaxson's boyfriend and then... well, then we'll move on I suppose.

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